
Heavenly punishment Raised his hand and punched out endless Thunder Tribulation. There are rumbling sounds everywhere between Heaven and Earth.

Under the fist mark, the Heavenly Tribulation of various colors accompanied him to blast the Great Emperor Xiang Gufeng.

However, Emperor Gu Feng did not panic at all, and it can even be said that he directly ignored the heavenly punishment.

He has no thoughts to fight with heavenly punishment now, and even he asked all Celestial Court powerhouses to change this action to save the White Broken Soul.

Earlier, the Great Emperor Gufeng didn't take too much care of his dísciple. He was trying to make Bai Duanxun fully exercise as much as possible.

But now, he is carrying heavenly punishment this fist and rushing towards Bai Duanhun.


The Great Emperor Gu Feng coughed up blood. He suffered a serious injury. His back was completely blasted and his blood was blurred. There was one after another Force of Tribulation poured into the body, got into the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and affected him to run Immortal Qi.

The expression on his face did not change, and a flaming fairy light burst out of his palm, slapped on the Illusory Beast.

The astrological emperor expression congeals, Gufeng the great emperor is the most powerful emperor, I don’t know how much stronger than him.

However, heavenly punishment was shot over there, and the thunder was everywhere, entangled Emperor Gufeng and prevented him from coming immediately.

He only needs to resist the palm of Emperor Gufeng to kill Bai Duanxun!

A smile appeared on the face of Emperor Zodiac, "I’m too underestimated."

Emperor Gu Feng came to face him. He is definitely not an opponent, but it’s just The emperor Gufeng made a random move, and then the opponent was entangled by heavenly punishment.

He is also a great emperor at any rate, even if he is very different from the cultivation realm of Emperor Gufeng, he can still help him resist the next attack.

Under the control of the astrological emperor, the Illusory Beast moved towards that crystal ball evolved from the palm print shot by the emperor Gufeng was slaughtered.

a loud explosion sound, two waves of surging energy violently impact and collide.

The astrological emperor is full of confidence. He waved his hand and evoked cards in the sky, like a prismatic crystal, piercing through countless rays of light.

It's like a flood of light and rain, hitting that palm print.

The palm prints of the great emperor Gufeng began to tremble, but soon after a dazzling light broke out, he shook suddenly and slapped it on the Illusory Beast.


The astrological emperor immediately felt something was wrong, his face condensed, and then he was shocked.

I saw a few cracks on his Illusory Beast, which were not caused in battle, but the cracks that appeared when he was backlashed when he helped Mu Qing in divination earlier.

Originally, this crack did not have a big impact on his crystal ball, and most of the power can still be easily exerted.

But at this time, these cracks have become fatal weaknesses!

This is like the last straw that overwhelms the camel. Under the crush of the palm print of the Great Emperor Gufeng, these cracks become larger and larger and slowly extend.

Finally, Illusory Beast's body was covered with cracks, and then the rays of light converged and turned back to the appearance of a crystal ball. With a sound of ka-cha, it turned into fragments.


The astrological emperor coughed up blood, was hit by the palm print, and the whole person flew upside down. He was hit by a terrifying force and was hit hard.

As for his crystal ball, it has been completely scrapped.

One piece of Emperor Treasure, just so damaged!

"Didn't expect, I fell fortune-telling at that time!"

The astrological emperor's face was ugly. If he hadn't suffered a backlash at that time, then he could definitely resist Gu Feng. The emperor attacked this time and successfully killed Bai Duanxun.

This is his miscalculation. Even the astrological emperor who is good at predicting the future has such a moment.

Now, it was too late to kill Bai Duanhun. I saw the four high-ranking emperors on the Celestial Court rushing desperately to guard Bai Duanhun.

The four of them were all seriously injured and came from under Zhenjun Ning Feng, causing them to encounter a terrifying offensive.

If it weren't for the Purple Wind Great Emperor holding the Celestial Emperor Imperial Jade Seal, the power erupted at the critical moment and resisted most of Ning Feng Zhenjun's attacks, I am afraid they would have died at the moment.


The four high-ranking emperors were very decisive and tacit, and directly urged Immortal Qi together to sacrifice the Celestial Emperor Imperial Jade Seal.

Be aware that this is a Supreme Item. They tried desperately to take out, and the power they showed was heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

The Celestial Emperor Imperial Jade Seal is horizontal, like a golden sun hanging high.

Mr Ning Feng retrieved his True Dragon fairy sword, raised his hand to pierce it out, and pierced Bai Duanhun.

But the Celestial Emperor Imperial Jade Seal is located there, the golden brilliance bloomed, and with a bang, it resisted the True Dragon fairy sword and shook it flying.

"hong long long!"

When Bai Duanhun saw several great emperors guarding himself, he immediately began the third Transcending Tribulation.

He is still relatively calm now, and now is not the time to be moved, he can only survive the Tribulation of the Great Emperor and reach the third lower rank!

True Dragon roars, starlight flashes.

This is when Zhenjun Ning Feng and Emperor Zodiac shot at the same time.

They know that Celestial Court desperately even gave up this action to save Bai Duanhun. It can be seen that the current state of Bai Duanhun is very important to Celestial Court. .

As long as you are not a fool, you can see Bai Duanxun’s terrifying, just breakthrough to the emperor, and then successively Transcending Tribulation, and you will achieve the lower third-order emperor at once. This kind of potential, if it is allowed to grow, in the future Celestial Court will once again have a terrifying great emperor!

"Everyone in the Science and Technology Alliance! Listen to my orders! Kill!"

Abruptly, the senior officials of the Science and Technology Alliance roared and turned to move towards the powerhouse in Celestial Court to kill.

In an instant, almost half of the powerhouse of the science and technology alliance killed the Celestial Court people around him. This unexpected attack caused the powerhouse of the Celestial Court to fall a lot.

In the science and technology alliance, the remaining part was stunned, not understanding what happened.

They really hate Celestial Court, because Celestial Court is going to use them as cannon fodder this time.

But what is going on now? Directly rebel and rushed to Celestial Court. When was this said?

The director of the joint was also stunned for a long time. He also didn't know when the group of people decided to rebel.

But he didn't want to help Celestial Court for a long time, so loudly roared, and rushed to the powerhouse of Celestial Court with the many powerhouses of the joint bureau.

When the powerhouses of other science and technology alliances saw this, they all rushed up.

"What's the matter? Are people from the other two races also connected to the Ancient Immortal world? Why have I never heard of it?"

A patriarch, a technology alliance One is puzzled.

Beside him is another patriarch, who also feels weird, because according to the plan, it was their people from these two races who rebelled. After all, they had reached a consensus with the Ancient Immortal community a long time ago.

As a result, people from the other two races of the Science and Technology Alliance have also rushed over, and morale is high.

"You courting death!"

When the great spirit emperor saw this, he roared immediately. The strength of the science and technology alliance is not weak. With the group of Ancient Immortal powerhouses in the Ancient Immortal world, even Celestial Court The number of people is too large to match.


However, these great emperors don’t have the time to help. They can only rely on the power of Celestial Emperor Imperial Jade Seal to resist Ning Fengzheng and astrology The attack of the emperor.

If they leave the area covered by the Celestial Emperor Imperial Jade Seal's power, they may be smashed to death by True Monarch Ning Feng!

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