All the Buddhist dísciples were stunned, looking towards the far distance.

In the sky there, a body surrounded by Buddha's radiance fell down, and a large amount of blood flowed out of this body and turned into a river of blood, all over the entire world.

The sadness swept across Buddhism, making people desperate.

The Lord Buddha has fallen, the world lord Xuan Tianming was killed by his heirs, and the top-level powerhouse has fallen!


The Demon Lord rushed down from the altar and got into the body of the Buddha.

He directly carried out a body possession, and the power of Heart Demon surged out one after another, and his breath became stronger!

Compared with Xuanming Heart Demon and black cloth Heart Demon, Demon Lord body possession is extremely easy, and immediately completely occupy the body of the Lord Buddha.

Although the Demon Lord does not have an immediate breakthrough Supreme, it is obvious that he is getting closer and closer to the realm of the universe.

"hong long long!"

Above the endless sky, the entire Buddhist altar appeared, but it was covered with densely packed cracks, slightly trembled, and collapsed.

"no! !"

On the top powerhouse of Buddhism, only Wang Tianyu and Yuan Heavenly God are left. Their faces are horrified, and they are shrouded in the palm of Demon Lord condense, forcibly pinched. exploded.

"roar! !"

Heart Demon made an earth-shattering sound, and the remaining Buddhist leaders and dísciple could not resist Heart Demon's offensive.

On this side of the world blood flowing into a river, there are miserable wailing sounds everywhere.

In just three days.

Buddhism is completely destroyed. The Demon Lord’s means connecting to heaven penetrating the earth completely turned the three worlds within Buddhism into a paradise for Heart Demon.

As for the Buddhist strongholds in the Star Mountains of Taining Realm, I don't know why the Demon Lord did not destroy them, or even paid attention to them.

Of course, the interior of Buddhism has been destroyed, and the temples on the stars of Taining Realm will naturally not develop and will disappear sooner or later.

"Mu Young Master, the outside world is surging recently. The powerhouse of Celestial Court seems to be searching for your silhouette, so don't go out easily." Demon Lord said with a smile to Mu Qing.

He is very respectful to Mu Qing, and has allowed many Heart Demons to rebuild a palace, which is full of original Buddhist heavenly materials and earthly treasures for cultivation.

"Why are you so respectful to me?" Mu Qing frowned and asked, he wanted to know the reason.

He is simply unimaginable, the Demon Lord in front of him will be a Peak powerhouse of the tenth order of the Supreme Emperor!

"I can't comment on this, but you can rest assured that I will never harm you." A hint of light flashed in the Demon Lord's eyes.

Mu Qing's heart moved, Yuehe Princess also told him these words, but the original words of Yuehe Princess were Demon Lord, and it won't hurt him for the time being!

"It seems that the Demon Lord is lying." In contrast, he chose to believe in Moon River Princess.

At least for the moment, he is safe, but it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. It is better for him to leave earlier.

At this time, the Demon Lord squinted his eyes and asked: "Mu Young Master, you shouldn't be detached yet? If you can, now you can detach. With my guardian, absolutely not In the event of any accident, and the super secret volume after detachment, the power is definitely countless times stronger than you imagined!"

Mu Qing hearing this, I became more vigilant in my heart.

He touched the chin and replied in a deep voice: "I will, but there have been some problems on the cultivation base recently. It takes time to adjust."

"In that case, wait until you When you want to be detached, just call me."

Demon Lord has deep eyes, even Mu Qing can't understand what he means.

I saw him turn around and leave, but the next moment figure stopped again, and turned his head and said: "Yes, the two Heart Demons, black cloth and Xuanming, are of great use to me. They were also selected by me a long time ago. Mu Young Master’s subordinates, therefore, can only let Mu Young Master reluctantly give up their love and give them to me."

After Demon Lord said this, Mu Qing was stunned, but he still didn’t react, Demon Lord The silhouette is disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing's face changed suddenly, and he found that his control over black cloth Heart Demon and Xuanming Heart Demon was erased by a force!

Two black lights rushed out of the sky forbidden bottle, it was black cloth Heart Demon and Xuanming Heart Demon.

The two Heart Demon's successful body possession bodies both possess the powerful strength of the upper emperor. After unlocking the control, they immediately appeared fierce and moved towards Mu Qing to culminate them.

However, at the crucial moment, the shape of Heart Demon at both ends was imprisoned and stopped in midair.

"Although I have released the control on you, Mu Young Master is still above you. If you dare to hurt his hair, I will swallow you alive!"

The voice of the Demon Lord came from in the sky, full of threats.

Xuanming Heart Demon and black cloth Heart Demon looked horrified. After the imprisonment power on their bodies disappeared, they did not dare to attack Mu Qing again.

Heart Demon at both ends glanced at Mu Qing, not sure what the identity of the other party and the Demon Lord were.

They didn't stay much longer, turned and left, they were able to regain their freedom, and even possessed the ontology, which was absolutely delightful for them.

In the independent palace, Mu Qing looked ugly, he took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Although the Demon Lord respects him extremely, he can still see that the relationship between the two is still dominated by the Demon Lord!

Mu Qing can clearly feel that Demon Lord's mood fluctuates a little when he says that he will not immediately cultivate superbirth and detachment.

Immediately afterwards, the other party deprived him of control of the Black Cloth and Xuanming Heart Demon, both of which are now the existence of the upper emperor, and the result is gone.

This is definitely a threat from the Demon Lord!

"Even the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle can't resist it?" Mu Qing frowns.

The Sky Forbidden Bottle can withstand the power of the upper emperor, but the Demon Lord is after all the tenth order of the Extreme Great Emperor. One foot is about to cross into the existence of Supreme, and the Sky Forbidden Bottle alone cannot resist. of.

"No! Must find a way to escape!" Mu Qing hasn't been cultivation all day, he is thinking about the way to escape.

Presumably the words the Demon Lord said to him at the beginning were also a warning.

Mu Qing doesn't believe that the powerhouse of Celestial Court will not be found here, but just looks for it outside.

If there is a Celestial Court powerhouse in the outside world, it would have rushed over. The Demon Lord said that just to prevent him from leaving here.

"There are spells everywhere!"

Mu Qing searched the entire palace and found out that this was a palace specially built for him, which was clearly a prison!

The entire palace is built with special pitch-black metal. On these pitch-black metals, there is an obvious Heart Demon power, forming one after another weird spell.

When Mu Qing wanted to leave the palace, these spells immediately burst out with a powerful force, shaking him away!

This power will not hurt him, but he wants to leave, but it is almost impossible!

He is under house arrest!

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