“bang! ”

A shocking big hand came out, the ten thousand zhang of Xiaguang, the violent force swept out, directly swept all the insect race around Mu Qing Extinct.

At the same time, another great power was also shot, a punch of Heavenspan, the flaming rays of light hiding the sky and covering the earth.

"pu!" The bodies of the Juli clan burst into pieces, and the people of Spirit Race were also crushed by this force. The entire Holy Mountain Wave Island collapsed more than half.

Mu Qing's face was surprised. He didn't expect that all human beings have taken action, and the power is so extraordinary.

The centipede dragon was terribly shocked, and hurried away, but after all, he was just a half-step Supreme Being. Even if he possessed divine power in his body, he couldn't compare with true power.

"hong long!"

One of the great powers displayed the same secret technique as Cheng Zhiguo and the others, but it is gathered by divine power, an illusory that is as high as a kilometer. The shadow appeared behind him, one after another Immortal Qi entangled.

Illusory shadow sticks out a finger, but it is sharper than Mu Qing's ascension sword, a light beam connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, tearing apart the centipede dragon's body.


The centipede dragon body emerges, a Head Insect that resembles a dragon and a centipede twists its body in midair, and finally turns into a ball of blood mist!

The gap between half-step Supreme Being and Da Neng is obvious!

Mu Qing immediately sighed in relief when he saw this. He sat down, Power of Stars appeared all over his body, and circulated the starry sky Return to Origin, trying to remove the poison in his body.

In the sky, the two mighty feet step on the void, and the power radiating from their bodies is transformed into divine light, which is extremely dazzling.

These two people, one of them is dressed in an azure robe. He is an old man with white hair and celestial bones. There is a whisk in his hand and he is dressed like a Taoist priest.

The other is a neat blue suit with blond hair and blue eyes, obviously a Western power.

"That's Mu Yu's son? It really is extraordinary!" The powerful gaze in the blue suit fell on Mu Qing, with a color of approval on his face.

The old man azure robe sighed and said: "Mu Yu’s spirit strength is different from ordinary people. He joined your alchemy organization and became the alchemist with the greatest potential. However, his son’s cultivation talent is extremely strong, able to compete with those People of the universe race, this father and son is really a monster!"

"Mr. Mo, Gavin master!"

Cheng Zhiguo and Ke Fei were surprised, didn’t 't expect these two came over.

They originally thought they were the Peak Kings who came here, but they didn't expect these two people with such weight.

Mr. Mo is the mighty power behind the federation, his strength is terrifying, and the secret technique learned by the federation's senior level is also taught by him.

And the Gavin master is the leader of the alchemy organization, and also a great power.

"Mu Yu! Come out!" Master Gavin saw that the entire Holy Mountain array was covered, and he knew that Mu Yu was inside, slightly smiled, and his voice came out.

Gavin is also an alchemist, and even Mu Yu's alchemy is taught by him. He is naturally familiar with the array arrangement of the other party.

"This time we humans can also hold a key to the treasure house, Mu Yu definitely has a great contribution!" Mr. Mo nodded.

Obviously, for people of their level, the reasons why the various races of the universe came to Earth are already clear. This time their two great abilities come directly, and they also attach great importance to the key to the treasure house.

"Wait a minute."

In the Formation, a magnetic middle-aged man's voice came out, not alarmed or panicked, very flat.

Mr. Mo and Master Gavin were puzzled, even when they saw the Formation broken, a stone sword rose up into the sky, entraining the powerful Power of Earth, which inspired the entire Holy Mountain wave island resonance.


In an instant, the entire Holy Mountain burst out with divine light, which turned into a beam of light and fell on Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing was removing the poison in his body. When he came back to his senses, he was already enveloped by the extremely surging divine power, and his body was enveloped by light beams.

"Boy! Your father is a good method. He actually uses the power of the earth stone sword to mobilize the power of Holy Mountain to push your cultivation base to the half-step Supreme Being!" Tu Lao's The voice came from my mind.

He smashed his lips a few times and called out: "This Holy Mountain is a bit mysterious, and there are many divine powers in the ground. If it is absorbed by a half-step Supreme Being, it may be able to directly break through. To great power!"

"However, I suggest you not to absorb these divine powers."

The words of Tu Lao made Mu Qing stunned.

"There is a problem with these powers?" Mu Qing also didn't expect that his father's methods were so amazing. He just wanted to absorb it, but was stopped by Tu Lao.

"No, how long did it take you to break through to the King of Peak? These forces at most allow you to break through to the half-step Supreme Being, but if you can use these forces to open the second star, you can also increase your strength Reach the point of half-step Supreme Being." Tu Lao originally wanted him to absorb this power into Wanyu Star Chart.

Mu Qing only reacted at this time. According to Tu Lao’s statement, the second star in the Ten Thousand Regions Star Chart, there is a way to break through racial restrictions and cultivation bloodline methods of other races.

He has also seen the halberd of Asura Race. It is very powerful. If it is the bloodline method of cultivation Asura Race, the strength will definitely increase.

In a decisive decision, Mu Qing made a decision in his heart, and a starry sky picture rushed out of his body, absorbing divine power frantically.

The speed at which the Ten Thousand Domain Star Diagram absorbs power is much faster than Mu Qing. In less than half an hour, the divine power of the entire Holy Mountain was swallowed up.


On the ten thousand domain star map, the second star illusory shadow turns into a solid, shining dazzling rays of light.

Mu Qing's figure disappeared and entered the star map.

"I originally thought that you would have to wait until the treasure vault was opened, and you would be able to open it with some benefits. Didn't expect to activate the second star so quickly." Tu Lao stood beside the Hall of Stars, Touched his beard, with emotion on his face.

Someone is using the Hall of Yinxing, who is cursing thinking of rain, and has been comprehending the road of cursing.

Tu Lao took Mu Qing, stepped on the yellow sand, and walked for a long time, and a portal entwined with divine rays of light appeared in front of the two of them.

He took Mu Qing into it, and he came to an equally ruined planet.

It's still very vast here, but there are ruins everywhere. What's better than the first star is that there are still some dilapidated buildings.

"Almost all the buildings in this star are broken, and the only useful one is the Wanxingtai, which is the Supreme Treasure personally refined by the Lord God in those days!" Tu Lao took Mu Qing with him. I came to a place that looked a bit like an altar, surrounded by stars Dao Mark branding, escaping the mysterious power!

"As long as you bring a corpse of another race and place it on the Ten Thousand Stars Platform, the corpse will be automatically decomposed by the Ten Thousand Stars Platform. By then, you can cultivation that race as long as you are on the Ten Thousand Stars Platform. The bloodline method.” Tu Lao introduced with a smile, this Wanxingtai is definitely the most wonderful Supreme Treasure in the universe.

If you want to cultivation the bloodline method of which race, just put the corpse of which race on it, the operation is very simple!

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