The purple worm emits a roar, and one after another thunder and lightning rune flashes on its body, and the sound of rolling thunder sounds.

"It seems that the insect race is really here, but I don't know where Ke Fei and the others are trapped?" Mu Qing touched the chin thought.

He looked towards the distance, maybe Ke Fei and they are trapped in the deepest place.

"A Head Insect random encounter is a veteran king level, even if it is much weaker than the centipede dragon and Wang Ming, but it is enough to prove the horror power of the insect race!" Mu Qing's face was solemn, he The stone sword in his hand was swung out, moving towards the lightning strike that he had enveloped him.

The purple worm is very powerful, but it is much weaker than Mu Qing, almost suppressed by Mu Qing.

Mu Qing took out the golden mecha snatched from Wang Ming, a golden light flashed past, the whole person entered the mecha, and the spirit strength communicated with the golden mecha.

A wonderful feeling rise in the mind. After Mu Qing communicated with golden mecha with spirit strength, mecha seemed to have become his flesh and blood, able to act flexibly.


A black long knife swept out, and the blue gold blade light burst out. It was the blade light from the condom after Mu Qing was infused with yin and yang thunder and lightning.

The purple worm twisted its body, a large purple rain sprayed out from its mouth, and thunder and lightning emerged. Unfortunately, it was not Mu Qing's opponent at all. It was penetrated by the blue gold blade light, and its body became two pieces.

A large swath of green blood splashed out, and the purple worm was easily killed by Mu Qing!

Mu Qing was also taken aback. Although this purple worm is not as strong as him, it is also an insect of the veteran king level anyway.

Can easily kill this purple worm, this set of golden mecha on him has shown great strength.


A huge black shadow appeared, the black fish opened its mouth, and a black hole emerged, swallowing the corpse of this purple worm, refining the energy in it.

After the black fish becomes an independent existence, it will also have to cultivation. Because of the black hole's ability, it can swallow many things and enhance its power. At the same time, it can also condense one after another transparent crystal.

Mu Qing moved towards the depths and continued to walk, and soon found a crimson fruit, containing extremely rich fire Attribute Power.

His eyes lit up, the crimson fruit is very weird, growing on the stone, you can feel a trace of heat from a long distance, it is a precious material of Fire Attribute.

Mu Qing probed his hand to get it, and suddenly a Pangolin came out from the scorched black ground, covered in silver scale armor, with sharp claws on all four limbs, which could easily tear the ground apart.

A closer look, you can see that this Pangolin is entwined with black qi flames, and the power in the body is also very strange.

Obviously, this is a unique creature in the scorched land, possessing a weird special power, biased towards Power of Darkness.

This Pangolin tore the ground and rushed out, opening his mouth to spray out a silver glow, moved towards Mu Qing and hit it.


Mu Qing shot, the yin and yang thunder in his hand flickered and poured into the black long knife. The golden mecha is very special, which increased his power by several percent, and a blue gold blade light rushed out, smashing the silver light .

He took out the stone sword with the other hand, the force of the wind and cloud condensed, and a sword glow penetrated and killed it.

The black fish on the side wandered in midair. Although it shrank its body to palm-size, its mouth opened in an exaggerated way, and a black hole emerged, swallowing the Pangolin.

"roar roar!"

Under the ground, Pangolin came out head-to-head, with black qi flames entwined all over, which seemed to be a race.


Mu Qing frowned and shot directly. The whole person rushed into the Pangolin group, holding a black long knife in one hand and a stone sword in the other. The blade light and sword shadows shrouded all the Pangolin like a sky curtain.

A burst of screams came out, and the blockbuster Pangolins were all killed. They were not strong, only part of them were kings, and the rest were Martial Venerable.

With Mu Qing's current strength, plus the golden mecha bonus strength, it took less than half an hour to kill all Pangolin, leaving only a corpse here.

The black fish wandered in the sky happily, a black hole appeared in the mouth, devouring the corpses everywhere.

After that, it came to the crimson fruit and swallowed it in one bite.

This makes Mu Qing very surprised. The black fish cultivation is Water Attribute, but he didn't expect it to be interested in the precious materials of Fire Attribute, and Mu Qing can clearly feel that the black fish has swallowed the red fruit. , The strength has increased.

Hei Yu digested for a while, suddenly loudly roared, turned into a beam of black light, and rushed into the ground.

On the black fish's body, one after another ripples of water flowed, setting off a tremendous force and blasting the ground away.

Mu Qing was stunned. Heiyu's behavior was a little weird. When he stepped forward to look, he found that there was a cave under the ground, emitting wisps of red light.

"In this cave, there is a very rich strength of Raging Flames!" He felt dry and dry. After the cave appeared, the temperature of all around rose suddenly.

"This should be a flame cave. Those Pangolins are looking for flame treasures everywhere, smelt into this cave, and they can temper fleshy body and bloodline." Shusiyu said.

She told Mu Qing that the crimson fruit outside should be formed by the leakage of the strength of Raging Flames in this cave, so it looks weird, growing in the stone.

"so that's how it is!" Mu Qing nodded, he also discovered when he was fighting the group of Pangolin, their defensive power is very strong, far beyond the general king and Martial Venerable.

Unfortunately, the black knives and stone swords in Mu Qing's hands are not ordinary things, they can easily tear their silver scales.

Mu Qing is a little excited. In the Titan bloodline method, there are various methods to hone the body and blood. In this Flame Land, perhaps he can cultivation in it to make his fleshy body stronger.

He strode towards the Flame Cave and walked in. The strength of Raging Flames inside was extremely active, almost turned into a rune, suspended in midair.


A silver rays of light broke through the air, moved towards Mu Qing wearing a golden mecha, and pointed directly at the heart.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed with the lightning glow, and with a wave of his big hand, the power of the wind and cloud suddenly rose and turned into a True Dragon roar, tearing the silver light apart.

He rushed out, and saw a huge Pangolin appeared in the flame cave, punched away, yin and yang thunder entangled, terrifying energy gushing out, oppressing away.

There was a trace of contempt in that Pangolin's eyes. It has been cultivation in this flame cave all the year round and has great confidence in its defensive power.


There was a loud noise, and a huge black shadow flew out directly. Pieces of silver scales burst out, and blood was spilled on the ground.

Pangolin's eyes were horrified. It didn't expect that the defensive power that it was so proud of would be punched open by the man in front of it!

Mu Qing also looked towards this Pangolin with a little surprise. This Pangolin cultivation base is the same as the ones I encountered before, with the king's cultivation base, but the defensive power is several levels higher.

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