The battle between Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal is very large. The beginning of the war alone is comparable to the confrontation between the two Peak races.

Mu Qing has been watching the battle from a distance, he did not participate in the battle, nor did he have the strength to participate in the battle.

At this moment, his gaze suddenly looked towards the far distance, where there was a silhouette, holding a giant sword, and one after another terrifying black power escaped from him.

Mu Qing saw this, her pupils suddenly contracted.

"This power..."

He was completely shocked. The power escaping from the Celestial Court powerhouse was clearly demonic energy!

"Why?! Why does demonic energy appear on the people of Celestial Court? Does he also have the bloodline method of Starry Sky Dynasty?"

Mu Qing was very surprised.

You must know that the reason why he was able to fuse demonic energy at the beginning was not only because he had the bloodline of Immortal Clan, but also because of the special bloodline method of Starry Sky Return to Origin.

He thought that only he could fuse demonic energy, but he didn't expect that in the Celestial Court, there were some people who could have this kind of power!

"This power is the same as the power on Mu Qing." The astrological emperor wrinkled frowned, he instinctively felt that this power was terrifying.

"The power is completely different from the evil race. It is more full of destructive power, more domineering, and more terrifying. It should be considered a success."

Bai Duanhun whispered. , The giant sword in his hand was also covered with a layer of gloomy demonic energy, and the aura on his body skyrocketed in an instant.

Its own Immortal Clan bloodline is almost the most terrifying in Peak bloodline, but it is now transformed into Demon Race bloodline.

This is different from Mu Qing, because the bloodline rank of Bai Duan Soul itself is extremely high, so after transforming into Demon Race, the bloodline belonging to Demon Race reached its peak all at once.

As for Mu Qing, his Demon Race bloodline can be said to be improved step by step from the lowest bloodline, so it is not as terrifying as Bai Duanyun.

Of course, Mu Qing's bloodline is not ordinary now, the bloodline of a suit has reached the Peak level, and contains mixed negative energy.

If before, Mu Qing’s bloodline could be said to be Demon Race bloodline, but now, his bloodline has undergone transformation, containing various mixed negative energies, just like Myriad Evil Origin, absorbing all negative energies, Very extraordinary.

"His breath!"

Everyone was shocked, because Bai Duanxun's breath became stronger and stronger, reaching an unimaginable point.

“weng! ”

At this time, a fairy sword rushed out of Bai Duanxun’s body, which was different from the giant sword in his hand. It was a Sword Spirit. It is the magic of cultivation of white broken soul.

The fairy method of Bai Duanhun cultivation was taught by Emperor Gu Feng. It can cultivation to produce a Sword Spirit that integrates his own sword intent. In the body, the stronger the Sword Spirit, the more terrifying his strength.

Earlier, the Sword Spirit in Bai Duanxun was a heavy sword intent. As soon as the Sword Spirit came out, it felt like a mountain sitting in front of everyone.

And now, Bai Duanxun has undergone a transformation, and his body begins to merge with the two powers of God first, and gradually forms a terrifying demonic energy.

His Sword Spirit also began to transform into the Demon, and eventually became a Demon Sword.

“bang! ”

A powerful breath soared into the sky, Bai Duanhun took the Demon Sword into his body, and then a rumbling sound sounded on top of his head, that was Heavenly Tribulation!

This Heavenly Tribulation is extremely terrifying, and it escapes terrifying power. This is the Heavenly Tribulation of the Great Emperor level, which is very terrifying.

In history, I don’t know how many god emperors Peak died under this great emperor Heavenly Tribulation, because this great emperor Heavenly Tribulation is too terrifying, the ordinary god emperor Peak has no way to get through.

Only those extraordinary natural talents Heaven's Chosen can survive the Great Heavenly Tribulation.

The Great Heavenly Tribulation of White Broken Soul is even more amazing, even more powerful than the ordinary Great Emperor Heavenly Tribulation.

But Bai Duanhun didn't panic at all, he raised the giant sword in his hand and cut it off abruptly.

This time, what is pouring out of him is pure demonic energy!

A magic mountain blasted away. Upon closer inspection, it was clearly formed by densely packed sword qi, and the eerie demonic energy permeated half the sky.

Everyone was shocked, because they noticed that the aura in Bai Duanxun's body was soaring wildly, soaring directly to the level of the lower emperor.


The Great Emperor Heavenly Tribulation has dropped countless thunders, but Bai Broken Soul left with a sword, and it turned out to be the terrifying Great Emperor Heavenly Tribulation torn apart!

"hong long!"

After the Great Emperor Heavenly Tribulation disappeared, the Heavenly Tribulation reappears in the sky.

“Continuous Transcending Tribulation?”

Everyone at Celestial Court was shocked. They didn’t expect that the accumulation of Bai Broken Soul was so strong. As soon as the breakthrough reached the next emperor, he immediately started Transcending Tribulation again. .

Continuous Transcending Tribulation is not something ordinary people can do. It requires great confidence and strength.

If Bai Duanxun can survive this great emperor's calamity, then his cultivation base will be promoted to rank 2 of the next great emperor.

"hong long!"

The robbery cloud in the sky drops a terrifying thunder, like a Flood Dragon, as if to swallow him.

Bai Duanxun's body is enveloped with demonic energy, raising his hand with a sword, the mighty power shocks the sky, as if a terrifying demon fairy roared out.

The robbery cloud was directly pierced by a giant sword full of demonic energy and completely shattered.

Everyone has mouth opened wide, which is too abnormal. One after another Transcending Tribulation, just as soon as they hit the lower emperor, they directly broke the second rank of the emperor's robbery cloud.

This level of strength can be said to be against the sky!

Bai Duanxun stepped on the void, and the breath on his body became stronger and stronger.

"hong long!"

On the sky, another thundercloud appeared.

"What?! He still wants to continue Transcending Tribulation? What kind of Heaven's Chosen is this? Do you want to become the lower Tier 3 emperor at once?"

Everyone is horrified, this white The courage to break the soul is also too great.

More people are very curious about what happened to Bai Duanxun, and why it suddenly exploded and reached this level.

"He wants to fight the Great Emperor of the Ancient Immortal world. Regardless of his strength, he must continuously Transcending Tribulation to improve his strength as much as possible!"

Celestial Court Someone saw Bai Duanxun's thoughts.

"Illusory Beast!"

The astrological emperor made a direct shot, but he used all his strength when he came up this time, and the crystal ball in his hand burst into dazzling rays of light, in midair, turned into a crystal clear and near-transparent giant beast, baring fangs and brandishing claws, moved towards Bai Duanhun culled away.

He can't let the other party go on like this. Bai Duanxun's talent has made the astrological emperor a little scared. If the other party grows up, he will become a great emperor in their Ancient Immortal world!

Bai Duanxun's face is getting more and more solemn, and his third Great Tribulation is about to fall, if there is no interference, he will have the confidence to pass.

However, he reached the limit of the lower third-order emperor.

And if someone interferes, he might even die under this great robbery.

"This change of action, try to keep Bai Duanxun!"

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance.

I saw that Emperor Gufeng was actually carrying the offensive of heavenly punishment, and rushed towards this side directly, leaning out his palms, and smashing the Heavenly Illusory Beast of the astrological emperor.

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