"It is useless to say more, let you see that you have several points of ability? In Tianyu Palace, I will never allow anyone who disobeys me to exist!" Old Ancestor Tian Yu suddenly appeared in his eyes A strong killing intent burst out!

He has a sword, soaring with a sword, he wants to become a fairy!

The bright rays of light, through Heaven and Earth, tear everything apart.

Mu Qing made the same shot, his body shook, and stars appeared in the sky behind him. After integrating more than a hundred bloodline methods, the stars that appeared behind him were also extremely magnificent.

He showed his stars, and his violent power swept all around at once.

The stars are filled with incomparable origin power of stars, and a few stars are particularly bright, almost forming a Star River!

Titan stars contain terrifying giants, shrouded in a hundred chains of chaos.

The Kunpeng star is black golden, and a huge monster is hidden in it.

Sword intent soaring stars, vertical and horizontal, lingering in immortals.

A murderous intention in the stars of Shura, a sea of ​​blood and corpses!

There are 81 changes in the Promise Stars, and there are terrifying illusory shadows everywhere.

Three Purities stars have three silhouettes, permeating a misty terrifying atmosphere.


Old Ancestor Tian Yu's eyes were startled, he cut it down with a sword, and with a random sword, he had the charm of wanting to fly into a fairy.

But this sword was blocked by Mu Qing!

I saw Mu Qing glowing all over, and chaotic chains appeared on his body. A 300-meter-long Titan appeared behind him, tearing five chains in an instant, and the divine light suddenly burst out. .

The Titan giant roared, punched out, and repelled the sword, but there was a long and narrow sword mark on his body.

Mu Qing frowned slightly. He knew that Old Ancestor Tian Yu was definitely the most terrifying enemy he had ever encountered, so he immediately tore the chain of Five Primal Chaos.

But didn't expect, the Titan Giant in this state is still not the opponent of Old Ancestor Tian Yu, and the opponent left a terrifying injury on the Titan Giant with a random sword.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu did not speak, the whole person was terrifying cold, and the horrible immortality on the body was vertical and horizontal, the sword qi lingered, and went out, the divine force surged wildly, the rays of light were brilliant, and the whole person was like one The handle of the fairy sword came through!

Mu Qing has a black hair flying, his eyes are extremely sharp, he is not afraid of the geniuses of all major races, and now he is not afraid of Old Ancestor Tian Yu.

He even has a faint expectation in his heart. What level of strength has he reached?

Mu Qing gave a long whistle. This is his first battle against Da Neng. Perhaps Old Ancestor Tian Yu's strength is not as good as Mo Cheng and the others, but it is definitely not a half-step Supreme Being. Comparable!

hong long long!

The entire in the sky was filled with terrifying power, and the dísciples of Tianyu Palace looked up towards the sky one after another.

Some dísciples have trembling lips, some not knowing what to do, and said: "Why is there such a big movement, is the sky going to collapse?"

Shui Yuexihe Great Elder and the others are extremely anxious. Although Mu Qing is powerful, it is impossible to be Old Ancestor Tian Yu's opponent. They tried to contact the Mocheng of the Federation and the Gavin master of the alchemy organization, and wanted them to take action.


Mu Qing is walking in midair, surrounded by Power of Space, and his Tsing Yi becomes a silver daoist robe, suddenly the surrounding space bursts, The rumbling sound is like Nine Heavens Divine Lightning, endless.

He spurred the Kunpeng Race’s mysterious space recording, with great momentum, a star behind it changed into a Kunpeng, the black golden power swept away, and the space was suddenly turbulent.

hong long long!

Mu Qing urged Power of Space, all around the space began to squeeze, a series of explosions occurred, the location where Old Ancestor Tian Yu was, it exploded crazily, one by one, dark voids appeared. Came out.


Heaven and Earth vibrates, Mu Qing hits out with one palm, but uses Power of Space to the extreme, all the space is compressed in his palm I got up, under a palm, as if to collect the entire Heaven and Earth!

Old Ancestor Tian Yu burst out a sword light, very bright, bright to the extreme, containing divine light and fairy meaning.

But under the palm of Mu Qing, all the power is squeezed into one piece, that a sword light, shrouded by this palm, keeps compressing and shrinking.

Finally, with the sound of ka-cha, that a sword light was broken, and what was broken together with it, there is still space for several hundred zhang around!

Mu Qing panted slightly, sweat was already overflowing on his forehead, looked towards Old Ancestor Tian Yu, his palm trembled, and blood dripped down.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu has a smile at the corner of his mouth. He found that the strength of the Little Brat in front of him seems to be much stronger than the average person.

This a sword light, even the half-step Supreme Being has to be penetrated, but it is resisted by Mu Qing who only has the cultivation base of Peak King!


Old Ancestor Tian Yu is holding an ancient sword, softly trembled, and suddenly two sword lights burst out.

The two sword lights, just like Flood Dragons, roar and hum in unison, turning them into two fairy shadows!

The two sword light turns into two silhouettes full of Immortal Qi, the Flood Dragon is entwined, and the breath is sharp enough to tear everything apart.


The two figures came close in an instant, attacking Mu Qing, Mu Qing smashed with a punch, but it seemed to hit an extremely hard meteor The iron is average, and there is even a tingling pain.

Mu Qing backed away, the fist in his hand had been pierced by one of the silhouetted sword qi, bleeding blood.

He clenched the teeth, the whole person turned into a Titan, and once again tore the chain of Five Primal Chaos!

"hong long!"

The monstrous divine flame swept out, and Mu Qing's imposing manner skyrocketed.

However, the two figures dragon roar in front of him are in a row, combining two into one. They also skyrocketed to three hundred meters, turning into a giant with sword qi wrapped around them, and 1 Flood Dragon coiled on the body, uncommon military might!

Mu Qing punched, and the other party also punched.


In an instant, the two collided and burst out dazzling rays of light, like a vast ocean.

Mu Qing felt the horror of mighty power. With just two sword lights, he evolves into such a giant, and he can compete with him!

He retreated, and there were a few more sword marks on his body. The body of that Flood Dragon giant was filled with densely packed sword qi, and any one of them could cut a ravine on the ground!


Mu Qing punched out again, the starlight was dazzling, and there was boundless divine force between his palms and fingers, which turned into a burst of rune.

With his power to tear ten chains of chaos, he exploded with a terrifying punch. The Flood Dragon giant couldn't resist it, and it shattered completely with a bang.

However, after the Flood Dragon giant shattered, the sword qi that was hiding the sky and covering the earth sprayed out.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing had a few more wounds, and even some sword qi fell into the Tianyu Palace, breaking the Formation, and each Tianyu Palace dísciple suffered, and his body was shattered and transformed. Make a lot of blood mist.

Mu Qing's eyes are cold, looking at Old Ancestor Tian Yu.

But Old Ancestor Tian Yu's face still has a hint of smile. For him, it doesn't matter whether the dísciple in Tianyu Palace is dead or alive.

Mu Qing suddenly yelled, his whole body glowing, wisps of Chaos Energy entwined, a spear condensed in his hand, and a bloody color fell in an instant, and Heaven and Earth both showed a sea of ​​blood. illusory shadow.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu's expression congeals, he saw the power of Mu Qing this move.

"You seem to contain countless secrets! It is a pity, under absolute strength, everything seems so fragile!" Old Ancestor Tian Yu shook his head.

The ancient sword in his hand burst out a sword light again, still so bright, so bright, with fairy meaning, fiercely stabbed.

The Slaughter God Halberd in Mu Qing's hand was torn away, and the origin power of the stars in his body continued to gush out, breaking the sword light, but he was still injured, coughing up blood and retreating.

He gave a wry smile, is there such a big gap between Da Neng and the king?


Mu Qing waved the Slaughter God's Halberd, tearing the void, and endless blood light filled the sky with a fierce anger.

The light on his body was shining, and he turned into three selves, all holding the halberd.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu's eyes showed a hint of surprise, looking at the three Mu Qing in front of him.

The three Mu Qing all held the halberd of the god of killing, the next moment, and 81 illusory shadows appeared behind them. Various changes appeared. The shadows of the halberds were all over the sky, and the blood enveloped the sky. The richness was almost dripping. The blood comes.

Two hundred 43 Dao Slaughter God Halberd, the condensed meaning of killing is almost unimaginable, and has completely surpassed the general half-step Supreme Being category!

At this moment, the whole sky is trembling, blood-reeking qi covers everything, between Heaven and Earth, the two hundred and forty-three Dao slaughter halberds, criss-crossed, and murderous intention alone, are enough to shatter The body of ordinary people!

Old Ancestor Tian Yu frowned, immediately shouting loudly, spit out a burst of Immortal Qi!

This Immortal Qi is condensed from the divine force in his body. In midair, he deduces the boundless sword dao. It is extremely terrifying, and it turns into a mountain in an instant, crushing it down one after another!

This is a mountain formed by sword qi, cut down.

“bang! ”

In this brief moment, the sky seems to be torn apart. The mountain-like sword qi traverses Heaven and Earth, cutting everything open The bloody color made the sky full of Slaughter God's Halberd tremble, and even shattered!

"chi chi chi!"

The criss-crossed sword intent, the white sword qi, is like a volcanic eruption, like a flood, directly flooding Heaven and Earth, the sword qi like a mountain, fell down!

The horrible rays of light burst out, and the sword qi and the sword qi had a violent collision. The sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the sword qi was permeated. Among them, the killing intent leaped up, and the blood screamed into the sky!

Mu Qing's complexion is extremely solemn, Old Ancestor Tian Yu's sword intent, as if it is a real immortal sword intent, almost invincible!

He used Asura Race's halberd, with One Qi Becomes Three Purities and Promise 81ization, to attack hiding the sky and covering the earth, but it was still difficult to resist.

In the end, all the halberds of the Slaughter Gods exploded, and a total of two hundred and forty-three Dao Slaughter halberds burst into pieces, turning into strands of Blood Fiendish Qi, disappeared.

The sword qi mountain peaks across the sky, crushed down, and the sword qi smashed down, wounding Mu Qing's body of Titan, and blood stained the sky!

"Break me!" Mu Qing punched out, with an Azure Dragon in his arm, divine light, and finally forcibly shattered that sword qi mountain.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu frowned, he didn't expect Mu Qing to be so difficult to kill, the ancient sword in his hand was cut out, and endless mountains were derived.

A vision emerged in the sky, beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful and ethereal, and immortal lingering!

A Sword Mountain River, immortal and ethereal!

The endless bright sword light swept over, Old Ancestor Tian Yu really showed his full strength, the divine force in his body gushes out, under this sword, even the half-step Supreme Being is also To be shredded in an instant!

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, he took a deep breath, and a dark feather appeared in his hand, which turned into a Demon Sword.

Immediately, blood spirit appeared behind him, two thunder bamboos connected to the Heavenspan, surrounded by thunder clouds, evolving into two thunder swords.

A roar came out, and a Kunpeng rushed out and turned into a black gold Divine Sword.

"Sinking in the fairy."

Mu Qing spit out two words coldly, the origin power in his body gushed out frantically, and was continuously absorbed by that mouthful of thunder sword.


sword cry Heavenspan, that thunder sword soared into the sky, and wisps of fairy light filled the sky, and the blazing sun shone.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu frowned, he found that he felt a little threat!

Immediately, Mu Qing threw the second thunder sword into the air, both hands forming seals, mysterious rune and lines entwined on the thunder sword.

"Absolute Immortal!"

He said coldly, the origin power in his body was almost exhausted.

But he clenched the teeth, a trace of cruelty appeared in his eyes, the Titan giant appeared behind him, and the chaotic chain on it was torn five times again.

"hong long!"

The monstrous divine light diffused out, and the rich divine power rushed out, injected into the Demon Sword transformed by the jet black feathers.

Mu Qing knots the seal again, hitting the Demon Sword with one after another profound and incomparably complex pattern.

"Slaying immortals!"

Demon Sword softly trembled, rushing into the sky, and the horrible killing instantly swept away.

Mu Qing screamed, the chaotic chain broke again, this time he broke ten times!

“bang! ”

The divine force almost turned into substance, pouring into the Kunpeng Divine Sword, and the divine force on the body of the Titan formed a Tianhe, which was continuously injected into it.

Mu Qing coughed up blood, cold glow flashed in his eyes, and the chain of chaos broke again!

The rumbling sound is endless. Mu Qing broke a total of thirty Five Primal Chaos chains, and finally stopped. The blood was flowing in his body, and the divine power in his body was almost bursting.

He doesn't dare to break the chains anymore, even if one breaks again, the burst of divine power will smash his fleshy body!

And all the divine powers turned into a beam of light, rushing into the Kunpeng Divine Sword.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, not counting the complicated runes and lines on the Kunpeng Divine Sword.


When the Kunpeng Divine Sword burst out incomparably blazing rays of light, Mu Qing roared, and all the divine power in his body poured in Kunpeng Divine Sword.

A sword cry sounded, and Kunpeng Divine Sword soared into the sky, forming a connection with the other three swords.

Immortal Beheading Sword Formation is divided into Executing Immortal Sword, Slaying Immortal Sword, Extinguishing Immortal Sword, and Trapping Immortal Sword.

This sword array has four parts. Mu Qing's display of one part is very expensive for him, but in order to deal with Old Ancestor Tian Yu, he has to display the complete Immortal Beheading Sword Formation come out!

When the Extinguishing Immortal Sword was condensed, Mu Qing’s origin power had been exhausted. He could only use the terrifying divine ability of the Titan Race to explode the divine nature to continuously stimulate the potential of the Titan’s body. Generate more divine force and inject it into Immortal Beheading Sword Formation.

Finally, Immortal Beheading Four Swords returned, and the power of Zhu Xian surged out, covering Heaven and Earth!

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