"How is it possible!" Everyone was shocked.

The two of Giant Race were shocked and surprised: "Is this guy a hybrid of Kunpeng Race and Titan Race?"

Lingyin's eyes were equally astonished, and said: "What the hell is he What's your identity?"

"no! in this world absolutely impossible. Someone can have two bloodlines, you must have the secret technique against the sky!" Luo Han's eyes suddenly heated up.

The bloodline aura on Mu Qing's body is extremely weak, but it can display the methods of various races, obviously there is a big secret!

However, Luo Han did not immediately make a move. Huo Yuan and the others had already taken the lead in moving towards Mu Qing. He was on the side, setting off a sea of ​​blood, but it was just loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, intending to let Huo Yuan and they tried to test Mu Qing's methods.

Huo Yuan was seriously injured, but at this moment, he was full of killing intents for Mu Qing, and became a Flame Giant again and roared.

Mu Qing's eyes were cold, the Titan stars appeared behind him, and the giant silhouette entwined with a hundred chains of chaos roared and blasted out with a punch.


The flames on Huo Yuan's body were all shattered, and even his arm was exploded by a terrifying force!

Huo Yuan's expression was astonished, and he saw Mu Qing hit again with a punch, and quickly shot out a flame rune.


The flame rune shattered, and a flame vortex enveloped him, disappeared.

Others were in an uproar, but the Huo Yuan of the middle race did not expect dignified to retreat at this time and chose to escape.

"Where to escape?" Mu Qing directly mobilized Power of Space to confine the space of several hundred li.

next moment, he squeezed his five fingers, moved towards the front and punched him, Azure Dragon roared, and a scarlet silhouette fell out, splashing blood.

Mu Qing burst out a very bright fairy sword light from his fingertips, making Heaven and Earth gray and directly crushing Huo Yuan's head.

A powerhouse from a middle race was killed by Mu Qing!

Everyone was shocked. Luo Han’s expression congeals was about to make a move, only to find that two figures were faster than him, so he rushed out.

These two people wear black robe and come from an insect race. They exude a cold and dark atmosphere, which makes people feel disgusting.

"My name is Heiquan, and this is my younger brother Heizheng." The taller black robed man said, his voice hoarse but with a hint of sharpness, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

The two of them aimed at Mu Qing, and a pair of faint eyes appeared, full of substantive murderous intention!

these two people's body buckled, and the sound came out, as if from the Nine Nether Hell, it was extremely awe-inspiring, carrying a spiritual fluctuation, and hitting the soul!

"Mu Qing, according to our investigation, you should be just an Earth talent. What is the secret that allowed you to have such strength, but also hit the third child on the fire star." Heiquan revealed He looked like an old man, his skin was dark, like a carapace.

Mu Qing hearing this, a sudden movement of mind, coupled with the sound of these two people, suddenly thought of the black insect with eight mouths on the fire star.

The strength of the black insect is terrifying. If it weren't for Mu Qing to display his divine explosion, tearing the chain of chaos again and again, I am afraid the whole person would have to explain there.

At this moment, the others are even more surprised.

"He is from Earth? How could it be possible! The great power of our clan clearly says that he is from Titan Race!" Cody screamed with disbelief on his face.

Everyone can't believe it, how can an Earth person who has not even reached a low-level race have such strength?

According to Mu Qing's burst of strength, at least it should be a talent of higher races!

"At this point, we can be sure that he is indeed an Earth person, not possessed by a powerhouse. He must have a Supreme Treasure on him!" Hei Zheng said with a hoarse voice, said with a smile, his words, let the presence All of the people at Mu Qing focused their attention on Mu Qing's body.

Kodi, Lingyin and the others are short of breath, even Luo Han's eyes are hot.

Suddenly, the two of Heiquan took action. They condense the rune all over the sky, the black qi flames skyrocketing, and a terrifying black insect hovered in the sky, moving towards Mu Qing shrouded.

8th layer sonic array!

This is an insect race array. After it was displayed, eight groups of terrifying sound waves suddenly swept in, like a storm, creating a doomsday-like scene.

The eight-stranded sonic storm surrounds Mu Qing round and round, and this sound contains mysterious power that can control the human heart.

This Formation is also famous in the insect race. In an extermination operation, it directly controlled the enemy's several gods.

Of course, the 8th layer sonic array is obviously not that powerful. Although the power in the sound has the power to control the human heart, at least it does not have a great effect on people of Mu Qing's level.


In the Formation, a huge black insect appeared, the face looks sinister, and the weather flame was entrained.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed. What he encountered on the fire star was this black insect. If he hadn't displayed the body of the Titan after the explosion of divine nature, he would have died.

He fell into the Formation, and everyone outside, including Luo Han, all moved towards him and attacked.

"I can help you stop other people temporarily, but the strength I recover is not enough to hold on for too long." A voice came from the Ten Thousand Regions Star Chart.

This voice is not Tu Lao, but cursing the ancients.

The spirit strength of the ancient curse was deprived by the spirit of the curse, and Spirit Source was traumatized. After recovering for such a long time, it still hasn't recovered well.

"Enough, give me some time, I can kill these two guys!" Lightning flickered in Mu Qing's eyes.

When these people go together, Mu Qing is definitely not an opponent, but if they go one by one, Mu Qing is confident enough to kill them one after another!

The Return to Origin Scriptures of the starry sky made Mu Qing's origin power to an outrageous level. There are more than 20 stars in his body, and each star contains a surging origin power.


A starry sky scroll was rolled up, and then a silhouette of one of the giants appeared, which was exactly the curse ancient.

On him, a horrible spirit strength suddenly surged out. This is the spirit strength of the cursed god.

At the beginning, although Zhou Gu possessed this spirit strength, he couldn't use it. Now he can barely activate it, but because the source is traumatized, he can't use it for a long time.

The entire Holy Mountain Bodao Island is shrouded by this terrifying spirit strength. Luo Han and the others' expressions have changed one after another, they are actually impossible to move even a little bit!

"divine sense! Spirit strength The divine sense transformed from spirit strength has a move!" Ling Yin exclaimed.

This force restrained other people, not the insect race two, because the divine sense that cursed ancient could activate has reached its limit.

"Do you really think that if you stop the other people, you can kill the two of us?" Heiquan sneered. They didn't lose one's head out of fear.

If there is really a god rank, then the people present will have been killed long ago. Obviously this is just a hole card used by Mu Qing.

these two people grinned, their origin power agitated, and the insect race blood spirit appeared behind them. They were all black large insects, vomiting black light, stimulating Formation.

The sound waves in the Formation turned into a storm, which became more and more terrifying.

However, the smile on the faces of the next moment these two people freezes, and behind Mu Qing, a star full of Chaos Energy emerges.

On Mu Qing's body, a dazzling divine light rushed into the sky, transforming into a 300-meter giant, with hundreds of chaotic chains entwined on him.


The first chain of chaos broke, and a strand of Chaos Energy entered the body, turning the divine power in his body into an incomparable goddess.

"Oops! Not good!" The faces of the insect race were shocked, and they quickly moved towards and retreated behind.

Mu Qing's state, where it looks like a who, is clearly a Titan!

Next moment, Mu Qing waved his big hand, tearing apart the eight-strand sonic storm, he stepped out, and the Formation collapsed.

Azure scales emerge on Mu Qing's arm, divine light, ancient lines all over, punched out.

An Azure Dragon roared out, and one after another divine light entangled on it, exploding the black body forcibly!


Heiquan roared, and the rays of light on him were exploded, turning into a huge black insect.

But in Mu Qing's eyebrows, a bright rune appeared, surrounded by Chaos Energy.


The second chain of chaos on his body bursts, and the divine light is like flames, more and more surging.

This is the limit that Mu Qing can withstand, one hundred chaotic chains, after tearing two chains, the divine power in his body has reached its peak.

If the 3rd chain is torn again, Mu Qing's strength will be stronger, but there will be a period of weakness afterwards.

And if he just tears the two chains of chaos, with his current strength, he can directly reorganize the two chains, so there will be no repercussions and periods of weakness.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, with an ancient Taoist sound in his mouth, and a strong wind blew suddenly, entraining a divine light rune.

In an instant, rising winds, scudding clouds, a True Dragon appeared, carrying a fairy sword.

This fairy sword is just an illusory shadow, but it exudes a terrifying breath.

hu hu.

The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying.

A gust of wind rolled up the Heizheng corpse that had been blown up by Mu Qing, and wisps of blood were absorbed into the True Dragon illusory shadow, making it solid!

Mu Qing was also surprised when he saw this. The technique of dragon leaping was obtained from Zhenjun Ning Feng in the Heavenly Master Cave of Qingcheng Mountain.

This secret technique is very powerful, giving Mu Qing the power to dominate the situation. After injecting enough divine power, he can even summon the True Dragon fairy sword.


Heiquan screamed, his body was shrouded in clouds and mist, his blood was absorbed away, and his blood spirit collapsed in the wind.

He mobilized all the power in his body, and the dazzling rays of light and glowing rays burst out.

He also brought out his puppet summon, a powerful puppet, one of which is the witch seat.

Unfortunately, no matter how he did it, it was all in vain. In the sky True Dragon held the fairy sword, a sword light fell, which was more terrifying than a flying sword, and he smashed the black spring to death!

Afterwards, the cloud and mist rolled, and the flesh and blood of Heiquan merged into the illusory shadow of the fairy sword.

Mu Qing frowned, feeling a little bit evil, he held his hand for a while, the clouds disappeared, and the wind stopped.

The horrible spirit strength receded like a tide, and the imprisonment of Luo Han and the others disappeared.

Although everyone is imprisoned, they still know what happened all around.

Mu Qing returned to his normal state, panting slightly, his body was aching, but there was no period of weakness.

The Titan stars in his body, the two chaotic chains that were originally broken are slowly reuniting at this moment, and within a few breaths, they are regrouping again.

Other people looked at Mu Qing, opened their mouths, their eyes were horrified!

The two of the insect race were just wiped out!

The most terrifying thing is that the fairy sword that Mu Qing summon comes out is too terrifying, and it seems that even the gods seem impossible to withstand a single blow in front of this sword.

And this Immortal Qi is awe-inspiring, and the fairy sword entwined by True Dragon shows an evil side, absorbing away the flesh and blood of the two insect races.

"Is this person invincible? All the major races have the means, not only to be able to incarnate the body of the Titan, but also the horrible secrets such as the illusory shadow of the fairy sword!" The ominous beast clan sisters and brothers were frightened and they secretly Step back, don't want to confront Mu Qing.

Even Luo Han felt guilty in his heart, asking himself, if that True Dragon fairy sword illusory shadow was cut against him, would he be able to resist it?

One after another star emerges, surrounding Mu Qing, the origin power of rolling stars evolves into Kunpeng, Titan giant, sword qi.

Mu Qing's whole person is starlight bright, her eyes are shining and translucent, a circle of weird lines emerges, and the eyes of the pupil of the hole swept all around!

People from all major and medium races took a step back, and even Luo Han couldn't help taking a half step back when he came into contact with this gaze.

This is an invincible trend!

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