"Pu chi!"

The spider legs of the highly poisonous Insect King were forcibly cut off, and a large amount of blood splashed out.

"Hurry up and help me, I'm dying!" The poisonous Insect King can't care about his face at this moment. Under the siege of Mu Qing and Mo Cheng, he is no opponent at all.

The blood sucking Insect King disdainfully snorted coldly: "Waste!"

The endless blood light on him rises up, condense the blood, but it is blocked by the Gavin master.

The strength of the Gavin master is also not trivial. There are countless brilliant arrays of waved condense, even if it is not the opponent of the blood-sucking Insect King, it is enough to stop him.


The endless fairy light rushes into the sky, the horrible sword glow penetrates through the sky, and the rays of light are incomparably dazzling, Mu Qing and Mo Cheng The combination of Old Mister made the already severely wounded Insect King almost dying!

Very poisonous Insect King body trembled, he found that he was completely controlled by these two terrifying fairy swords, one after another fairy light contained powerful power, hurting his broken body even more severely .

He absolutely did not expect that his dignified insect race's power would be the awakening state once he was born. After getting the opportunity of the Earth treasure house, he will become a god just around the corner!

The poisonous Insect King represents the insect race in ambush on Earth for so many years. Like the blood-sucking Insect King, the insect race people have already helped them get ready on the road to becoming a god.

But now, he is on the verge of death. Although Mu Qing is only a Peak King, the formidable power that really bursts out is not comparable to the half-step Supreme Being, and has barely reached the power level. Level up.

As for Mo Cheng, it is the power of the Awakening Realm itself. With Mu Qing, the formidable power is not comparable to his severely injured power.

In the sky, the sword light containing Immortal Qi swept one after another, tearing the sky apart, and wounds constantly appeared on the body of the poisonous Insect King, and the whole body was on the verge of collapse, as if at any time To die in general.

He gritted his teeth and took out a spaceship like a round shell, silver white all over, branded with a peculiar rune.

The above a stream of light is entwined, extremely hard, one after another sword light cut on it, but it is all broken.

This spaceship is obviously not a product of Earth, it is very mysterious, and it has resisted countless terrifying sword lights.

“weng! ”

Trapping Immortal Sword and Extinguishing Immortal Sword made heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sword cry, sword light swept down like tide, a series of rumbling sound It sounded, and the whole ground began to vibrate.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and once again used the few divine force in his body to summon a gust of wind.

The strong wind blew past, and on the shell-like spaceship, those peculiar runes began to dim, and then a trace of cracks appeared.

A burst of Dragon's roar appeared out of thin air, terrifying sword glow skyrocketed, True Dragon illusory shadow rushed out, a True Dragon roared, holding a fairy sword, and bright divine glow rushing into the sky.

This sword pierced through, and the round spaceship burst into pieces.

The poisonous Insect King sent out mournful scream, and the Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword were cut off, and two blood holes were directly penetrated in his body.

"Come on and help me, I'm really dying!" The poisonous Insect King roared, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

At this time, a beautiful purple figure appeared in front of Mo Cheng and Mu Qing.

This is also a huge spider, the whole body is golden-bright and dazzling, but the upper body is a beautiful woman, surrounded by purple.

Mu Qing pupil shrink, a little shocked: "Spider Girl?!"

A powerful force blocked Mu Qing and Mo Cheng’s killing attack on the poisonous Insect King , One after another purple energy gushes out, breath terrifying.

She turned out to be great!

Mu Qing never thought that Spider-Woman would have such strength!

He took a deep breath, Spider-woman has this level of strength, mostly by the means of the curse spirit, forcibly making her cultivation progress to the power level.

With such an amazing method, the strength of the curse spirit is probably about to reach Demi-God!

The poisonous Insect King is indeed happy at the moment, didn't expect someone to help him at this time.

"Hand over Curse Gu and Curse Siyu, I will leave immediately." Spider-woman smiled, her goal is obviously to curse the other two powers of the gods.

When the cursed god fell, spirit strength, memory and divine force turned into three lives. Now that the cursed spirit wants more powerful power, it naturally needs to fuse the other two forces.

Mu Qing sneered without responding. Ever since he handed the Thunderbolt Sword to Mo Cheng, Shugu has entered the cultivation in the Ten Thousand Territory Star Map.

Chu Gu and Shu Siyu both know how terrifying their enemies are, so they have spent most of their time in cultivation recently to improve their cultivation base and strength.

"She was not promoted to power normally, but her strength was not weak. I was able to stop her, but she would not be able to defeat it for a while." Mo Cheng waved the whisk in Mo Cheng's hand, and the Trapping Immortal Sword turned his head. Hole through to the spider woman.

Mu Qing's face is solemn, nodded, he didn't expect that the poisonous Insect King that kills severe injuries can involve so much power.

Even Mocheng and Gavin did not expect that the blood sucking Insect King would be able to support them so quickly, and then Spider-Woman even intervened.

"clang!" The sword light soars into the sky, pointing straight to the sky, and the Extinguishing Immortal Sword is entwined with fairy light and penetrates.

Mu Qing walks in the void, wears a silver robe, and holds the Extinguishing Immortal Sword in his hand. The immortal is vertical and horizontal. The divine glow on his body is bright, and there is a dazzling starry sky behind.

The rays of light in the sky are too dazzling, one after another Immortal Qi surrounds, and the Extinguishing Immortal Sword is cut down, like a Star River falling down, vast and boundless.

Very poisonous Insect King suck in a breath of cold air, he hurts and hurts, and now he is not necessarily Mu Qing's opponent.

I saw him transforming into a human form, spit out a mouthful of blood, surrounded by poison qi, and condense of terrifying energy, a lot of spiders.

“bang! ”

Heaven and Earth vibrated, and the violent shock wave swept away. The rays of light were gorgeous, sword qi connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, shattering everything poison qi spider.

The highly poisonous Insect King at this moment is just like an ordinary half-step Supreme Being in front of Mu Qing's eyes!

The Extinguishing Immortal Sword in Mu Qing's hand is filled with terrifying power, the blazing Immortal Qi surrounds, the sword glow penetrates, rays of light sweeps between Heaven and Earth, and contains a wave of terrifying. The imposing manner of All Living Things!

Poisonous Insect King Take out a bead, the whole body is pitch black, contains terrible poison, and it is filled with one after another divine runes, five ways!

This is a fifth-order Divine Item!

The poisonous Insect King urges the drama poison pearl, and suddenly bursts out a terrifying force, one after another black poison qi spreads.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, and raised his hand to go through several golden thunderbolts.

The poisonous Insect King trembled all over, and his eyes were filled with amazement. The reason why he ended up in such a fate was because of this golden thunder and lightning!

Almost subconsciously, fear and fear arose in the heart of the highly poisonous Insect King. He used the drama poison pearl to resist, but he revealed a weak spot.

"Pu chi!"

A ray of fairy light penetrated, and Extinguishing Immortal Sword turned out to take away a head.

"hong long long!" Golden thunder and lightning burst, and terrifying energy fluctuations swept all around in an instant.

Although this force is powerful and can even threaten the Peak King, it obviously cannot threaten the highly toxic Insect King.

These are just ordinary annihilation of Divine Lightning, but it is a pity that the poisonous Insect King has fear in his heart, and Mu Qing has found the opportunity.

"Finally killed!" Mu Qing let out a long sigh of relief, his look pale, his breath receded, and he felt like he was hollowed out.

Killing a mighty power, even if it's just a mighty power that is severely injured, the difficulty level is far higher than he imagined.

The head of the poisonous Insect King is empty, and his face is full of unwillingness and resentment.

He dignified an insect race Insect King, which was powerful when he was born, and the road to becoming a god has been paved. As a result, he was killed.


The fairy light on the Kunpeng Divine Sword converged away, turned into a rays of light, and penetrated into Mu Qing's body.

With a loud noise of "peng!", the poisonous Insect King after death manifested itself, fiercely smashed to the ground, and blood flowed all over the place.

The rays of light in the blood flicker, containing divine power, which shows that his bloodline is of different grades.

Mo Cheng and Gavin have been paying attention to the battle here. Seeing that the poisonous Insect King was completely beheaded, they suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

I finally killed the power of this insect race!

A powerful, awakening powerhouse, the next step is the Demi-God Realm world. The terrifying power is terrifying. In the end, it did not die in the hands of the same level, but died in Mu Qing, the Peak King. In the hands of him!

"Waste!" The blood-sucking Insect King shook his body, crushed several Formations that had enveloped him, coldly snorted, and turned and left.

He is also an awakening power, and Gavin can't stop him when he wants to leave. He can only watch the opponent tear open the space and disappeared.

The Spider-Woman was a little embarrassed. She took advantage of the chaos to intervene, but didn't expect Mu Qing to kill the poisonous Insect King so neatly and neatly.

That's all, if the blood sucking Insect King joins hands with her, it may even defeat Mocheng and the others.

Unfortunately, the blood sucking Insect King didn't want to join hands with her at all. He turned around and left, very decisive.

"Damn it!" Spider-woman cursed secretly, her body was filled with white mist, and her whole body disappeared.

"Fortunately, this operation is thrilling." Mo Cheng chuckled and looked at the corpse of the poisonous Insect King on the ground. The powerful fall of the insect race can be said to be tremendous. The extent of weakening the strength of the insect race.

"You are the one who severely injured the poisonous Insect King, and you were the one who killed him in the end. Naturally, this pearl should be yours." Mo Cheng picked up the poison pearl from the drama and handed it to Mu Qing.

Although I knew that poison pearl was a Divine Item, Mo Cheng didn't care too much.

There is also a Divine Item in the Federal Headquarters, and there are more than one. Mocheng did this to be a good favor.

Because after this battle, he found that Mu Qing's growth rate was a bit surprisingly fast. This is only the Peak King, and the power that bursts out can barely match the power.

Of course, Mocheng didn’t know that Divine Item was divided into high and low. If he knew that poison pearl was a Tier 5 Divine Item, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be so generous!

Mu Qing took over the drama poison pearl, this can be considered a good harvest.

He remembers that the Vampire Insect King also has a bead, which is also a Tier 5 Divine Item.

Subsequently, Mu Qing found the space ring in the body of the poisonous Insect King. There were a lot of good things in it, colorful, some peculiar plants glowing, containing terrifying energy. After the three divided them up, It is separate from each other.

Mu Qing returned directly to Tianyu Palace. At this moment, the dísciple of Law Enforcement Palace had already returned and brought back a large number of cultivation resources, most of which were from the ancient city of Loulan.

Be aware that the ancient city of Loulan is a Great Influence comparable to Tianyu Palace. It has great power, even if it is destroyed, but the Law Enforcement Palace dísciple still finds a lot of good things.

All the proceeds are placed in the Law Enforcement Palace. The dísciple's eyes are shining. They know that all these cultivation resources belong to them!

Nan Elder and the original Loulan dísciple were a little dazed, and couldn't believe that their hatred was so easily reported.

"Second Palace Lord!"

Seeing Mu Qing's return, Elder Lin and Law Enforcement Elder hurriedly stepped forward, followed by South Elder.

The three of them looked happy, and just wanted to tell Mu Qing about the harvest this time and how shocked the other dísciples of the Sky Feather Palace were, but they found that Mu Qing was a little embarrassed, with some blood stains on his body, look pale.

"What's the matter?" Elder Lin looked surprised. They all knew Mu Qing's strength. Why is he so weak now?

Mu Qing waved his hand, grinned, and said: "It's nothing, just kill a mighty power."


Elder Lin and the others were silent for a while, and then their mouth opened wide, with a look of disbelief.

"Second Palace Lord, did you kill the poisonous Insect King?!" His face was shocked, and the poisonous Insect King was seriously injured, that's all. They can think that Mu Qing has some special trump cards in his hand. .

But to completely kill the poisonous Insect King, that is an earthquake-like news!

"All the resources collected this time are placed on the Law Enforcement Palace, expanding the 300 Law Enforcement Palace dísciple to 500, and, as far as possible, training the law enforcement of King Realm dísciple, how many can be cultivated!"

After Mu Qing explained it, he returned to his building and began to recover.

A few days later, the Federal Headquarters revealed a news that the Second Palace Lord Mu Qing of Tianyu Palace had killed a powerful insect race!

Almost immediately, everyone can't believe this news is true. Now Mu Qing still has some reputation in China, and they all know that his cultivation base is in the Peak King.

Although the King of Peak is powerful, it can't be compared with the great power at all. It can be a Great Influence existence!

However, when the Federal Headquarters showed the corpse of the poisonous Insect King, everyone was shocked. The Federal Headquarters will not deceive people on this matter. This poisonous Insect King is indeed Tianyu. Killed by the Second Palace Lord of the Palace!

Combined with the video of Mu Qing's previous battle with Old Ancestor Tian Yu, this time Mu Qing's name can be said to be completely popular, and those with good things have given Mu Qing a powerful Number One Person's title.

"Number One Person under great power, but it is empty and fictitious, my insect race will never let you go!"

The next day, the insect race was issued. The terrifying voice, but this made everyone understand that the highly poisonous Insect King was really killed by Mu Qing!

"I want to join the Law Enforcement Palace!"

In Tianyu Palace, there is an upsurge, and countless dísciples are rushing to join Mu Qing's Law Enforcement Palace .

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