"Ominous beast once had a god whose strength was terrifying matchless, but I don’t know why it was severely injured, and even the star core in the body was stripped out." Heike uncle said solemnly, this is extremely confidential information.

He told Mu Qing, saying: "But that god did not completely die. Everyone thought he had fallen. In fact, he was still hiding in the ominous beast clan, even if he lost the star core. He also has the strength of Demi-God!"

Mu Qing was surprised, the god in the ominous beast clan did not die, but fell into the realm and became Demi-God!

The news shocked him. He thought carefully about the possibility. In Kunlun Secret Realm, the cursed gods were killed in the land, only the corpses of the cursed gods, not the corpses of that god of the ominous beast clan.

"God is not that easy to die. That god of the ominous beast clan is alive. The curse god you mentioned may not die." Tu Lao's voice suddenly appeared in Mu Qing's mind.

"The means of cursing the gods is obviously more brilliant than the gods of the ominous beast tribe. He splits his own power into three parts. When the three powers come together again, they cursed the gods to resurrect. Time!"

Mu Qing's face was weird. At first, Curse Ling said that when she took back the other two powers of cursing gods, she was a new generation of cursing gods, but didn't expect to snort disdainfully and tell him , The moment when the three powers converge, the cursed god is resurrected, and the consciousness of cursing the spirit, cursing the ancients, and cursing the rain will all be erased.

"Okay, I should go, too, don't slaughter ominous beasts anymore, don't let that Demi-God take action, we humans can't resist." Pingjia uncle to Mu Qing Said.

He looked at Mu Qing, his eyes flashed with a complex color, he had served the Heavenly Master of Qingcheng Mountain for many generations, he had seen how many genius dísciple of Qingcheng Mountain, but he had never seen a person who could be so fast Cultivation to the King of Peak!

"I understand." Mu Qing nodded, he also knows which is more important.

He was still wondering that the ominous beast clan has few powers, and in the Great Influence of mankind, almost all have powers. Why not join hands to destroy the ominous beast clan?

The Heike Uncle made it clear to him today that the god that of the ominous beast clan did not die, but fell into the realm and became a Demi-God.

If Mu Qing continues to kill the ominous beast, it is likely to attract the attention of Demi-God, but no one can save him when the time comes.

Mu Qing then asked about the situation of Pingyi. At the beginning of the Yanhuang organization, Pingyi, as the Captain of Qingchengwei, treated him very well.

A smile appeared on the face of Heike Uncle, and his eyes revealed satisfaction.

"Pingyi is very good, he contains a very strong Heike bloodline. I helped him awaken the power in the bloodline. Now he has the strength of the old king, and he has established Qingchengwei on Qingcheng Mountain." He was obviously satisfied with Ping Yi, the only junior from the Hei family.

Mu Qing hearing this is also a surprise. The younger generation Heaven's Chosen is basically at the 9th-order Martial Venerable or the king level, while the more powerful Heaven's Chosen, similar to Phila and Ellie, has veteran brands. The power of the king.

"You once got the inheritance in the Heavenly Master Cave, and you can be regarded as a member of Qingcheng Mountain. Do you want to join us on Qingcheng Mountain? I can ask Ping Yi to hand over Qingcheng Guard to you." Pingjia uncle was suddenly right. Mu Qing threw out an olive branch, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

I have to say that even his powerful powerhouse was surprised by Mu Qing's growth rate and wanted to draw him into Qingcheng Mountain.

In ancient times, Mount Qingcheng was the cultivation Holy Land, and although we have to start again now, the foundation of Mount Qingcheng is still there, so it is not difficult to develop.

And Ping Lao said that the conditions for Mu Qing to command the entire Qingcheng Guard are extremely attractive.

You must know that the Qingcheng Guards, who are now easily re-created, are not the squad members of the Yanhuang organization at the beginning, but a wolf and tiger division, which is absolutely comparable to a large force!

Mu Qing thought for a while, a touch of firmness flashed in his eyes, he shook the head, and refused Ping Lao's invitation.

He has now become the ninth dísciple of the Starry Sky God, and Tu Lao also told him to form his own forces.

Although the Qingcheng Mountain has a strong background, Tu Lao also told Mu Qing that the 36 stars in the Ten Thousand Regions Star Chart are all Supreme Treasure.

Just the hall of attraction of the first star is the powerful Supreme Treasure in the universe, which contains the power of countless Grand Dao Rule.

Not to mention the stars afterwards, Tu told him that the second star can break through racial boundaries and cultivation the bloodline method of other races.

"Well, but if you have the idea of ​​joining Qingcheng Mountain, you can always find me." Ping Lao feels a little regretful.

After Mu Qing bid farewell to the old Heping, he returned to Tianyu Palace.

"Unfortunately, I can no longer do the task of hunting ominous beasts." Mu Qing sighed. After the past few days, he got more than one billion in rewards for eliminating ominous beasts, but they were all paid He plunged into the ten thousand domain star map.

In fact, he still has some tasks, but unfortunately he can't do it anymore.

"Are you back? Just happened to be with us." As soon as Mu Qing arrived at Tianyu Palace, he was found by Great Elder and Elder Lin.

"The people of Flame Sect, the terrorist organization, joined forces with the former Second Palace Lord to kill our Tianyu Palace dísciple. Now is the time to get it back." The Red Face Great Elder said in a deep voice, with a killing intent in his tone. .

"Are we going to ask for an explanation?" Elder Lin asked curiously. This action was decided temporarily by the Great Palace Lord and Great Elder.

Great Elder shook the head, with a killing intent tone, and said: "We are going to kill them!"

Mu Qing and Elder Lin both shook their bodies and looked towards Great Elder.

Great Elder grinned and said: "Almost the entire China has known about the major event that took place in Tianyu Palace. It is inevitable that some young people will feel that our strength has fallen and come to us."

"So this extinguish sect action we have to do is very ruthless and decisive, and it will be extremely bloody, making some of the forces staring at our Tianyu Palace fearful!"

Mu Qing nodded, Great Elder said It's really not bad, even more how the leader of Flame Sect broke into Tianyu Palace at the beginning, it can't be justified without giving them an explanation.

And this explanation is to let them completely extinguish sect this force!

"Flame Sect has two Peak Kings in total, one is the Hongxiu, and the other is his younger brother, Hongyan."

"Originally, we were still there. Hesitate to go, after all, the other party is also two Peak Kings, but now you are back, they are naturally not opponents." Great Elder smiled and looked towards Mu Qing.

He affirmed Mu Qing's strength, which is definitely not comparable to the average Peak King.

"When shall we leave?" Mu Qing asked.

"I will go tomorrow!"


2nd day, a flying ship in Tianyu Palace vacated and moved towards a certain direction. .

"I have told you about your father, but this guy didn't reply to any information." Shui Yuexi curl one's lip, constantly complaining.

Mu Qing also gave a wry smile, his mysterious father has not been seen all day, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

However, it has been several days since he killed those people in the alchemy organization, but the alchemy organization has not made a sound, and has not troubled Mu Qing. I think it should be Mu Yu.

Otherwise, the alchemy organization will rush up instead of silence on the 2nd day when the alchemist is known to have died.

"Old Ancestor Tian Yu has also been secluded cultivation over there, and it seems that I don't know the news of the death of the Second Palace Lord." Shui Yuexi said.

She wears a blue long dress with a proud curve and a sword box behind her, which contains a vast sword light. She is considered to be a relatively powerful existence among the Peak Kings.

"You have passed through to the Peak King. Next, you have to visualize blood spirit. This step requires a lot of resources to advance blood spirit." Shui Yuexi will visualize blood spirit. The news tells Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's face is black.

The visualization of blood spirit requires a lot of energy resources. The second star in the Wanyu Star Map also requires a lot of energy resources. Where can he find so much energy?

"Not good, people from Tianyu Palace are here!" A man stumbled into a secret room.

He has a flustered expression and his aura is so powerful that he turned out to be a Peak King.

This person is the leader of Flame Sect, Hongxiu.

"Brother, what happened to Tianyu Palace? Can it kill us?" The other man was speechless and didn't understand why his big brother was so frightened.

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