People from the Juli clan shook out their fists again and again, strong as an ox, terrifying power smashed the flames.

However, the strength of Raging Flames from the Condense of Huo Yuan is extraordinary. It contains Life Aura, and it reunites at this moment.

When Huo Yuan saw this, he cast a spell and took back the fire sea.

Suddenly, the members of the Juli clan and Huo Yuan fiercely glared at Mu Qing, with killing intent splashing in their eyes.

The two suddenly shot together, and moved towards Mu Qing together.

Mu Qing smiled softly. With Space Jump, appear and disappear unpredictably, it is difficult for ordinary people to attack him.

"The guy from the star clan doesn't speak credit, why don't we join forces to deal with him first?" The two black robe guys in the insect race asked.

Ling Yin is coldly snorted, and said: "How can you get him?"

The two of the insect race suddenly suffocated. Indeed, Mu Qing was enveloped in Power of Space all over his body. Part of the attack can be avoided by him, and Mu Qing will even use a terrifying space secret technique to transfer everything in the space in front of him.

"People of the Star Clan, how can they know the Thunder and Space Secret Technique?" Cody frowns, and everyone else began to doubt Mu Qing's identity.

However, Luo Han and Mu Qing did not give them time to think. One after another terrifying power was vented. Mu Qing transferred Luo Han's one after another attack to Ling Yin and the others. .

"You are not from the Star Clan! Who are you!" Luo Han suddenly shouted, two blood lights pierced through his eyes.

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth lifted: "Guess which ethnicity I am from?"

hong long long!

in the sky one after another thunder and lightning come, I don't know when the dark clouds have swept the sky, and the terrifying Thunder Tribulation fell.

Cody took out a bible, and the holy Light Power forms a protective cover.

"Such an exquisite lightning technique, is it a member of the Tianlei tribe?" Luo Han whispered.

Next moment, he saw Mu Qing a finger pointed at him, a bright sword light coming through Heaven and Earth, carrying a terrifying fairy.

"Swordsman?" Luo Han shot a sea of ​​blood to resist, defeating the a sword light, but after closing his hand, he found an extra blood stain in his palm.

He whispered, tightly frowns, feeling that Mu Qing's identity is too hard to guess.

At this moment, Lingyin and the others are already dumbfounded. They know that Mu Qing should be deceiving them before. People of the Star Clan are good at Power of Stars, but Mu Qing is good at several races. Something that will be too terrifying!

"Could it be that people of the Peak race came?" Huo Yuan's face was a little ugly.

Long Mei of the ominous beast clan shook the head, saying: "The characteristics of the Peak race are obvious, and I haven't seen any Peak race person who is good at so much power!"

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth was slightly raised, and his big hand flipped, the mysterious seal fell, but a piece of water was photographed, and suddenly the tsunami swept across, like the roar of natural power, terrifying incomparably.

"Kui Shui Clan?" Luo Han's brows became increasingly frowning.

"It's getting more and more interesting." He took a deep breath, and a trace of murderous intention flashed in his eyes.


Luo Han condense boundless blood light, the Slaughter God's Halberd once again condenses, and shoots against Mu Qing, the corpse mountain is crushed by a sea of ​​blood.

In the sky, it seems as if a terrifying illusory shadow emerges from the god of murder. The blood light is sharp and tearing to life.

Mu Qing is located in the water of the ocean, walking along, the seeds of killing in his body shake again, and a blood light that is more terrifying than Luo Han rushes out.

very terrifying strength of Asura! "Luo Han's complexion suddenly changed, and the God of Slaughter Halberd in his hand collapsed again, turning into the seeds of Slaughter that the blood light penetrated into Mu Qing's body.

He was finally not calm at the moment, and Mu Qing used many suspected races on him. Now it’s taken out the strength of Asura even more.

And this strength of Asura is so many times higher than Luo Han’s quality that Luo Han’s power is directly absorbed and swallowed.


"Kill Mu Qing first! "

Suddenly, Ling Yin speaks, her temperament is cold, her eyes are divine fruit broken, she directly condense the ten soul giant sword, moved towards Mu Qing.

She actually feels Mu Qing The threat is greater than Luo Han, and Mu Qing must be killed first!

Mu Qing looks at a pair of eyes with weird lines, in the sky, it seems that there is lightning passing by, those ten souls The giant sword suddenly appeared.

He slammed his punch, and suddenly, the wind blew up!

Next moment, the misty True Dragon roared out, entraining a terrifying imposing manner, The ten soul giant sword is torn apart.

"This man is terrifying! Absolutely comparable to the Peak race! "Cody's face was shocked. It was the first time he saw such a powerhouse of the same order." Huo Yuan also shot, the whole person turned into a fire god, 100 meters tall, and he came with boundless flames. It seems to be burning the entire sky.

A huge star emerges behind Mu Qing. It is a chain entwined with hundreds of chaotic chains, like a dragon surrounded by Primal Chaos Heaven, where you can even see it faintly. There is a horrible giant sitting cross-legged.


Suddenly, the giant sitting cross-legged stood up, and a gaze from the ancient barbaric pierced through it.


"What is that? ! "Everyone's eyes widened. From the body of that giant, they felt the terrifying aura crushed by it, which made people feel trembling.

"Titan! ! "

Kodi stared wide-eyed, mouth opened wide.

After that, he seemed to have thought of something, his face frightened, pointed at Mu Qing, and shouted: "You are That Qingmu!"

He recognized Mu Qing's identity, and the ominous beast clan sister and brother also looked surprised, did not expect Mu Qing to be Qingmu.

Mu Qing ignored him , A giant appeared behind him, as high as three hundred meters, with a hundred chaotic chains entangled in his body, and punched away!

Azure Dragon roared, azure glow pierced through the sky, and then a silhouette flew out, vomiting blood. !

Huo Yuan is not Mu Qing’s opponent at all. He was punched by the giant and forcibly punched a blood hole in his chest.

Everyone was shocked, is this still a human?


You know, Huo Yuan is a dignified middle-race person, but today he was chopped off his head and then punched through his chest!

Huo Yuan is extremely weak at this moment, the giant behind Mu Qing He strode out and crushed his head.

Finally, the giant returned to the star and sat cross-legged.

Mu Qing, coupled with the wonder of the Starry Sky Return to Origin, he can already make the Titan's body burst out of power under the Divine Seal ban.

Although the strength of this giant is definitely not better than that after the explosion of divine nature. Giant, but it can be used normally, and the formidable power is also very good.

"Titan Race's method? "Luo Han saw that the giant behind Mu Qing disappeared, his eyes were already very jealous.

Mu Qing faint smile, after that, a huge black fish appeared behind him, and then transformed into a Golden Peng, spreading its wings. Hit the sky, as if to penetrate the entire sky and kill all the creatures!

"Kunpeng Race? "Luo Han's pupil shrink, his face is shocked!

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