"What?! You need 10,000 high-level Divine Stone just to register a name?"

In the Focheng, many people began to complain.

They inquired that if you want to participate in the expansion of Xuanming Temple, you need 10,000 advanced Divine Stones just to sign up.

Be aware that the high-grade Divine Stone is produced from the high-grade Divine Stone, and a mineral vein is comparable to an Emperor Treasure.

Just registering requires 10,000 high-grade Divine Stone. This expensive price is not affordable for ordinary people.

Xuanming Temple has expanded its dísciple. It takes so many Divine Stones just to participate. If it is eliminated during the assessment, the Divine Stone will be given to Xuanming Temple for free and will not be refunded.

"Forget it! This Xuanming Temple seems to want to recruit some genius children. When the time comes, you will definitely be found out. Even the Variety Capsule is useless."

The joint director once again discouraged.

He knows that the Variety Capsules developed by their science and technology alliance may be able to hide their identity in front of the emperor, but once there are powerful characters in Xuanming Temple or the existence of a great emperor, Mu Qing will definitely be discovered immediately. identity of.

"I won't find it. With the variety capsule of your science and technology alliance, I have enough confidence that I will not be discovered!" Mu Qing is very confident.

If he didn't have the Variety Capsule given by the director of the joint, he really didn't know what to do.

This capsule is very powerful, can really change a person's fleshy body, and lasts a very long time.

With this, at least on the surface, Mu Qing has become the clansman of Draconian Race.

It is precisely because of this that even the Vajra experts of the two god emperors Peak of Xuanming Temple have no way to discover the identity of Mu Qing and the joint director.

The reason why the Joint Director said that Mu Qing would be discovered when he really entered Xuanming Temple is because there is a more powerful powerhouse in Xuanming Temple.

Mu Qing's fleshy body was changed through this method, but the aura has not changed. If you feel it carefully, you can find that Mu Qing does not have any Draconian Race aura and Divine Soul characteristics.

"I have been studying the use of the demonic path rule from the breakthrough to the god queen, and I have only recently achieved some results. With the magical power of the world, with hundreds of changeable capsules, my disguise will be perfected. !"

Mu Qing's eyes flickered, what he lacks now is a clansman of True Dragon Human Race!

The Variety Capsule is enough to keep him from being discovered on the surface. Now, you only need to cover him with the breath of a Draconian Race by stealing the magic of the day. By then, it will be perfect and without blemish.

He believes that even the emperor may not necessarily discover his true identity if the Variety Capsule is combined with the magic power of the Heavenly Change of the Sun.

"There is such a peculiar Divine Ability?"

The joint director was surprised.

He secretly thought Mu Qing is really powerful, and he can create Divine Ability to steal his breath.

The director of the joint thought carefully. He still has enough confidence in the Variety Capsule. The disguise is perfect, but the disadvantage is that he cannot hide his breath.

And Mu Qing can steal the breath of others to cover himself, and with the Variety Capsule, it can indeed be seamless!

"It should be magic power." Mu Qing corrected.

His current cultivation’s cultivation magic power has not yet reached the point of complete perfection. He believes that even if he does not rely on this variety capsule in the future, just performing the cultivation magic power will be enough to completely change his appearance and breath. .

"But the question now is where to find Draconian Race." Mu Qing was upset about this.

"Don't worry about this!" Director Lianhe suddenly laughed and said: "You have to know, when is it now? Xuanming Temple expanded its enrollment dísciple, when it was so important, now the sun has gathered. The creatures around dozens of stars, so many creatures, there must be a Draconian Race!"

He told Mu Qing that the Draconian Race was the descendant of the giant dragon clan when it was still in Taining Realm. Later, the giant dragon clan suffered a big change and left from Taining Realm, but Draconian Race stayed.

"This time the Buddha City has expanded the recruitment of dísciple, almost all races in Taining have come, including Draconian Race!" The joint director opened the mouth and said.

The two decided to look for clansman of Draconian Race outside the Buddha City.

After all, there are people everywhere in the Buddha City, and there are many Buddhist experts sitting in the town. Even if they find the Draconian Race in the Buddha City, they will definitely be noticed when they shoot.


"big brother, can we enter Xuanming Temple this time? You know, even other temples we are despised, let alone this Xuanming Temple That's it!"

Outside the Buddha City, two creatures have just arrived at the Falling Sun Star.

It can be seen from their words that they are here to participate in the expansion of Xuanming Temple.

I saw that these two creatures were covered by dragon scales, showing off talent, with a strong breath.

These two people are the clansman of Draconian Race!

They are both the cultivation base of the God Emperor Early-Stage. They are considered powerhouses in the Draconian Race, but they want to join Xuanming Temple, but they are rejected.

It's easy to join Buddhism, but they refuse to be the middle and low-level Buddhism, but want to be the high-level.

That's why they will be disliked. Now that they heard the expansion of Xuanying Temple, they want to try it.

"It depends on me. This Xuanming Temple has a special position in Buddhism. Now Xuanming Temple has expanded its recruitment dísciple and genius gathering. We are originally unremarkable, but we must know that within our clan, There is a senior who has become a senior of Xuanming Temple!"

"My father has already contacted that senior, who is also the clansman of Draconian Race. He will definitely support us two and join Xuanming Temple with no difficulty!"

A Draconian Race covered with golden scales opened the mouth and said. His identity in the Draconian Race seemed extraordinary, and his aura was much stronger than that of the Draconian around him.

He told the younger brother around him that, despite the fact that Xuanming Temple has a very high status in many Buddhist temples, in fact Xuanming Temple is the same as ordinary forces, and it is intriguing.

The Draconian Race senior is a senior in Xuanming Temple. Arranging two places to recruit directly can be said to be with no difficulty.

"Very good! In this way, being able to enter Xuanming Temple will at least be the highest level of Buddhism in the future!" The draconian brother was very happy.

The two of them have been running around for so long, isn't it just to become a higher level in Buddhism?


Suddenly, the golden scale draconian stopped his figure, his face was strange and looked towards the front.

"What's the matter?" The little brother was confused and followed the big brother's gaze and moved towards the distance.

But seeing the high sky in the distance, I don't know when a moon hangs.

"Strange, I remember it's not past noon, right? Why does the moon appear?" Jinlin draconian felt very strange.

He stepped forward, trying to probe.

But in an instant, a dazzling moonlight flashed by.

"Huh? How did I return to the clan?"

The two draconians were shocked, and after the moonlight shone, they found themselves back in the clan, facing their familiar relatives and friends. They laughed happily.

Outside, two draconians lay down on the ground, a black hole suddenly appeared in the surrounding void, and Mu Qing and the Joint Director walked out of it.

These two Draconian Races were caught in Mu Qing's Lunar Dreamland. At this moment, I was immersed in the dreamland and couldn't wake up.

However, Mu Qing didn't make a ruthless move, and did not erase the Divine Soul of these two guys.

"Next, it's time to take the breath of Draconian Race!"

Mu Qing's eyes flickered and the demonic energy lingered on his body. He had both hands forming seals and his palms were dark. Sun and moon alternate.

The joint director on the side was astonished. He found that the breath of Mu Qing appeared on the comatose Draconian Race, but the breath that should belong to that Draconian Race escaped from Mu Qing's body!

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