Master Xuanming is talking with Master Dragon about the profound mystery of Xuantian Secret Realm.

He limited three days to allow the many in the mirror Buddha city to start killing each other. Anyway, once severely injured in the Secret Realm, they will be rejected, and there will be no life-threatening danger.

What Xuanming Temple wants to see is, after getting ten emerald fruits, even if you don’t fully comprehend the Tao, will you be able to break through to the emperor!

"en? Is the Dragon Master here?"

A silhouette came from in the sky, and it was also a bald head, but compared to Master Xuanming, he was much younger. very powerful.

This person is the black cloth master!

Black cloth came, squinted, and said with a smile: "How about the second test?"

"Just at the beginning, can we create a great emperor? It’s not yet certain. Although they have been given the message that they can reach the emperor by swallowing ten emerald fruits, whether they have this ambition or not depends on people."

Xuanming master touched the chin's white Beard said.

What Xuanming Temple wants to see is the peak powerhouse of these gods in the mirror Buddha city, killing each other, until there is a powerful existence to grab ten emerald fruits!

Only in this way, Xuanming Temple can easily observe whether the emperor can easily break through to the emperor after swallowing ten emerald fruits, and whether these emerald fruits have some disadvantages or repercussions.

Buddhism first discovered this place as a huge withered tree, as huge as a star. Later, through the cooperation of many Buddhist senior officials, it was transformed into Secret Realm.

Later, a Buddhist expert discovered that this Secret Realm will produce emerald fruit, which contains huge energy and a certain sense of Taoism.

"If there is nothing wrong with this emerald fruit, will there be a continuous emperor in our Buddhism?"

The dragon master was surprised at hearing this.

The black cloth master and Xuanming master looked at each other and smiled nodded, indeed.

Their Buddhism has now unified the entire Taining realm. There are many emperor powerhouses, and the emperor Peak has a lot of experts.

If the emerald fruit is really so powerful, it is not that there will be some repercussions, then they will be able to create a great emperor after a while!

"But, what if the guys in the mirror image Buddha city don't fight each other?" Master Long couldn't help but wonder.

Because he saw the mirror image of the Buddha City, shrouded in black mist, it was obvious that nine dark green pillars of light skyrocketed.

There should have been ten jade green beams of light, but now only nine are left, which shows that one jade fruit has been taken away, maybe it has been swallowed.

"These ten emerald fruits have been obtained by different people. Isn’t it impossible to observe the effects?" The dragon master is still puzzled. The ten emerald fruits need to be swallowed by the same person in order to be able to show off. The greatest effect, let its breakthrough to the level of the emperor.

If the people in Mirror Buddha City are not ambitious enough, even if they know that getting ten emerald fruits is hugely beneficial, they are not willing to take the risk to take the emerald fruits from others.

"No, the temptation of the emperor is something no one can refuse, and everyone in the mirror Buddha city is the emperor Peak. The temptation of this emerald fruit is incomparable, even if there is only a trace. They will also fight for opportunities!"

Master Xuanming is very self-confident.

At the same time, he also told the dragon master that the reason why they released Heart Demon and shrouded the mirrored Buddha city with black mist was to make the people who obtained the emerald fruit more conspicuous!

"By the way, black cloth, did you come here for anything?" Master Xuanming looked towards black cloth.

"There is no major event. The main thing is that the Buddha let you control the quota. The original 20 quotas have been changed to 18."

The black cloth master told Celestial. The Moon River Princess from the Court occupies a place, and then Celestial Court seems to have another powerhouse, which also occupies the place.

This quota is the quota for entering the Buddhist altar!

The number of places open for Buddhist altars is limited. Buddhism still depends on the face of Celestial Court and only gives two places.

As for the next 18 places born from the group of people in the mirror image Buddha city, Buddhism does not feel distressed, because these people will inevitably become Buddhism's own people as long as they pass the examination. The senior officials of the temple are still very confident.

Mirror the inside of Buddha City.

The cover of black mist makes the jade green beam of light more conspicuous. The nine beams of light soar into the sky, attracting everyone in the mirrored Buddha city.

For every beam of light, there are several God Emperor Peaks competing for it.

Suddenly, a jade green beam of light dimmed, and it was obvious that someone had taken the emerald fruit.

The battle lasted not long. Although everyone was vying for the emerald fruit, they would be rejected if severely injured in the Secret Realm, so they all had scruples.

In addition to the suppression of Black Mist's strength, everyone did not use their full strength, leaving behind.

After that, the dark green beams of light dimmed, and the emerald fruit was finally taken away within a day.

Many god emperors Peak sighed and regretted that they did not ask for all ten emerald fruits, but at the very least, they could gain one.

Individual god emperors Peak are extremely powerful, fully capable of competing for the emerald fruit, but unfortunately some people have taken it too fast, without the guidance of the dark green beam of light, in this black fog Those who can't see their fingers can no longer compete.


Just after the ten dark green light beams dimmed and disappeared, everyone in the mirrored Buddha city was lightly exclaimed and somehow found the green light beam reappears.

And these dark green beams of light are still moving!

"How could this be?"

Mu Qing's face is weird, he immediately left the place where he was fighting for the emerald fruit.

After staying away, he was planning to swallow the emerald fruit to increase his strength and attack the Emperor Peak. Who would have thought that he had just taken out the emerald fruit, and a dark green beam of light appeared.

This was something he didn't expect. In this mirror image Buddha city covered with black mist, a dark green beam of light suddenly rushed out, so dazzling, wouldn't it tell others that he took the emerald fruit? And here?

Mu Qing hurriedly swallowed the emerald fruit in one bite, just to be on the safe side.

It's just that after swallowing the emerald fruit, his complexion stiffened.

Because he discovered that a dark green beam of light that originally burst from the emerald fruit has now appeared on his body, it is very conspicuous, and the whole body is green.

In the other direction, he found that the energy in this emerald fruit was indeed huge, as if all the energy of a star was stored in his body.

Mu Qing stimulated the power in the body, tried refining, and found that there was a special layer of energy outside the emerald fruit.

This is like the skin of the emerald fruit, very tenacious. If you want to absorb the energy in the emerald fruit, you must first refining or forcibly break the skin of the emerald fruit.

Mu Qing is very decisive, and directly summons Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, which is currently the sharpest method he can use.

However, even if he introduced the sharp sword qi of Immortal Beheading Sword Formation into the body, there was no way to break the skin of the emerald fruit in the body, which was harder than imagined.

After many attempts, Mu Qing found that if he wanted to break the skin, he could only refining slowly. Forcibly breaking it did not seem to work.

He predicted that it should take three days to break the epidermis. When the time comes to get the huge energy in the emerald fruit, it is enough to break through the Emperor Peak!

"It takes three days to get the energy of the emerald fruit, and the assessment of this second test is also three days. Is it possible that the people at Xuanming Temple don't want us to increase the cultivation base during the second test? "

Mu Qing touched the chin, thinking.

But no matter what, he knew there was a crisis now.

Because this means that he has to bear this dark green beam of light for these three days!


Suddenly, a fishy wind hit, and a Heart Demon culled to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's reaction is also extremely fast, raising his hand to stamp Heavenly Tribulation, densely packed thunder intertwined.

Thunder Tribulation, the power of Supreme Yang and Hardness, still has a certain restraint on Heart Demon, just like Foley restrains negative energy.

The golden-bright and dazzling thunder exploded on Heart Demon at that end.

The Heart Demon was repelled several tens of meters, but the black qi flames on his body dissipated, revealing the original appearance.

Obviously, the strength of this Heart Demon is very strong, and Mu Qing's Heavenly Tribulation seal has little effect on it.

"Xuanming! Take me to see Xuanming!" Heart Demon roared frantically.

Mu Qing is surprised, because the true face of Heart Demon in front of him is exactly the same as that of Xuanming master!

The only difference is that the strength of Master Xuanming is already Great Emperor Realm. He doesn't know the specific lower or upper rank, but it is definitely not weak.

Heart Demon, who is exactly the same as Master Xuanming, is still at the power of God Emperor Peak.

"Who are you? Show me the way, I want to see Xuanming, he cut off me here when the Emperor Peak, and even wants to use my power to hone the younger generation? I? It won't let him do what he wants!"

It roared: "I want to see Xuanming! He cut me off and became the emperor, but I am still his Heart Demon, his weakness! "

Mu Qing looked at this lunatic master Heart Demon, his face solemn.

Don't look at the other person's crazy words, his behavior is very strange, but his speech is so smooth, he is obviously more powerful than the sword demon he encountered before!

"Xuanming is not here, you are only God Emperor Peak now, not his opponent at all." Mu Qing whispered.

Chaos Energy flows from his left eye, and the power in his body is brewing, and he intends to explode.

"So what? I am the Heart Demon that he cut down at the Emperor Peak Realm. Naturally, he only has the realm of the Emperor Peak. But now, even if he has become a high-ranking emperor, he must be afraid of me! I am his demon!"

"How can cultivation Dharma be so easy? Do you think there will be no omissions if you cut me off?!"

Xuanming Heart Demon grinned, it The eyes burst out blood light suddenly, looked towards Mu Qing, baring fangs and brandishing claws rushed towards.

"My demon is compassionate, and my heart is evil!"

It turned into a beam of black light and plunged into Mu Qing's body!

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