Xuan Du did not know that he had been followed by two people a long time ago.

According to his previous behavior, after confirming that there is no one around, he exposed his nature and showed true strength, sect protecting divine ability, brought to the point of perfection by him, and surrounded by bronze statues. When the culling came up, almost all of them were sent to death.

The expression on Xuandu's face is no longer gloomy, but arrogant and conceited, striding towards the meteor, moved towards the front.

There is a very remote corner. In fact, the outermost periphery of each floor of the pagoda is almost unmanned, because there are almost no bronze statues here, and it is not a training effect at all.

But the 100th floor is a bit different. Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady followed Xuandu to the most peripheral zone on the 100th floor, and found that there were countless bronze statues around, one after another. Kill it.

However, these bronze statues were all killed by Xuan Du with no difficulty, and the strength he showed now can be ranked in the top ten.

After a further distance, Xuan Du's eyes changed, and an unknown force filled his body. He began to grin, his voice harsh and hoarse.

Originally, he was enveloped by Buddha's radiance, one Golden Lotus step by step, like a Buddha.

Now, he is covered by black light, roaring one step at a time, like a madman.

Mu Qing pupil shrink, he was surprised, because the power escaping from Xuan Du's body was exactly the power of Heart Demon!

Next moment, a black mist burst out of Xuandu's chest. Upon closer inspection, the black mist turned into a human form, which looked the same as Xuandu!

Mu Qing and the two startled, Xuan Du actually contained a Heart Demon in his body!

You should know that in Buddhism, when the cultivation reaches the peak of the god emperor, under the leadership of the top Buddhist leaders, the Heart Demon will be cut off, so that one's own strength can be sublimated.

Excluding Mu Qing, these dísciples who have just joined Buddhism, because the cultivation Buddhism bloodline method is not deep, and Heart Demon has not been produced yet, other Buddhist dísciples, as long as they reach the peak of the gods, they should all be taken away and cut. It's right to go to Heart Demon.

"But why? Xuan Du this fellow's Heart Demon is still in his own body?"

Mu Qing was shocked in his heart.

"It's really boring, I can only come out once every other month!" Xuan Du Heart Demon's face is terrifying, his expression terrifying, roaring.

The power of Xuan Du seems to be completely connected with Heart Demon, and it is covered in various negative emotions and evil thoughts.

He opened the mouth and said: "Since you come up with this, let's execute that plan quickly!"

Xuandu's words paused for a while, and the back face was bigger than Heart Demon To be distorted, he whispered: "I can't bear it anymore, hurry up and let these buddhist guys startled!"

Heart Demon laughed, "You guy, how can you compare My Heart Demon is still in a hurry? You have to think clearly, once it succeeds, your big brother, Master, and father may all die!"

"It doesn’t matter at all! They are early It has nothing to do with me. If I can, I want to make this world a real hell!" Xuan Du's eyes are terrifying, and his voice is full of endless resentment and killing intent.

Unimaginable, how did he, a fellow with Evil Thought, cultivation Buddhism's immeasurable lotus curse to such a point?

"Very well, since you have this determination, I will accompany you to the end!" Xuandu Heart Demon laughed wildly, and it followed Xuandu's side, making a hoarse voice, "It is estimated that even your father Xuan Neither Tian Ming nor the Lord Buddha could have imagined that in you, a second me will be born!"

They continued to go deeper, but Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady who followed behind felt completely Amazed.

"What exactly is Xuan Du planning? The master Xuan Tianming and his big brother black cloth realized that Xuan Du had a certain scheming and were hiding some secrets, but absolutely didn't What I expect is, this secret seems a bit amazing!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, but fortunately relying on the stealth symbol given by Mei Third Young Lady, the two did not have it at such a close distance. When discovered, he heard all Xuan Du's words.

"Big brother, Master, and father may all die?"

"The second me is born?"

Mu Qing is digesting the present in his heart He and Mei Third Young Lady were shocked by what they heard.

This plan Xuan Du is planning, can it really threaten the black cloth master, or even the realm master Xuan Tianming?

The second me mentioned by Heart Demon, Mu Qing was also surprised. According to this, Xuandu should have been taken to cut off the heart when he reached the peak this realm. Demon.

As a result, in Xuandu's body, a Heart Demon was born again, obviously still a high-level Heart Demon, and Xuandu was the main one.

Black cloth Heart Demon and Xuanming Heart Demon told Mu Qing that the existence of Heart Demon is due to a defect in the bloodline method of Buddhism, but this defect was quickly discovered by a Buddhist expert, and it will be cut once it occurs. Go, and suppress, destroy a batch of Heart Demon every once in a while.

For Heart Demon, the body is the most suitable object for body possession. Only by destroying the body and taking its body as one's own can it break the limitations of Heart Demon and continue to be strong.

Xuandu Heart Demon is different. It is obviously born of spiritual wisdom, a high-level Heart Demon, but Xuandu is the mainstay, which is very weird.

"Although everything inside this Buddhism is comparable to the Supreme forces, and even surpasses the Supreme forces at some levels, the development time is obviously not as good as the Supreme forces, and there are certain hidden dangers!" Mu Qing whispered. Tao.

After that, the attention of the two was attracted by Xuan Du.

The opponent stopped, and already came to the edge of the 100th floor. There was a layer of golden-bright and dazzling Formation in front of me. I don’t know who arranged it, even the top five. The god Emperor Peak came, and could not leave any trace on it.

However, in the face of this layer of Formation, Xuan Du both hands forming seals, it seems to be performing some kind of magic.

Xuandu Heart Demon beside him laughed strangely.

That layer of golden light flickering Formation, at this moment, was affected by the power of Xuandu, a black spot appeared in one place, and then it spread out like ink, a large area of ​​everything It was blackened.

The blackened Formation is directly transformed into nothingness. Behind the Formation, there is a huge building like a honeycomb. As soon as it appears, there are boundless negative forces assaults the senses, bursts of roar sound transmissions. Out.

"Heart Demon?!"

The two of Mu Qing who used the stealth symbol to track Xuandu almost exclaimed. Inside the huge honeycomb-like building, there is a densely packed Heart. Demon, roaring his head, his face looks sinister, as if he was about to rush out at any time.

"Where did Xuandu get so many Heart Demon? Does he want to use the power of Heart Demon to destroy Buddhism?"

Mu Qing in the heart guess , But he doesn't think that Xuandu can succeed, because Heart Demon has limitations, no matter how strong it is, he can't reach the realm of the great emperor.


Abruptly, inside the honeycomb building, there is a deafening roar, with terrifying majesty and oppression force. It is a very strong Heart Demon!

Heart Demon of the Great Emperor Realm!

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