In almost an instant, Mu Qing turned into a clear light and split into three selves.

The three Mu Qings, imposing manner like a rainbow, all possess terrifying power. The stars appear in the sky, and a total of two hundred and forty-three fist marks blasted out and enveloped Li Yuan.

The stars in his body vibrated crazily, and every fist mark evolved into an Azure Dragon, roaring horn, Dragonflight Chaotic Dance.

This Prestige of Strike makes Li Yuandu's face as a half-step Supreme Being shocked.

Li Yuan displayed terrifying martial skill, the giant sword in his hand was cut out, two golden snakes rushed out, but they were completely torn apart by the violent power!

Li Yuan became famous as a martial skill, named Heavenly Dragon Slash, with a total of three moves.

1st move is called Golden Snake, 2nd move is called Jin Jiao, and 3rd move is called Golden Dragon.

He displayed the 1st move Golden Snake Cut, giant sword, but he was trembling wildly by the Azure Dragon fist imprints, issued a sad sword cry, and flew back.

"How is this possible!"

Li Yuan and Li Chao were both extremely shocked.

Wuji 81 Hua and One Qi Becomes Three Purities are two precious bloodline methods, which are rumored to be adapted from the ancient Immortal Technique, and the high level of the federal headquarters generally cultivation one of them.

Mu Qing is in front of them, and at the same time shows the means contained in the two bloodline methods, the combination of the two is extremely terrifying.

"Does your fellow practitioner fail the two bloodline method?" Li Yuan pupil shrink.

Suddenly, a touch of greed suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The divine force in Li Yuan's body suddenly flourished, and the bright radiance broke out. This is all the divine power from his cultivation to the half-step Supreme Being condense!

I saw the giant sword in his hand swung out, two golden snakes filled ten thousand zhang rays of light, turning into two Flood Dragons, coiling around the giant sword and stabbing them one after another.

At the same time, he cut out another sword, the golden Flood Dragon turned into a Heavenly Dragon, sword glow Heavenspan!

However, Mu Qing is not afraid at all.

Although his cultivation base is still the King of Peak, but after successively cultivated the two bloodline methods of the Asura Sutra and the Federation, three stars comparable to Peak are condensed in the dantian, and the origin power is stronger than before. I don't know how many times!

Suddenly, a blood-colored euphorbia condensed in Mu Qing's hand, tearing the sky away, and the densely packed silhouette of his body also appeared in his hand.

Suddenly, the blood-colored halberd shadow shrouded the sky, and there was a horrible vision of a sea of ​​corpses and blood. The rich smell of blood-reeking qi permeated Li Chaodu, who is the King of Peak. I feel like vomiting.

The Slaughter God Halberd contains destructive power. With no difficulty, it will shatter the golden dragonfly that Li Yuan has cut out.

After that, a dark feather appeared between Mu Qing's palms, and the next moment transformed into a mouthful of Demon Sword.

Soaring sword!

Heaven and Earth is dim, the Demon Sword in Mu Qing's hand gushes out endless demonic energy, and then a bright sword light penetrates through it, carrying a misty fairy.

The fusion of the two powers of the fairy and the devil, this is the sword of the fairy and the devil!

Pu chi!

Under this sword, the two golden Heavenly Dragons were also crushed by the terrifying sword qi, and then broke apart.

Li Yuan coughed up blood, backed up abruptly, looked towards Mu Qing incredibly.

I saw the other party dressed in blue clothes, the whole body was surrounded by stars, the eyes were calm and composed, and the black hair was shining with stars.

He couldn't imagine that Mu Qing is just a Peak King. Why could he burst out with such terrifying power? Even his half-step Supreme Being could not resist.

"What's the matter?" A silhouette suddenly appeared, and a terrifying aura swept all around, making all the power solidify at this moment.

Mu Qing expression congeals, and then recovered the whole body strength.

The visitor is Mocheng!

Mocheng frowns, his gaze fell on Li Yuan, and it became clear after a moment that he guessed the entire process of development.

He complexion sank, scolded: "It’s okay, don’t make trouble with me. Now that we humans are at a critical moment, you still want to fight inwardly?"

City punishment, go to the wormhole to block the insect race on the fire star that is about to descend on Earth.

Mu Qing found his father.

"What do you want so many bloodline methods for?" Mu Yu looked at his son a little strangely.

Mu Qing approached him because he wanted Mu Yu to help him get some bloodline methods with his status in the federal headquarters and alchemy organization.

"For cultivation." Mu Qing didn't say much.

Mu Yu pondered for a while, did not ask much, and then used his own identity to get a chip.

"All the bloodline methods in the federation are here." Mu Yu handed the chip to Mu Qing, telling him there were more than 120 bloodline methods in it.

Mu Qing smiled and took the chip.

Even if a little, it's still better than nothing, the level of these bloodline methods can't even reach the low level of bloodline method, but after all his cultivation, he can completely make his origin power a lot stronger!

Mu Qing immediately closed the door again. There are more than a hundred bloodline methods in this chip. It takes a lot of time to fuse all of them into the Starry Sky Return to Origin Scripture.

A few months later, when Mu Qing left the customs, a vision appeared behind him. It was a vast starry sky, and the stars were shining bright radiance.

His strength has been improved again, and his strength has been comparable to the half-step Supreme Being!

Of course, the so-called half-step Supreme Being are those half-step Supreme Beings from the universe race, not the half-step Supreme Beings of human beings.

If it is a human half-step Supreme Being, Mu Qing can easily defeat it!

He bid farewell to father and proceeded to Space Jump and moved towards Tianyu Palace.


"Second Palace Lord is back?" Elder Lin and the others saw Mu Qing, immediately sighed in relief.

They also knew something about the major races in the universe. Originally, they were worried that Mu Qing would be in danger, but they didn't expect the other party to return safely.

"Look for a group of people to mine the Xingchen meteorite iron ore veins. After a while, there will be people from the alchemy organization to help us refine the artifacts!" Mu Qing immediately asked Elder Lin to develop the veins again.

Elder Lin was surprised. Hearing Mu Qing's tone, he even got in touch with the people of the alchemy organization!

He was a little surprised. He didn't know what method Mu Qing used to kill the two Master Alchemists of the alchemy organization, but he was still able to cooperate with the alchemy organization.

"Isn’t it supposed to be mined by an alchemy organization?" Elder Lin is also a little confused. Almost all of the previous star meteorite iron ore veins were handed over to the alchemy organization for development. The people in their Tianyu Palace are at best only Help guard.

Mu Qing shook the head, saying: "The mined star meteorite iron can be handed over to a small part of the alchemy organization, and the rest will be left to refine a batch of Euphorbia."

Later, Mu Qing called the Law Enforcement Elder again and asked him to choose the Tianyu Palace dísciple and set up a new law enforcement dísciple.

"The original law enforcement dísciple were all eliminated, the loyalty is high, the innate talent is good to stay, and expand on this basis." Mu Qing's eyes flickered, he did this, but it was Plans to slowly develop their own power.

Subsequently, Mu Qing gave Law Enforcement Elder a bloodline method, which is the Starry-Sky Diagram!

He wants to let a new batch of law enforcement dísciple, the cultivation Starry-Sky Diagram, no longer practice swords, modify the starry sky Euphorbia, and even if there is an excellent dísciple, Mu Qing can also bring them into the Hall of Starry Starry , To feel the power of Grand Dao!

"By the way, call the old mouse to me." Mu Qing's mouth curled slightly.

Law Enforcement Elder retreated, he naturally knew who Mu Qing was talking about, he was an ominous beast.

"You are really getting stronger and stronger." The old mouse looked at Mu Qing, a shock flashed in his eyes.

It still only has the king’s cultivation base, but Mu Qing already has the Peak King’s cultivation base.

"What is the bloodline method of your cultivation?" Mu Qing asked, looking at the old mouse.

The third rat is unknown, so he replied: "The bloodline method passed down from the bloodline of our rat people can only cultivation to Martial Venerable at most, but since I absorbed dragon's blood, the breakthrough has been restricted. , But it also stops the king."

With the help of Shusiyu, and its own bloodline, it swallowed Ji Jia’s dragon's blood, and its strength is extremely terrifying, but because of the human race itself. Restrictions make it impossible to break through to a higher level.

Mu Qing stretched out his hand a little, a touch of starlight burst out, and got into the body of the third mouse.

Mouse three shook his whole body and showed an astonished expression. He had a bloodline method in his mind called Starry-Sky Diagram, which was more profound than the bloodline method of Human Race. Street!

"This is?" The third mouse looked towards Mu Qing.

"Abolish the original bloodline method and revamp the Starry-Sky Diagram, which is enough to make your strength breakthrough to the Peak King, and even the power is not impossible!" Mu Qing said solemnly.

Mouse’s heart was moved. He always knew that his bloodline method was too bad, and he had spied on the Titan Race bloodline method, but in the end, it was unable to cultivation because of the race boundaries.

Now Mu Qing handed over a very high-grade bloodline method to it, how can it not be moved?

"But, with such a bloodline method, I am an ominous beast clan, can I be cultivation?" The third mouse was very puzzled. It used to suffer a lot from the cultivation Titan Race bloodline method.

Mu Qing indifferently smiled and said: "Don't worry, this Starry-Sky Diagram has no racial boundaries, all races can be cultivation!"

Mu Qing looked ecstatic, and he was busy I ran out and started cultivation Starry-Sky Diagram.

"I don't know how Jiang Yuanjie and Ji Jia are doing?" Mu Qing suddenly missed it, and a beautiful and colorful image appeared in his mind.

Ji Jia got an amazing opportunity in Kunlun Secret Realm. According to Mu Qing's guess, it might be related to the animal god.

Because of her father, Ji Jia is hostile by many people. Fortunately, Ke Fei and the quack have a relatively high status in the Federation. She should have a good time in the federal branch, at least there will be no shortage of cultivation resources.

Among Mu Qing’s friends, there are only Jiang Yuanjie and Ji Jia who don’t have much background.

Jiang Yuanjie is also in the federal branch. Although the battle strength is not very good, his blood spirit is very special, which makes his spirit strength extremely strong.

"Fatty Jiang's spirit strength is obviously much stronger than that of ordinary people, and maybe he has the potential to be an alchemist." Mu Qing got a touch, and then contacted Mu Yu with a communication device and introduced Jiang Yuanjie past.


A few days later, Great Elder suddenly found Mu Qing with a grave expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qing had a bad feeling when he saw the other side.

"Old Ancestor Tian Yu is out of the barrier, he wants you to see him." Great Elder sighed, after all, he couldn't escape this barrier.

Shui Yuexi ran over in a hurry, she looked worried, and said: "Would you like to find Master Gavin and Old Mister of Mocheng?"

Great Elder nodded, he It was the same idea, saying: "Old Ancestor Tian Yu's strength has reached the level of great power, but his strength should be no better than the two behind the alchemy organization and the federation."

"Is that right? In your eyes, the strength of my Old Ancestor is actually inferior to the others?"

Suddenly, a terrifying matchless breath swept the entire room, and the air seemed to be solidified.

Mu Qing and the others shook their bodies. They had difficulty breathing, and saw a silhouette walking slowly.

He was a middle-aged man, his temples were slightly white, and there was an ancient sword behind his back. It seemed a little shabby, but it escaped a sword connecting to heaven penetrating the earth. intent!

Old Ancestor Tian Yu!

Wearing a white shirt with a smile on his face, this person walked slowly, but his eyes did not contain any emotion, he was extremely cold!

Mu Qing's skin pierced for a while, and the opponent's power surged, mainly aimed at him, one after another sword intent enveloped him, making people breathless.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu looks only middle-aged, but Mu Qing has long learned from Great Elder that the other party has been alive for hundreds of years and will fly to the Sword Manual cultivated to the extreme.

"You killed Cong'er because he was inferior to others. However, you became the Lord of the Second Palace without my consent. For the sake of my Tianyu Palace, I naturally want to know See, do your methods have this qualification." Old Ancestor Tian Yu said, with a sword intent in his voice, a sonorous sword cry sounded, and the swords of Great Elder and Shui Yuexi were also affected and trembling.

The Cong'er in his mouth is the original Second Palace Lord, but his illegal child.

Mu Qing sneered, but he is not afraid: "You still have a murderous intention on me, and you are looking for some terrible excuses."

Old Ancestor Tian Yu's face has no expression Fluctuations, but the hand touches the ancient sword behind, an incomparable sword intent is brewing on his body, as if it is about to burst out at any time!

"Let's go out and fight!" Mu Qing deeply shouted, his figure was already shrouded by Power of Space and disappeared.

When Old Ancestor Tian Yu saw this, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Mu Qing was extremely skilled in the movement of Power of Space.

He took the sword qi into the air, and also left here, and came to the top of Tianyu Palace.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, looking at the Old Ancestor Tian Yu in front of him, the opponent's sword intent was like an abyss, bringing him terrifying pressure all the time.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu faced the Tianyu Palace below, and accompanied by a buzzing, a large bright formation rose up, guarding the entire Tianyu Palace.

"I don't see, you still worry about the dísciple of Tianyu Palace!" Mu Qing sneered.

Old Ancestor Tian Yu slowly shook his head, his eyes filled with indifference, and said: "These tools are still useful to me. When I set foot on Demi-God, the life and death of Tianyu Palace will treat me It's not so important."

Mu Qing frowned, from Old Ancestor Tian Yu, he felt terrifying coldness, including the opponent's sword intent, full of indifference and silence!

"So this is the soaring sword intent?" Mu Qing took a deep breath.

Flying sword intent, I want to become immortal, and everyone else is a stepping stone!

This is an extremely cold sword intent!

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