"No...no no no!"

The Sword Spirit powerhouse shouted, his current mood was only unwilling.

He didn't understand why a late god emperor had such a strong strength, but the biggest reason was that he was negligent.

If he doesn't take the enemy seriously, even if he is not Mu Qing's opponent, he can go away calmly without being seriously injured.

The strength that Mu Qing can exert now, without using the Heaven Defying Divine Ability of the Moon God Dreamland, he can achieve a tie with this Sword Spirit powerhouse.

Originally, Mu Qing wanted to use the Moon God Dreamland to attack the Sword Spirit powerhouse at a critical moment. Who knew that the opponent underestimated the enemy and was directly injured by him.

Be aware that with the blessing of Chaos Energy, the formidable power that Mu Qing can burst out is quite amazing.

“weng! ”

One after another mysterious Rule Power shrouded, you can see all around the Sword Spirit powerhouse, the space is rippling, and there is an invisible force constantly twisting With.

He desperately put some therapeutic medicine pill into his mouth, and he could see a faint white light enveloped his body.

Unfortunately, these life-saving medicine pills, which are very precious outside, do not have much effect here.

The injury on the powerhouse of the Sword Spirit clan is recovering at a speed visible to naked eye, but it is still far from enough.

Within a few breaths, his body was distorted. If he was hit hard in this Xuantian Secret Realm, he would be immediately rejected. This is a protection mechanism of Xuantian Secret Realm. After all, Buddhism knows what kind of risks there are, so it doesn't want to put people's lives in danger, so they make rules.

Once you are seriously injured here, unless it is some special treatment secret technique that can pull the injury back from the serious injury in an instant, you will inevitably be rejected by Secret Realm.

"The rules here are of great benefit to me!"

Mu Qing whispered in a low voice, I have to say that the environment here has a great advantage for him.

His body is bound to the Seed of Ancient Life Tree and has a strong resilience. Even if it is severely injured, it will recover immediately.

Not to mention that in this black mist, he will not be suppressed in any way.

"With this emerald fruit, I should be able to break through to the God Emperor Peak level!"

Mu Qing looked towards the fruit in this jade green beam, crystal clear and near- transparent, flowing brilliantly.

This emerald fruit contains amazing energy fluctuations, even Mu Qing learned from the Sword Spirit powerhouse that swallowing ten emerald fruits will be able to break through to the emperor.

Mu Qing thought, he was just the cultivation base of the late god emperor. If he swallowed this emerald fruit, wouldn't he be able to break through to the god emperor Peak?

He took the emerald fruit away, suddenly the dark green beam of light disappeared.

The dark green beam of light that appeared beside him was far away from the other beams, and the location was on the periphery of the mirrored Buddha city, so only the powerhouse of the Sword Spirit family appeared.

"Sure enough, it contains incomparable powerful energy fluctuations!"

Mu Qing was even more astonished when he actually came into contact with it. The energy fluctuations contained in this jade fruit were too amazing.

He was almost certain that he swallowed this emerald fruit, and it was enough to reach the realm of God Emperor Peak!

When the time comes, in this mirror image Buddha city, he will not fear anyone else!

"Not good! Someone is here!"

Suddenly, Mu Qing complexion changed, he sensed that one after another powerful aura was quickly approaching moved towards this place.

Obviously, even if this location is on the periphery, it also attracts many powerhouses or Heart Demon.

He was enveloped by a black hole and swept away directly, intending to leave here at the fastest speed.

"Damn! Who is it? The early bird catches the worm!"

Shortly after Mu Qing left, the silhouette of one after another God Emperor Peak appeared, yelling angrily sound.

In the entire Mirror Buddha City, the powerhouses of the God Emperor Peak were located in the central part of the Mirror Buddha City earlier, because there are many good things there.

After the jade green beam appeared, everyone dispersed, trying to snatch these ten emerald fruits.

Among them, naturally someone is eyeing the jade green beam of light on the outermost periphery. After all, long distance means less competition.

Unfortunately, this jade green beam of light is actually the first one to extinguish among the ten beams of light in the entire black mist!

Many powerhouse roared that arrived slowly, they knew that someone had already taken a step ahead of them and took away the emerald fruit.

"Who is it?! That is Supreme Treasure. If you swallow it, even if you don’t have the breakthrough, your strength will far exceed that of the ordinary God Emperor Peak!"

A powerhouse master Roar, he is very angry, his strength is very strong, he has the confidence to fight out among the surrounding god emperors Peak and take the emerald fruit, when the time comes, his strength will be higher than everyone.

Unfortunately, before he got here, the emerald fruit was snatched away.

The mirror image outside the Buddha City.

The rest of Xuantian Secret Realm is not shrouded in black mist.

The Xuanming master was in the original place, squinting his eyes and looked towards the mirrored Buddha city.

On the side is the dragon master who appeared before. He sometimes scratched his head in distress, because he didn't find the two descendants of Draconian Race.

"Have someone taken the emerald fruit so quickly? The speed is fast. I don’t know if anyone can break through to the emperor in this second test?"

Xuanming master opened The mouth and said, ten emerald fruits can break through the realm. This is true. This time Xuanming Temple expanded the enrollment of dísciple, but Buddhism spent a lot of resources.

Of course, if you want to use the emerald fruit to reach the realm of the emperor, you need a full ten, and your own cultivation base is in the peak of the emperor.

Without any jade fruit, it is impossible to reach the emperor.

"I don't know what happened to the Little Brat of the Draconian Race before? I am quite optimistic about him."

Long master kept looking inside the mirror image Buddha city.

He has a certain good-looking for Mu Qing. In the Taining realm, Draconian Race has come close to him, and he has also grown up in Draconian Race.

Draconian Race can appear a powerful powerhouse, he is naturally very happy.

"Oh? You mean the dragon human brat in the late Shenhuang period?" Master Xuanming was very meaningful, and then said: "I am very optimistic about him."

Next, He changed the conversation and said, "However, there is Heart Demon in this black fog. Every expert of God Sovereign Realm in Buddhism will come here to cut off Heart Demon. Even the Heart Demon I was waiting for is also there. I want to It is difficult to keep from being seriously injured in the hands of these Heart Demons."

"Isn't that the Heart Demon! It's not justified!"

The dragon master disagrees.

He was even more curious about the Xuantian Secret Realm, and asked: "The experts in Buddhism joined forces to create this Xuantian Secret Realm, and most powerhouses cut off Heart Demon here to polish Practicing latecomers, but can this really create a great emperor?"

Long master questioned the claim that the Xuantian Secret Realm could create a great emperor.

Be aware that he is also a powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm. With the resources of the Draconian Race and his own bloodline derived from the giant dragon family of the Peak race, it has also taken many years. It was the breakthrough to the Great Emperor Realm.

For the breakthrough to the emperor, he deeply understands the difficulties. Just relying on the training of these Heart Demons in Xuantian Secret Realm, I am afraid that at most, it will stimulate the god emperor to reach Peak in the late stage.

Master Xuanming shook his head and said: "Heart Demon's training can only be regarded as a part. If you want to break through to the emperor, the main thing is to comprehend the principles of Dao."

"The Xuantian Secret was created at the beginning. Realm, you are not present. In fact, this Secret Realm, our Buddhism is just a transformation. The body of this Secret Realm is a big withered tree!"

"What? Withered Big tree?"

Long master was stunned, why didn't he know about this?

His influence on Xuantian Secret Realm was created by many high-level Buddhists.

"In fact, the body of Xuantian Secret Realm is a big withered tree. I have seen the appearance of this withered tree. It is amazing. The Buddha even guessed that the dead tree, It should be the existence of Supreme level."

Xuanming master said solemnly.

He bluntly told the Dragon Master that this Xuantian Secret Realm was completely transformed with that dead tree as its core.

Every once in a while, some emerald fruits will appear in this Xuantian Secret Realm.

According to senior Buddhist speculations, this may be the power left by the dead tree, and the emerald fruit condensed by these powers, as long as ten, is enough for a god emperor Peak to breakthrough to the great emperor.

These powers are amazing, even now, even now, Buddhist leaders still find it incredible.

With the emerald fruit, the energy of the great emperor is completely sufficient after the breakthrough, and even with the huge energy provided by the emerald fruit, it can easily resist the emperor's calamity!

In this way, if you want to break through to the emperor, you only need to comprehend Taoism.

However, Dao Ze is the most critical point. Many God Emperor Peaks are also stuck in this aspect and have been unable to break through.

Buddhist senior officials speculate that swallowing ten emerald fruits will enable any god emperor Peak powerhouse to break through to the emperor, but it has not been confirmed after all.

They also didn't want experts in Buddhism to try, and finally released the news of expanding dísciple, just want others to try it.

After all, even Buddhists don’t know the origin of the dead tree. They are very cautious. The expansion of dísciple this time is their attempt to create the 1st Step in the plan of the Great Emperor in the future.

"If someone can capture ten emerald fruits and break through to the emperor, then it means that our guess is correct, and that person will also become a member of our Buddhism ."

A fierce glow appeared in Master Xuanming's eyes.

If the people in the mirroring Buddha city really break through to the emperor, then the other party has only one next choice, which is acknowledge allegiance Buddhism, join Xuanming Temple!

"The jade fruit is very special, and it is of great help to Dao Ze's comprehension, and even if it is swallowed, it takes three full days to digest it completely."

He continued to speak, explaining to the dragon master.

Long master suddenly realized, and finally understood why the second test takes three days.

Because of the special nature of Xuantian Secret Realm, once in a state of severe injury and weakness, he will be rejected, and if the person who swallows the emerald fruit is severely injured, the person is rejected, but the emerald fruit is still Will stay!

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