Suddenly, hundreds of cosmic battleships appeared, all possessing the power of the upper emperor!

This is the foundation of Supreme's power!

Far from the Peak race!

Seeing so many powerhouses gathered together, some big Imperial Capital couldn't help but marvel that so many gods and emperors came together and the bursting power was enough to threaten them, even kill them!

After all the powerhouses were gathered, with a commanding sound, a huge number of the Emperor's army rushed into the gray black star.

The evil gods formed a force called the Holy Kingdom, but the specific location is unknown. Even Supreme can't find it, and it can't be known by prophecy.

This is not the power of evil gods, but the power of the sea of ​​nirvana!

It seems that the sea of ​​nirvana is what the evil god wants to plot. He knows that when he comes to the main universe, he will be targeted by many Supremes. Therefore, he tries his best to make Wanke, a loyal subordinate, become Jiji. Inheritor of the sea.

The sea of ​​nirvana is very special. The battle strength of nirvana Supreme was not good, but it still relied on the sea of ​​nirvana and ranked at the top of many Supremes.

Relying on the ever-growing Supreme Item, the Sea of ​​Silence!

And now the Sea of ​​Silence, it is even more suspected to be fused with three Supreme Items. Even if it does not reach the Sovereign artifacts, it is much more powerful than the normal Supreme Item.

With the help of the Sea of ​​Silence, the whereabouts of the evil gods are hidden, and Supreme cannot detect them, and even develop the holy kingdom, immediately possessing the power of Supreme level.

This time, they want to take this action to directly destroy a part of the evil god forces, and then lure out all the forces of the Holy Kingdom!

The three Supreme forces have sealed off this area, and no matter what happens in this star, it will not be passed on.

The evil god also has Three Great Supremes at the same time, powerless to defend himself!

The remaining forces of the Holy Kingdom will inevitably come to investigate when they perceive something wrong. When the time comes, they fall into their trap.

Even if you are aware of danger, as long as you act, you will be discovered by the Three Great Supremes!

In fact, the main reason why the Three Great Supremes forces will join forces is the Sea of ​​Silence.

The Sea of ​​Silence is a Supreme Item. If it can be snatched, it will be a strong boost to any Supreme force.

The alliance of the Three Great Supremes forces may fall apart at that moment, the alliance at the previous moment, the next moment the enemy.

Everything is for the Supreme Item of the Sea of ​​Nirvana!

In the dark gray stars, one after another powerful aura emerged, and the evil god's men clearly noticed something was wrong.

The leader is Demon Lord!

The power of the tenth-level extreme position, after killing its own Buddha Lord, was completely sublimated, and the strength became more and more terrifying, and it is suspected that he has stepped into the Supreme half step!

On the dry and cracked earth, among countless dead trees.

A huge palace stands tall.

In the center of the palace is enshrined a statue, covered in scarlet armor and wearing a hideous black double-horned mask, which is exactly the image of an evil god!

At the end of the palace, there is an altar.

The altar is very mysterious, imprinted with various peculiar symbols and patterns, and there is a passage next to the altar leading to the underground.

A cosmic battleship is in the sky, 300,000 powerhouse walking in the sky, all cold eyes are on that palace.

The Demon Lord has no expression on his face, facing such a huge army of God Emperors alone, he doesn't seem to panic.

"Something is wrong."

Ning Feng Zhenjun's eyes fell on the Demon Lord, frowned.

The other party behaved too calmly, without the slightest loss of one's head out of fear, as if they had known that they would come a long time ago.

"You don't seem to be surprised." On the Celestial Court, Emperor Gu Feng spoke, his eyes as sharp as Divine Sword.

Demon Lord hehe smiled, "Why are you surprised?"

"Sir Holy Lord wants to open the passage of the universe. Naturally, he can guess that someone will intervene, and he is not surprised by your arrival. ."

Although the Demon Lord is only a person, he does not have any fear, standing in front of the army of the God Emperor composed of Three Great Influences.

The evil god already knew it?

The extreme positions of the three forces all looked at each other with surprise.

Be aware that this time, the Three Great Supremes forces acted together to block the secrets and cover the Universe Rule. The Holy Kingdom should not be aware of it at all!

Why is the Demon Lord not surprised by their arrival?

Do you feel the crisis in the dark, relying on guesswork?

Or is there a traitor in the Holy Kingdom in the Three Great Supremes?

Heavenly punishment fell into deep thought at this moment.

He is more inclined to the latter, and it is likely that there is an insider.

However, since the Wanke incident, the Ancient Immortal community has thoroughly cleaned up its interior and conducted a thorough investigation!

Therefore, many ruthless palaces or Celestial Courts and some people of unknown origin were found.

But the people of evil gods have never been found out again.

Not only in the Ancient Immortal world, Celestial Court and Ruthless Hall have also cleaned up the interior deeply. The probability of internal rape should be very small.

"The Little Brat group is in trouble." There is a pile of cards hovering in the palm of the astrological emperor's palm, and his eyebrows constricted, "They are trapped by a Formation, and the level of danger is high."

At this moment, the astrological emperor showed his prophetic ability and knew the whereabouts of Mu Qing and the others.

And there is a very high risk!

This made everyone realize that the Holy Kingdom absolutely knew that they would come, and had already prepared for it!

According to the original plan, Mu Qing and the others will not encounter too much danger.

Because the temporarily constructed Space Transmission Array is special, not only the energy fluctuations caused are quite hidden, but also very stable.

And that Transmission Formation will directly allow everyone to reach the place where the trillions of Divine Soul are located.

By then, the outside war has already begun. Under the surprise attack, a large number of Holy Kingdom forces will be killed, and Mu Qing and the others will stay there without any major accidents.

However, it is different now. Mu Qing and the others entered a Formation for some reason. According to the performance of the emperor's prophecy, the danger is very high!

This operation to destroy the Holy Kingdom is full of accidents!

"Everywhere is full of weirdness, I feel a little crisis." heavenly punishment said solemnly.

The astrological emperor once again prophesied, but the result was nothingness.

He immediately told the news to everyone around him that there should be power in the Holy Kingdom that can interfere with his prophecy. It is very likely that it comes from the power of the Sea of ​​Nirvana.

The astrological emperor just tried to predict the power behind the Demon Lord, but unfortunately he failed.

Now, many extremely frowned, all feel jealous.

Demon Lord glanced at the cards in the hand of the astrological emperor, with a weird smile on his face.

"Don't worry, they will die decently, and the emperor will hunt them."

"You are courting death!" Zhentian Emperor Hu Zhe roared suddenly .

He had a bad temper and directly started his hands. A hundred extreme ways appeared on his body. The bright radiance was like a hundred suns rising up.

Hundreds of extreme principles, condensed into a big seal, the breath is boundless, covering the sky and the sun!

"It's too early to do it now, isn't it?" The Demon Lord's eyes were calm and he didn't mean to shoot.

As soon as the silhouette rushed out of the palace.

A swollen arm fiercely smashed out, it was a huge arm, bloated with bone spurs, haunting all kinds of chaotic forces.


The Great Seal of Zhentian was blown off, a terrifying force was vented, and cracks appeared in the turbulent all around space.

This gray and dark star is blessed by a kind of power, and the space is extremely stable. Even the collapse of the space caused by the battle of the extreme emperor will recover at an extremely fast speed.

Generally speaking, even the highest stars cannot withstand the attacks of the emperor.

"Hu Zhe! Calm down!" The Great Emperor Gu Feng gave a sharp drink.

After that, everyone turned their eyes to the silhouette that suddenly rushed out. The strength of the opponent was the same as the Demon Lord, reaching the tenth extreme!

That is a man with a fierce face and a distorted breath, a man named Xuandu!

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