The Second Palace Lord of Tianyu Palace rebelled, and then the original Second Palace Lord dísciple revealed his true identity, and killed the Second Palace Lord with his power against the sky, so that the turmoil in Tianyu Palace was calmed down.

This news has spread throughout China, even in the West.

"This guy, it turns out that he is Aoki!" In Beijing, Ke Fei from the Federal Branch couldn't help shaking his head and laughed when he heard the news.

What surprised him is that Mu Qing's strength has improved too terrifying, so soon he is the Peak King, and he is at the same level.

Even, Ke Fei himself did not have the confidence to defeat Mu Qing, because he was too enchanting.

Suddenly, Ke Fei's communication equipment vibrated. He was surprised and did not understand who it was, but then heard a familiar voice coming.

"Old man Ke." Mu Qing's voice came from it.

"That...Can you do me a favor? Raise my level in the federal system, and I will take a few tasks." Mu Qing laughed.

Basically, anyone who has recorded information in the federation can receive tasks in the federation. However, if you want to receive more advanced tasks, you need to have a high enough account level.

Mu Qing has not done many tasks in the federal system, and the account level is still the lowest.

"Okay, trivial matter." Ke Fei nodded, and then immediately called for help to adjust Mu Qing's account level to the highest level.

After that, Ke Fei looked at Mu Qing very curiously, and didn't understand why this guy already had the power of King Peak, so why he had to perform the mission of the Federation.

The most difficult task registered on the federal system is the king level. With the strength of Mu Qing, the Peak king, it can be easily completed.

Mu Qing gave a wry smile, he didn't want to either! The problem is that he is too short of money. In order to open the second star in the Ten Thousand Regions Star Chart, he can only pick up the task.


Mu Qing called up his personal account and found that his account level had risen to the highest level. The eighteen golden stars on the avatar were shining.

He quickly called up the task list, his eyes swept away, and went straight to the king-level task.

"Hunt the leader of the ominous beast lair in the north and south area, and pay 300 million yuan."

"Kill the leader of the ominous beast lair in the east region, pay 200 million yuan."

"Kill the leader of the ominous beast lair in the northern area, and pay 400 million yuan."


A series of missions, all marked in scarlet font, these all are announced by the Federal Headquarters The mission is aimed at China.

The ominous beasts have been very low-key in recent years, but Mu Qing knows that their strength is extraordinary. The ominous beast elder who visited the West Lake is a half-step Supreme Being!

There are many ominous beast lairs in Huaxia. Basically, the leader of these lair ominous beasts has the task of killing them. As long as they can kill them, the Federation will issue a large amount of rewards.

It's just that these ominous beasts are very powerful, and most people will not deal with them, and even the old kings are in danger of death.

Although Peak King can easily get rid of them, as the Peak King, naturally there will be no shortage of money.

The only King of Peak who was forced to come over by money to do the task was Mu Qing.

Looking at a series of tasks, Mu Qing silk without the slightest hesitation.

Connect and connect!

He left immediately and walked out of the Tianyu Palace, and ripples appeared in the Power of Space all over his body, disappeared.

The Power of Stars in Mu Qing's body is extremely thick, especially since there are more than 20 stars in the dantian, the origin power is surging beyond words.

He continued Space Jump, spanning half of China in half a day, and came to the sky above a murderer's lair.

This is an ominous beast lair in North China. If Mu Qing kills the ominous beast leader here, he will receive a full 400 million yuan in reward.

"The most expensive energy potions sold by alchemy organizations on the market are worth 100 million. After completing this task, you can buy four bottles!" Mu Qing be eager to have a try.

There are a lot of plants or treasures that contain energy on Earth, and energy potions are used by alchemists to extract these energy by some means, similar to the liquid energy extraction technique that Mu Qing mastered.

However, the energy extracted by others can be absorbed, and it can even make Martial Venerable breakthrough to the king.

As for the liquid energy in Mu Qing's hand, not to mention it is extracted, it may explode after a few touches.

Of course, although the energy potion is precious, it is fundamentally not worth mentioning for a character of Mu Qing's level. He himself does not know how much energy is needed to open the second part of the Wanyu Star Chart. Stars.

Mu Qing looked down. There was a huge nest there. Upon closer inspection, he could find that this nest was originally a human city.

He knows that the ominous beast clan will set off a wave of beasts from time to time. The human beings are now powerful and can resist it, but back then, the overall human strength was weak and could not resist it. I don’t know how many cities have been lost. Have become the present ominous beast lair.

Mu Qing glanced away, the spirit strength of light blue was surging, and found that there was a strong breath in the nest, reaching the level of the old king.

His eyebrow raised, from the information on the mission, the leader here is an angry snapping turtle.

Mu Qing spirit strength locked the stormy snapping turtle, a scary sword intent appeared at the fingertips, turning into a Heavenspan sword glow and piercing it out.

Pu chi!

In the ominous beast nest, a sleeping body of several hundred meters suddenly tore apart, and the blood light shot up into the sky.


The snapping turtle roared up to the sky, and before it took off, it found that its body had become two halves, and its vitality disappeared.

It never thought that it would suddenly be killed by a Peak King!


After the death of the Stormrage snapping turtle, the entire ominous beast nest boiled, and every ominous beast came out.

"The leader is dead! There are enemies!"

A big man shouted, he was an ominous beast.


next moment, in the sky, a sword qi rushes and pierces his head.

"This nest doesn't need to exist anymore." Mu Qing used spirit strength to cover the whole snapping turtle carcass and put it into the ten thousand domain star map.

The Wanyu Star Map can be refining anything. This corpse is also the ominous beast of the veteran king, and it contains a lot of energy.

After that, Mu Qing waved a big hand, the strong wind blew past, and the mist in the sky turned into a True Dragon roar.

He flipped his hand again, and the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation was brewing. The ferocious thunder and lightning fell, there were invisible thunder and lightning, there was Yin and Yang Thunder Tribulation, and Five Elements Thunder Tribulation.

Immediately afterwards, a rumbling sound sounded, and a vast ocean emerged out of thin air, sweeping the entire ominous beast lair, and a wave of water flooded the ominous beasts.

In this ominous beast lair, there are at least tens of thousands of ominous beasts.

But now, they have encountered a terrifying disaster. In the sky, Thunder Tribulation falls, and the ground is swept by the ocean. If they want to escape from this lair, there will be a strange gale blowing by, and their bodies will be directly affected. Tear!


A tsunami roared and shattered the entire ominous beast nest, and all the ominous beasts were smashed by the power contained in the tsunami!

In less than half an hour, this ominous beast lair is already a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood, and you can smell the rich blood-reeking qi far away.

Mu Qing's mind suddenly moved, he felt wisps of Blood Fiendish Qi pouring up, digging into the seeds of killing in his body, letting it grow slowly.

However, this seed of slaughter can't be activated before he doesn't have the cultivation Asura Sutra, it can only be seen and cannot be used.

Mu Qing logged in to the federal system and submitted the task completion information, then with a big wave of his hand, the sky disappeared.

In terms of his current strength of origin power, this consumption is nothing.

Mu Qing then took out the Wanyu Star Map, with 36 stars hovering high in the sky, and a devouring power shrouded it, absorbing all the power contained in the corpses of all ominous beasts in this lair. .


Mu Qing's personal account has an extra 400 million yuan in reward, which makes him more surprised. The federal system confirms that the task is completed too quickly. He just submitted it Information, 400 million more on the account.

He didn't stay much, he Space Jump, moved towards the far distance.

At this moment, the chiefs of ominous beasts in China would never have thought that a terrifying existence was approaching them.

In just three days, the major ominous beast nests in China were either cracked by strong winds, or Thunder Tribulation strikes, and some were flooded by tsunami.

"You are too much."

When Mu Qing came to the last ominous beast lair, he found that there were no ominous beasts here, only an old man was standing in the sky, looking at him indifferently.

Mu Qing's eyelids twitched, and the old man in front of him was the old man of the ominous beast tribe in West Lake Secret Realm, who possessed the power of a half-step Supreme Being.

"Is this guy trying to kill us clansman?" A voice came.

Beside the old man, I saw a silver-haired old woman, but her eyes were orange-yellow, her eyes turned into a flame of terror!

This is another half-step Supreme Being!

Mu Qing's eyes were cold, he fisted, Azure Dragon roared, it was Titan Race martial skill, Azure Dragon arm!

There was a huge roar, and the flame burned, but was smashed.

The silver-haired old woman looked surprised, she seemed to have never expected Mu Qing, the King of Peak, to have such strength.

"I want to see, why can you kill us so many clansman!" The silver-haired old woman raised her hand, the flames lingered, and the condense scepter hit Mu Qing.

Suddenly, the sky became crimson, everything was burning, and a flame prison moved towards Mu Qing shrouded.

"It depends on my strength!" Mu Qing's cold glow flashed in his eyes, really thinking he is an ordinary Peak King?

I saw Mu Qing's two fingers together, sword qi rushed into the sky, and the sword light full of bold Immortal Qi penetrated in an instant.

Soaring sword!

The scary sword light, as if to tear the sky, directly cut the flame prison in half.

The silver-haired old woman changed color, her body trembling slightly, her hand holding the flame scepter was numb, and a trace of blood overflowed, but she was torn by the sword intent.

"Phoenix Dance of Nine Heavens!"

The old woman was angry. She was hurt by a Peak King, which made her feel very dignified half-step Supreme Being. Shame.

The flame scepter in her hand took out and evolved into a flame Phoenix, which can be a kilometer in size, traverse the sky and burn for nine days!

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, both of his hands flipped the seal, and the origin power of the billowing stars gushed out and turned into a heavenly sword qi, forming a vortex.

All around Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi are all gathered and injected into sword qi vortex.

Five Qi Towards The Origin, Myriad Swords Returning to Origin!

The densely packed sword qi forms a vortex, shrouded in the flame Phoenix, scalp tingling sounds are heard, and the kilometer huge flame Phoenix is ​​slowly crushed.

"courting death!"

The old woman gritted her teeth, a flame god appeared behind her, and she slapped it towards Mu Qing with a slap.

Mu Qing frowned, his face solemn.

Just now, this old woman felt that she was stronger than him, so she didn't use her full strength, but now, seeing that she could not beat Mu Qing, she directly used her full strength.

The palm of the old woman really contains a terrifying fire, and the temperature is extremely high.

Mu Qing was waiting for it, and was about to take out the Ten Thousand Domain Star Chart to fight with all his strength, but found that the ominous beast clan old man suddenly moved.

A whisk came out of the old man's hand, and a huge Azure Ox roared behind him. With a light wave, the power of terror suddenly burst out.

However, he is not targeting Mu Qing, but the old woman next to him!

I saw one after another azure glow rush out, forming a big net, blocking in front of Mu Qing, and letting the old woman's flame burst.

"What are you doing?!" old woman gnashing teeth, shouting at the old man.

The old man turned his head and looked towards not far away.

The space was distorted for a while, and a laughed old man walked out, dressed in plain clothes and holding an axe in his hand.

This is a woodcutter, but no one in the room despise him.

Mu Qing was very surprised when he saw him, because this old woodcutter was the uncle of the Ping family he had seen in Qingcheng Mountain.

His eyes were startled. This was a mighty existence who had shot once before, and then he took the Captain of Qingchengwei and left easily and disappeared.

"Senior, our ominous beast clan has already died several lairs, so we made the move." The old man called the uncle senior to the uncle, and he knew the strength of the opponent.

The Ping family uncle touched the scum on his chin and smiled and said: "Go back, he will not destroy the ominous beast lair again."

The ominous beast clan old man hearing this, cupped the hands, pulls the old woman beside her back.

The old woman didn't dare to speak, her expression was horrified, because she had been imprisoned by a terrifying force from the moment the Heike Uncle appeared, unable to move.

The two were very jealous, and they retreated straight away, and did not pursue Mu Qing's killing of the ominous beast lair.

"Thanks Senior to take action." Mu Qing sighed in relief.

Ping family uncle shook the head, let him not care.

"I suggest that you still don’t kill the ominous beast too much. You can target the insect race, but the ominous beast has checked and balanced with our Human Race for so many years. Powerhouse still has less shots. Wonderful." Pingjia Uncle said.

Mu Qing was taken aback, and asked: "We humans have enough strength, why not drive the ominous beasts out?"

He has now reached the Peak King, and he also knows. Some secrets, it is clear that behind some forces, there are still powerful-level existences.

The face of the uncle of the Heike family condenses slightly, he said solemnly: "Because there is a Demi-God in the ominous beast clan!"

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