The power of Heart Demon on the black cloth rushed away, and his breath became stronger and stronger.

In fact, he himself was greatly sighed in relief, and it was really at the crucial moment.

It was only a short time before he completed the possessed, but at the critical moment Master Xuanming cast a Buddha curse on him, which was a curse specifically designed to restrain Heart Demon.

Once controlled, then Black Cloth Heart Demon is finished, even if he is a high-level Heart Demon, it is useless, because he has only the power of God Emperor Peak before completely occupying the body of the black cloth master.

Unfortunately, master Xuanming absolutely didn't expect that the Buddha curse he cast had no effect at all!

Black cloth Heart Demon was surprised by myself. It was really at the crucial moment. If I hadn’t been controlled by Mu Qing a long time ago, maybe I couldn’t succeed in body possession. !

Fortunately, the control of the Heart Demon by the Sky Forbidden Bottle is far greater than that of the Buddha curse cast by Master Xuanming, and Master Xuanming has been backlashed by the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle.

"Hurry up and let Xuanming Heart Demon come out, it will be a huge benefit!" black cloth Heart Demon directly contacted Mu Qing through the power of the sky forbidden bottle.

He told about this place.

Xuanming Heart Demon is also a high-level Heart Demon. Even the realm of God Emperor Peak can have a huge impact on Xuanming master as long as he can carry body possession.

When the time comes black cloth Heart Demon, relying on the power that now occupies the body, I have enough confidence to suppress it!

Mu Qing did not hesitate, and directly released the Xuanming Heart Demon in the sky forbidden bottle.

As soon as Xuanming Heart Demon came out, his eyes glowed, as if smelling a delicious breath, he rushed to the location of the black cloth Heart Demon.

"Suffer to death!"

Master Xuanming roared, he watched the black cloth being held by the Heart Demon body, but he couldn't help, he felt guilty and wanted to hit Kill black cloth Heart Demon and avenge the black cloth master!

black cloth Heart Demon grinned grinningly, he raised his hand and punched, the power of Heart Demon exploded, and the power of black turned into one after another spell and blasted out.

Although what he urges is the power of Heart Demon, what he displays is the divine ability of Buddhism!

At the moment of his body possession, all the divine abilities that the black cloth master mastered were Full Mastery, and he was able to bring it to the point of perfection immediately.

The two banged on each other, and the power of Foli and Heart Demon had a violent conflict, which turned into a burst of energy, and the wind swept all around.

Master Xuanming coughed up blood and flew out, a trace of horror appeared on his face. Why can the black cloth Heart Demon exert such terrifying power?

Black cloth Heart Demon has murderous intention in his eyes. In fact, he is also surprised by the power he can cause. After the body possesses the body, he immediately has the realm strength of the upper emperor, and he is not lost. Yu Xuanming master.

A cruel smile appeared on his face. Condense two heavenly demon claws directly culled Master Xiang Xuanming, tearing his body apart!

Xuanming master not to be outdone, deeply shouted, just wanted to activate the Buddha curse, but suddenly his body sank.

His face changed suddenly, and he turned his head to see that a Heart Demon appeared behind him at some point, tearing the flesh and blood from his back, and wanting to get into his body!

This Heart Demon is impressively Xuanming Heart Demon!

"Why?! Why did my Heart Demon appear here?" Master Xuanming was shocked.

After that, he thought of the black cloth Heart Demon, body trembled, and said in amazement: "You have already plot against it?"

Whether it is the Xuanming master or the black cloth master, They both saw their Heart Demon being destroyed, but in fact all of this was plotted against by some existence, and their Heart Demon has always been alive!

Master Xuanming quickly urged the Buddha curse to suppress Xuanming Heart Demon.

Seeing Xuanming Heart Demon with a grinning smile, he got into Master Xuanming's body!

With the control of the sky forbidden bottle, Xuanming Heart Demon will not be afraid of any Buddha curse.

Master Xuanming's figure is shaking, and his mind is swollen. Xuanming Heart Demon makes trouble in his body, making him like a cultivation deviation.

How could Master Xuanming in this state be the opponent of Black Cloth Heart Demon?

Not to mention that Master Xuanming had previously fought a large group of Heart Demon and suffered multiple injuries.


Master Xuanming’s sight was affected. Under the influence of Heart Demon, he had hallucinations. He exposed his back to black cloth Heart Demon and was A devil's claw directly left four scars with deep visible bones!

"Don't resist, otherwise your body will be damaged, and it will be affected by body possession!" The black cloth Heart Demon urges the power of Heart Demon to form a dark cage, which is imprisoned. Xuanming master.

Master Xuanming has a fierce face and is struggling madly, but the Heart Demon in his body is already in his body possession, and his sanity gradually disappears.

He finally saw that many Buddhist dísciples and senior leaders on his side were killed by Heart Demon. Xuan Master Lin had previously helped Xuanming master and took over ten Heart Demon by himself, but now he finally couldn't resist it.


Xuan Master Lin uttered a mournful scream sound. He was extremely miserable. He was imprisoned by ten Heart Demons, and the flesh and blood on his body was gnawed away cleanly!

Master Xuanming was filled with endless guilt and finally gave up resistance.

All Buddha powers were transformed into the power of one after another Heart Demon, Xuanming Heart Demon suddenly opened his eyes, his aura skyrocketed, and reached the status of the upper emperor.

black cloth Heart Demon unlocked the pitch-black cage, looked at Xuanming Heart Demon at each other, and laughed strangely.

Both of them have already succeeded in body possession, possess the realm and power of the upper emperor, and can continue their cultivation smoothly in the future without restrictions.

Mu Qing felt these two powerful auras through the connection of the sky forbidden bottle at a very far distance, and his face was happy.

This is an unexpected harvest. Both Heart Demon have the realm and strength of the upper emperor through the body possession. Doesn't this mean that Mu Qing has two upper emperors' subordinates?

Because even though Xuanming Heart Demon and black cloth Heart Demon both succeeded in body possession, they were still controlled by the Sky Forbidden Bottle.

This shows how powerful the Sky Forbidden Bottle is.

"Buddhism is completely finished." Mu Qing sighed.

The entire Heaven and Earth is groggy, the invasion of Heart Demon is too terrifying, and Buddhism is subverted!

Be aware that Buddhism has been hidden for many years, and it has always been moved towards Supreme level. As long as a Supreme is born, Buddhism will become a Supreme power that governs the Taining realm!

Unfortunately, all this is like a bubble in the end, swaying away.

"father! Come to death!!"

The battle on the side of the three world masters also came to an end, Xuandu face looks sinister, with countless Heart Demon fusion bodies, with Sharp claw ripped apart his father's body and ate Divine Soul!

At the same time, the Buddha altar was shaken, the Demon Lord uttered a loud laughter, and a powerful golden silhouette emerged, like the sun.

But next moment, this golden silhouette is staggered, blood staining Heaven and Earth, and falling to the ground.

The Lord Buddha has fallen!

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