Somewhere outside the Buddha City, two Draconian Races are in a dream state, their faces are constantly changing, as if they dreamed of some terrifying scenes.

And on these two Draconian Races, a dark sun mark appeared, surrounded by demonic energy.

The director of the joint watched from the side, dumbfounded.

Although he had learned more or less about the peculiarities of this magic from Mu Qing's mouth before, he didn't expect such a terrifying ability.

The breath that was unique to Draconian Race on these two draconians was transferred to Mu Qing through the dark sun mark.

As for the breath of Mu Qing, it was transferred to these two draconians through the dark moon mark in the palm of the palm.

In just half an hour, Mu Qing has completely completed the transformation, and the joint director on the side is shocked. Now no matter how he perceives it, he can't perceive Mu Qing's original breath.

It can be said that Mu Qing is no different from Draconian Race now, even if he goes to the site of Draconian Race, no one will recognize him.

"It's amazing! You have such magic skills, even if you swagger into Xuanming Temple, no one will notice your true identity!"

The Joint Director exclaimed , Mu Qing’s magic skill is too powerful!

"There are still some flaws, after all, it was just created. In the future, you may be able to completely change your appearance and breath without relying on the Variety Capsule!"

Mu Qing said with a smile, he is very confident in his magic power and has great potential.

As for the defects, it is mainly through this magic power to change the sky, his breath is exchanged with the breath of these two Draconian Races.

In other words, the breath that escapes from these two Draconian Races is Mu Qing's breath.

Stealing the sky and changing the day is not to create something from nothing. What Mu Qing can do now is only to exchange something with another thing through a kind of power or item.

This magic skill does not exist to steal an item directly, no matter what the goal is, it must be exchanged with an item.

"Although your breath has become Draconian Race, but you have not cultivated any dragon God of Human Race, wouldn't you be suspected when the time comes?" Joint Director reminded.

After all, Xuanming Temple is full of powerhouses above a group of gods and emperors. If they notice something wrong, even if they can't see Mu Qing's true identity, they will focus on observation.

In this regard, Mu Qing does not worry at all.

He continued to urge the magic power to change the sky, and he could see that the dark moon in his palm was haunted by endless demonic energy. At this moment, cold rune flowed out and poured into the bodies of these two Draconian Races.

"divine ability rune?!"

The director of the joint twitched his eyes. Seeing Mu Qing's behavior, he suddenly had a guess in his heart.

"Should not..."

He turned his eyes to the two Draconian Races. Among them, the draconian covered with golden scales, the dark sun emerged, and a large piece of golden rune rushed out , Got into Mu Qing's body.

That is divine ability rune! Belongs to the dragon God of Human Race.

"Can even the divine ability be stolen?!" The Joint Director was shocked again.

Mu Qing oozes a trace of perspiration on his forehead, stimulating the magic power of Heaven-Swapping. He uses his own eternal ice to exchange this divine ability with a certain divine ability in the draconian, but it consumes a lot of money. .

However, as Mu Qing became more proficient in this magic, he also succeeded in stealing a door called Long Zheng ten thousand li Divine Ability from the opponent's body.

The price he paid was that he exchanged his eternal ice into the opponent's body.

Mu Qing doesn't care much about this, because now he has a lot of powerful methods.

And this time to create magic power, he realized that the demonic path is powerful, and his own cultivation demonic energy naturally needs to urge the magic power that perfectly fits himself to exert the greatest power.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing stole a Divine Ability called Azure Dragon from another Draconian Race at the cost of the divine ability of Heaven Overturning Seal.

"The God of Human Race two dragons are connected, it should be enough." Mu Qing stopped, panting heavily and sweating, even if he wanted to continue stealing the divine ability, he didn't have that strength anymore.

The co-director on the side is numb and speechless.

"These two people will be handed over to you. They won't wake up until I get out of Xuanming Temple!"

Mu Qing entrusted the two Draconian Races to the joint director.

He and these two transformations are more than just the surface breath.

Be aware that his bloodline is the Demon Race bloodline. Even if the breath that escapes is from the Draconian Race, you will still be immediately discovered when you enter Xuanming Temple.

Therefore, Mu Qing kept doing the same, and simply swapped his own bloodline with the bloodlines of these two Draconian Races.

In other words, the bloodline on these two Draconian Races is the Demon Race bloodline!

The bloodline on Mu Qing's body is flowing with golden glow, and even the blood is golden-yellow, and it is filled with very rich Dragon Qi, which is very peak in the high-level bloodline.

"You must be careful!"

The Secretary-General knew that his dissuasion was useless, so he had to remind Mu Qing to be cautious. Once discovered, the only end is dead end!

Mu Qing nodded, he bid farewell to the Joint Director, moved towards the Buddha City.

There are three days to sign up for the enrollment expansion of Xuanming Temple, and it is not too late for him to sign up.

"Didn't expect, even if it’s the magic power of changing the sky, there is no way to transfer the negative energy in the bloodline!"

Mu Qing's face was solemn, and he thought in his heart It’s about your own bloodline.

Even his bloodline, who is a demon, can also be transferred to others by stealing the magic power.

Only those mixed negative energies in the bloodline, like tarsus maggots, take root in the deepest part of the bloodline.

Moreover, it should belong to the advanced bloodline of Draconian Race, because these negative energies are comparable to Peak bloodline!

This is what Mu Qing's heart is worried about. Although these negative energies are hidden deeply, only he can easily perceive him, but he is still afraid that when the time comes will be discovered because of this negative energy real identity.

"Hey! Boy! Don't jump in the line, go to the back obediently, there is a Buddhist expert sitting here, even if you are a noble Peak race, you must queue up according to the rules to sign up!"

A robust man berated Mu Qing and pulled him back.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed with chill, and then he found several Buddhist experts around him walking over.

"Please line up according to the rules and wait at the back."

This is a Vajra with a golden body and gleaming glaze, facing Mu Qing coldly.

Mu Qing frowned, then turned and walked to the back.

He underestimated the popularity of this expansion of Xuanming Temple.

You must know that he has only just entered the Buddha city from the outside, and he can already see this long dragon-like procession, and Xuanying Temple is in the center of the Buddha city.

Heavenly God knows how many people are waiting in line to sign up?

"Keep away from this Young Lady!"

A voice came out, and I saw a woman with exquisite beauty coming with bright eyes and white teeth, wearing A white dress, exuding a floral fragrance, the body is crystal clear and near-transparent, just like a jade stone.

Mu Qing saw it, but her pupils suddenly shrank, because the other side's appearance is not the slightest difference from Earth human beings!

In addition, a strong Immortal Qi escaped from the woman's body.

"Celestial Court people?!"

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