The Buddhist dísciple controlled by Mu Qing with the dream of the moon god was confused and moved towards outside the stupa.

When he wakes up from his dream, he will forget everything.

This is after the cultivated Super Birth Secret Scroll, Mu Qing used the power of the Moon God Dreamland!

Even, this has been able to change a certain degree of memory!


When Mu Qing came to the place where this huge bronze statue was, a Buddhist dísciple was already challenging and easily defeated it. After the huge bronze statue fell with a bang, a rays of light got into the mountain order of the Buddhist dísciple.

The man strode into the Transmission Formation and entered the second layer of the pagoda.

"It is no wonder, after all, it is the 1st floor of the pagoda, even if it is the huge bronze statue guarding the entrance to the next level, it is not very powerful."

Mu Qing stroked his chin , And then stepped forward.

After the previous person entered the Second Layer stupa, the body of the huge bronze statue was restored by an invisible force and stood up again. The kilometer-high body was condescending and looked towards Mu Qing.

It was about to rush towards Mu Qing, but the next moment, Mu Qing's silhouette appeared in front of it, raising his hand as a punch.


A terrifying force directly penetrated the body of the huge bronze statue, and the strong wind raged wildly, blasting a big hole.

The huge bronze statue was resurrected, and then fell again.

Mu Qing took out his mountain order, a beam of light drilled into it.

He walked directly into the Transmission Formation, wrapped him in rays of light, and came to the second layer of the pagoda.

The space here is almost the same, with bronze statues everywhere.

The bronze statue of Second Layer is only slightly stronger than the 1st floor, far from blocking Mu Qing.

He transformed into a human tyrannosaurus again, ramming, and the bronze statues exploded with the touch of his shoulder.

Mu Qing uses the same method to control someone when he encounters someone with the Moon God Dreamland, and directly leads him to the place where the huge bronze statue is.

3rd floor ……

Eighteenth Layer ……

The fourth 16th-layer ……

The eighth 17 layers ……


When a huge bronze statue fell, the beam of light rushed into Mu Qing's mountain order and obtained the qualification to enter the 100th floor of Transmission Formation!

"Ascending to the 100th floor, it seems that there is no pressure for me at all, but Divine Stone has gained a lot."

Mu Qing glanced at his space bracelet , Unconsciously there have been many Divine Stones accumulated in it, and there are several Divine Stone veins, all of which he exploded by killing the bronze statue along the way.

One hundred layers at a time, he found that the most in the bronze statue is the Divine Stone. Good luck will have Divine Pill and divine medicine. As for the Divine Item, it is even rarer.

More rare, it is a kind of energy light group. Mu Qing has only seen it once along the way, but it only burst out on the 20th floor, adding some cultivation to himself. base.

That is a special kind of energy, and even made him feel a little bit more aware of Wan's Demonic Path!

"I'm here."

When Mu Qing came to the 100th floor, he immediately contacted Mei Third Young Lady.

Mei Third Young Lady tells Mu Qing her position.

Mu Qing simply used the power of the black hole to shuttle, and after a few breaths, he appeared in front of Mei Third Young Lady and shocked her.

"Xuan Du didn’t know what he was doing. It stands to reason that with his strength, no matter how bad it is, it’s impossible to pass the 100th floor. According to my observations, he seems to be in this 100th floor. There are some secrets in the layer."

Mei Third Young Lady said.

She handed Mu Qing a Dao Talisman and told that it was a stealth symbol. She could keep track of Xuandu without being discovered, mainly relying on this ability.

"You have a lot of good things on your body." Mu Qing was surprised. He accepted the stealth symbol, and instantly felt that his sense of existence was erased, and an invisible power enveloped him. Don't let the outside world find out.

He recalled that previously Mei Third Young Lady also had a stand-in. Her cultivation and absorption of Buddha power would eventually flow into this stand-in, without any influence on herself.

"Of course, my Master is the Great Emperor of the Ancient Immortal world. I am good at making all kinds of talisman!" Mei Third Young Lady raised her chest and said with pride.

Mu Qing was the first to hear about it, and he glanced at her unexpectedly, the Great Emperor Tianlu, who wanted to come is also a very powerful emperor in the Ancient Immortal world.

"But we can't get too close, that guy seems very cautious, it's best to have a sneak attack!" Mei Third Young Lady opened the mouth and said.

She took Mu Qing to use stealth charms, and walked forward quietly. Not far away, there was a silhouette, which was a gloomy Xuandu.

Xuan Du walks very slowly, and always pays attention to all around, as if deliberately avoiding other people.

When I got here, there were almost no people around, and I was in a very remote corner on the 100th floor.

The bronze statue next to it was culled, and the wind screamed, but it was shattered by Xuan Du's slap.

"The strength of this guy is really extraordinary!" Mu Qing expression congeals, Xuan Du can smash the 100th floor of the bronze statue with a slap. He definitely has the ability to challenge this huge bronze statue. Qualifications.

It stands to reason that this guy has been stuck on the 100th floor for such a long time.

"It's not that he is not strong enough to be stuck on the 100th floor, but that he deliberately stays on the 100th floor!" Mu Qing took a deep breath, recalling what black cloth Heart Demon had said to him in his mind , This Xuandu is not simple, it is hiding something.

One hundred floors every other month, obviously the other party has some secrets here.

Xuan Du was very cautious and kept exploring all around. It was not until the final confirmation that he moved his body, straightened his waist, both hands forming seals, and a surging Buddha power burst out.

Several golden lotus flowers appeared beside him, and he himself was like a Buddha, with sacred majesty.

Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

This aura and power are enough to rank in the top ten, and they are definitely not the waste of those outsiders.

"Is that the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse?" Mu Qing whispered, staring at Xuandu.

Golden lotus flowers emerged around Xuandu, and a powerful breath came out.

The nearby bronze statue was culled, but unfortunately, a bunch of golden lotus flowers were born from in the sky and resisted one after another attack.

After that, the golden lotus withered, the disillusioned Golden Lotus burst to pieces, bursting out with a terrifying force, swept out, and smashed all the bronze statues next to it!

At this moment, Mu Qing understands that this Xuandu is definitely not a waste that cannot be supported. According to the outside world, the master Xuan Tianming paid a great price and asked for the consent of the Buddha to sect protecting divine. The ability immeasurable Buddha lotus curse was taught to Xuan Du.

This is a treatment that even black cloth does not have. It can be seen how much Xuan Tianming, as a father, loved Xuan Du at that time. It is a pity that Xuan Du has disappointed Xuan Tian Ming again and again. Carrying the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse is the envy of countless people, but it is not cultivation to get started, and it is a problem to even display it.

Finally, Xuan Tianming gave up Xuan Du, and everyone spurned Xuan Du.

But the real situation is that Xuan Du has long been proficient in the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse secretly, and when he casts it, brought to the point of perfection, the whole person turns into a Buddha and walks in the sky of Golden Lotus.

"That is!"

Suddenly, Mu Qing lost his voice, pupil shrink, and he noticed a familiar force from Xuan Du!

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