"Okay! Good thing, you humans dare to unite against me, are you not afraid of our insect race's revenge!" The poisonous Insect King was hit hard by the formidable power of the annihilated Divine Lightning, In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing and the others caught up.

Mu Qing hearing this, sneered, and said: "The wormholes of your insect race are all blocked. Except for your strength, there will be no powerhouse coming in a short period of time, nor can it be right. We pose any threats."

"courting death! You have a kind of battle with me!" The poisonous Insect King was full of murderous intention, and there was blood flowing on his body, and every drop of blood contained poison. , Among them there are divine rays of light flickering.

He knows that the formidable power that Mu Qing exploded before was almost a blow in the Demi-God Realm world. It was definitely not a power that Mu Qing himself could display as a cultivation base.

"Okay!" Mu Qing's mouth was filled with a smile, and immediately Mo Cheng and Gavin followed him to make a shot.

"bang!" The terrifying rays of light swept the sky, and the poisonous Insect King coughed up blood and flew out.

His eyes are full of hatred. If Mu Qing is only one person, even if he is seriously injured, he will not be afraid of Mu Qing, the little King of Peak.

However, Mu Qing brought two human powers this time!

Although the Bloodline Strength of human beings is extremely low, but from the cultivation to the existence of Da Neng realm, which one is waiting?

Even in the same tier, the human power is not the opponent of the poisonous Insect King, but if the two work together, it is enough to defeat him, let alone he is now in a state of serious injury!

Looking at one after another terrifying rays of light penetrated through, the poisonous Insect King was extremely angry, and even contained a trace of despair.

He knows that the other party came with the confidence to kill. If you don't kill him, you will never leave!

The poisonous Insect King roared in rage, and a one after another black mist filled his body, surrounding his huge body, terrifying energy fluctuations swept all around, the Megatron of might moved!

Mu Qing also has a solemn face and a startled look in his eyes. Sure enough, this is the existence of the power level, even if it has been seriously injured, it is countless times more powerful than the half-step Supreme Being!

The poisonous Insect King fled before because of fear of Mu Qing and annihilation of Divine Lightning, not really afraid of Mu Qing.

If Mu Qing is seriously injured against the poisonous Insect King, he is likely to lose. The only chance of victory is Immortal Beheading Sword Formation!

Of course, the cost of Immortal Beheading Sword Formation was too great. The repercussions and the period of weakness after the eruption of the divine nature took Mu Qing a full four months to recover.

“weng! ”

The poisonous Insect King is filled with one after another light wave, the terrifying poison qi escapes, and even the all around space is corroded , The extreme terrifying, even the two great abilities of Mo Cheng and Gavin, their faces are solemn.

"Cut!" With a wave of the dust in Mo Cheng's hand, a fairy light suddenly appeared. One after another powerful fluctuation spread, Ruixia condensed into an illusory shadow of an immortal sword.

Mu Qing expression congeals, this is Trapping Immortal Sword!

Immortal Beheading Sword Formation's four immortal swords, Mo Cheng actually split them apart, and cut them off with the might of the immortal sword!

The poisonous Insect King is shocked. What kind of power is this? It was the first time he saw such a terrifying sword!

He realized that these two human powerhouses are not as weak as imagined.

Very poisonous Insect King loudly roared, all poison qi was swallowed in his mouth, and then a beam of black light burst out, entwining highly poisonous rune.

The surging power burst out in an instant, impacting on the Trapping Immortal Sword.

With a bang, the sky shook, and the sky seemed to burst open. The bright radiance burst out, extremely dazzling.

The poisonous Insect King was suddenly startled. That fairy sword pierced the black light and chopped up the poison qi, terrifying unmatched!

“weng! ”

At this time, Mu Qing shot, and his Divine Sword rushed out of Kunpeng, and the origin power of the stars in his body poured into it, even dantian The divine force from condone is also consumed.

The black golden Kunpeng Divine Sword itself has extraordinary formidable power, and now one after another fairy light blooms on it, the surrounding fairy drums humming together, the sound of Taoism bursts, one is full of lore power The fairy sword appeared.

Using Kunpeng Divine Sword as the medium to condense Extinguishing Immortal Sword!

Maybe Mu Qing’s cultivation base is not very high, but with Kunpeng Divine Sword as a medium, the formidable power of this Extinguishing Immortal Sword can barely reach the power level.

Mu Qing's lips are slightly pale, even if it is only a part of Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, it will consume him tremendously.

He controlled the Extinguishing Immortal Sword, Ruixia skyrocketed, one of the Kunpeng appeared, and the dazzling rays of light fiercely penetrated through it.

He cut through the air, and the Extinguishing Immortal Sword made a sword cry like a dragon roar, resonating with the Trapping Immortal Sword of Mocheng Condense.

The energy fluctuations of the two fairy swords are united together, and the power has more than doubled!


In midair, the space suddenly tore, and a terrifying blood light burst out.

The extremely poisonous Insect King's eyes lit up, and he also shot a beam of black light. With the blood light, it forcibly resisted the combined force of the two fairy swords, Jue Xian and Shen Xian!

"A powerful shot again!" Gavin expression congeals, a strong force in his body erupted, and moved towards the Space Crack with a punch.

But at this time, a blood-colored silhouette has walked out through the Space Crack, raised a palm, Heaven and Earth shook, Gavin's silhouette trembled, and stepped back.

His eyes were startled, he looked at him suddenly, and found that a boy in blood appeared beside the poisonous Insect King, but his expression was extremely cold and full of killing intent.

"Vampire Insect King!" Mu Qing startled.

How long did he hit the poisonous Insect King? This blood sucking Insect King came to support so quickly!

This is an unexpected thing for Mu Qing and the others.

"His strength, deep and unmeasurable, has definitely reached the awakening state!" Mu Qing complexion sank, he knows that the blood-sucking Insect King is also a great power.

Actually, when the blood-sucking Insect King was born in Hangzhou City, it was to use the blood of the whole city to transform itself perfectly. Once born, it is powerful, just like the poisonous Insect King.

But at that time, Mu Qing and many powerhouses broke the plan of the blood-sucking Insect King, resulting in that the strength of the blood-sucking Insect King did not reach Peak.

Unfortunately, at that time, Huaxia’s powerhouse was unable to kill it. After such a long time, the blood-sucking Insect King has completely restored its mighty strength. Judging from its aura, it is even more toxic. Insect King is even better!

"I stop him, you two quickly kill the poisonous Insect King!" Master Gavin's face is solemn, he both hands forming seals, in just a few breaths, it is condense several terrifying array, moved towards Insect King of Vampiric Suppressed away.

Mu Qing and Mo Cheng looked at each other and quickly shot.

Mo Cheng is shining all over, fresh air is lingering, wind immortal bones, like an immortal, with a wave of the whisk in his hand, suddenly one after another illusory shadow appears behind him, and he sacrifices the Trapping Immortal Sword together!

Mu Qing also controls the Extinguishing Immortal Sword, the power of lore envelops Heaven and Earth, and the celestial radiance is shining down!

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