"Then I cultivation the Asura Sutra, don't I have to get a corpse of Asura Race?" Mu Qing was taken aback.

Tu Lao shook the head, saying: "The bloodline method of the cultivation of all races of the gods has already put the corpses of most races in the universe into the Wanxingtai, which naturally includes Asura Race. , You can just cultivation directly on it."

Mu Qing suddenly realized that the bloodline method used to cultivation the various races of the starry sky gods has naturally been fully prepared, and now it is cheaper for him, as long as he directly The cultivation of thousands of stars is enough.

With a flash, Mu Qing came to the Ten Thousand Star Platform, and suddenly felt one after another mysterious power surge.

The Asura Sutra passed to him by Tu Lao before appeared in his mind, and he began cultivation. Suddenly, a thick blood light burst out of his body, and the endless Slaughter Qi spread out.

Lao Tu once planted the seeds of killing in Mu Qing's body, and after absorbing the strength of Slaughter from Luo Han, he was gradually full.

At this moment, this slaughter seed turned into one after another blood light, integrated into Mu Qing's body, and helped him push the bloodline method of the Asura Sutra to a higher level.


Suddenly two blood lights full of killing intent burst out of Mu Qing's eyes, and I saw a bloody spear condensed out of his hand. , The terrifying vision permeated the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, and the surrounding souls wailed, killing intent horizontally and horizontally.

Here is Asura Race’s halberd, which is known as a martial skill comparable to divine ability!

Mu Qing retracted the Slaughter God Halberd, and then surrounded by starlight, he once again revolved the starry sky Return to Origin, and suddenly a touch of blood light rushed into the dantian, condensed into a scarlet star.

Sura stars!

The blood-colored stars suddenly rose to the same height as the Kunpeng stars and the Titan stars.

The bloodline method of this Asura Race obviously has completely surpassed the level of the advanced bloodline method and is comparable to the bloodline method of the Peak race.

Mu Qing's body shook, and the origin power of the stars in his body suddenly soared, increasing by more than 30%!

The rays of light flashed, and Mu Qing exited the ten thousand domain star chart and returned to the top of the Holy Mountain wave island.

The idea of ​​his father, Mu Yu, is to mobilize the power of Holy Mountain. To make him break through to great power, at least he must also achieve half-step Supreme Being.

But Mu Qing injected all the divine power into the ten thousand domain star map, opening the second star.

Now, no matter what kind of bloodline method of race, he can be cultivated.

The cultivation of the Shura Sutra has also increased Mu Qing's strength a lot, which is comparable to the half-step Supreme Being.

"Huh?" After the rays of light dissipated, Mu Qing's silhouette emerged. Although the aura is much stronger, it is still Peak King level, which makes Mr. Mo and Gavin master in the sky very puzzled .

In Holy Mountain, a middle-aged man walks up with a stone sword. He is sloppy, his face is full of scum, his eyes are flat, calm and composed.

Seeing that Mu Qing did not have a breakthrough cultivation base, he was also stunned for a moment, and asked: "Why don't you have a breakthrough?"

Mu Yu looked at his son and sighed slightly in his heart , Even he didn't expect that the other party could grow to this point in such a short period of time.

"The bloodline method of my cultivation is a bit special and requires a huge amount of energy." Mu Qing said, and did not tell his father about the ten thousand domain star chart.

"Father, are you really a member of the alchemy organization?" Mu Qing looked at the mysterious father in front of him. He was just the Peak King, but he had a different temperament, especially Mu Qing from The other party felt very terrifying spirit strength.

"Your father is a bit terrifying! He actually has a divine sense!" Tu Lao sound transmission to Mu Qing, seemingly surprised.

Mu Qing was also surprised, divine sense, that is the strength that the spirit strength has transformed after reaching a certain level.

If you want to achieve the god level, you must have the divine power and divine sense. The realms before the god level are actually for the breakthrough to the god level.

The half-step Supreme Being condenses divine power, but after the origin power of the whole body is transformed into divine force, it becomes great power.

The great realm, called the Awakening Realm, this realm is to use the Bloodline Strength to make your spirit strength begin to transform.

Once the spirit strength is transformed into the divine sense, and the divine sense and the divine force in one body are integrated, it is Demi-God.

And the last step is to condense the blood spirit into a god core, that is the real god order!

Divine sense should be the power that can only be possessed. Tu Lao and Mu Qing are both very surprised. Why is Mu Yu, the only Peak King, possessing such power?

It seems to have seen Mu Qing’s doubts, Mu Yu smiled indifferently and said: "If your father had no abilities, you would have been killed by the people of the universe."

He seized the key to the treasure house, and then was besieged by people of all major races. Even the half-step Supreme Being couldn't hold on, relying on the power of divine sense.

"haha, Mu Yu’s innate talent is the best I have ever seen on Earth, at least in terms of spirit strength. When he breaks through to the king, spirit strength begins to transform into divine sense." Master Gavin strode over, said with a smile.

He also sees Mu Qing very pleasingly, because he knows Mu Qing is Mu Yu's son.

"Your father is not only the deputy leader of the alchemy organization, but also the deputy president of the Federation." Mr. Mo came up with a whisk in his hand.

Mu Qing was surprised. He didn't expect his father's status to be so high. No wonder that when he encountered some troubles, he was dealt with by the great character of the Federation. It turns out that this person is his father!

"In fact, the alchemy organization and the Federation have long known that there is a mysterious treasure house on Earth. I have been investigating these years." Mu Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head. For this thing, he has experienced Knowing how hard it is to get the key to this treasure house.

Actually, Mu Yu and the others knew that the insect race would come. At Kunlun Secret Realm, Mu Yu and the others discovered the traces of the insect race, dating back to 300 years ago. The news of the treasure trove was also obtained from there, otherwise the Federation would not have blocked the wormhole so easily.

"There is a natural barrier on Earth. People of other races need to pay some price if they want to come over. In order to get the things in the treasure house, some truly terrifying powerhouses will not shoot, otherwise Earth will be broken. Crack, the contents of the treasure house are destroyed, and they won't get anything!" Mu Yu held a stone sword with a strange light in his eyes.

He told Mu Qing that now that human beings have a stone sword, they have taken advantage of it.

The corners of Mu Qing's mouth slightly tilted, shook the head with a smile, and said: "We do not only occupy such a little opportunity."

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Mu Qing Take out his stone sword.

The stone sword in Mu Qing's hand burst out one after another thunder and lightning.

Mu Yu and the others smiled with joy: "very good, now we not only have the earth stone sword, but also the thunder and lightning stone sword, occupying two keys to the treasure house!"

Mu Qing took the initiative to hand the lightning stone sword to Mu Yu. With his strength, the lightning stone sword could not improve his strength too much, even more how he had previously seized a treasure from Cody, which turned into a dark feather. Demon Sword, obviously is also a Divine Item, with the sword of Feisheng, it can cut out the fairy demon!

"As far as I know, this stone sword is not trivial, it should be the so-called Divine Item, you just let it out?" Mr. Mo of divine poise and sagelike features took two stone swords, a little surprised, didn' t expect Mu Qing took the initiative to hand over the Thunder Stone Sword.

Mu Qing shook the head, saying: "The stone sword is very attractive to those cosmic races. If it is in my hands, maybe there will be a powerful shot at me, it is better to keep it for you. "

Of course, he handed it out so readily, because the Divine Item of Shijian no longer improved his strength.

When the stone sword was created, its purpose was to open the treasure house, and its rank as a Divine Item was not high.

Tu Lao told Mu Qing that the Divine Item level in the universe is divided into several levels, from First Rank to Ninth Rank, and beyond that is Super Divine Item.

According to Tu Lao, the stone sword is the First Rank Divine Item at best, and the feather Demon Sword in Cody’s hand is the Rank 2 Divine Item. If you look closely, you can see two lines on it. divine runes.

"I can't take your thunder and lightning sword for nothing. There are two bloodline methods in the Federation. It is rumored that they were handed down by Supreme Taoist, but as your father, if you want to come, he can directly help you get it. There."

"In this way, I think you have used Sword Art before. I will teach you a sword array, which can be said to be one of the three most precious treasures in the Federation."

Mr. Mo touched his beard and received Mu Qing’s lightning stone sword, but intended to pass him a sword array as a gift.

Mu Qing just wanted to get rid of it. After all, his cultivation's soaring Sword Manual is comparable to the existence of advanced bloodline methods, and naturally there are various Sword Art sword arrays.

However, his father Mu Yu gave him a look at this time and asked him to accept it. It seems that the sword array is very precious.

"Mo City, Mo Old Mister, but the highest status person in the Federation, the three most precious treasures in the Federation, we only have access to two of the bloodline methods, and the remaining one is only Mo Old Mister is qualified to be in charge!" Mu Yu secretly sound transmission.

Mo Cheng hehe smiled, and with a wave of the dust, a touch of azure light penetrated through and turned into Mu Qing's eyebrows.

Mu Qing was shocked, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

Countless information flooded out of his mind. It was a sword array called Immortal Beheading Sword Formation!

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