The shattered palace is also covered by a large area of ​​gray and black mist, from time to time a ghostly wind blows. From some details, it can be seen that this place was once a treasured place with brilliance. The starlight remains, but unfortunately now large buildings are turned into ruins, leaving only symbols everywhere.

Mullin sat on the spot, he was wearing a black clothed, starlight entangled all over his body, and his skin was a bit weird, too silver, like a silver mine, shining with cold light. .

"Mulin is going to wake up? He has been cultivation here for a long time!" A voice came from the side.

I saw a bunch of king-class insects residing near the Broken Palace. They have certain spiritual wisdom and can communicate with Spiritual Fluctuation.

Mulin seems to be in a good position in the insect race. Insect race specializes in Sect with more than a dozen king-class insects guarding him.

"I don’t know, after Mullin was killed, Master Insect King used Star Meteorite to help him rebuild a Fleshy body, and then used Life Source blood beads to recall his soul and gave him a star. As a blood spirit, insect has spent a lot of effort."

"This place is the starlight Converging Ground. After Mullin completely absorbs the refining, his strength may be improved to a terrifying level. We are not rivals!"

Some insects whispered.

"I really envy this guy! This guy is obviously a human, but he was so favored by Lord Insect King. He was originally just a small character who was not a king, but now his strength suddenly jumped over our heads. !" said a king-level insect.

Some insects are not convinced, but there is no way. They must obey the Insect King's order to guard the human in front of them.

"Strictly speaking, he is not a human being. The fleshy body is long gone. The body is cast from stars and meteorite iron. The body is even parasitic with star insects acting as blood spirits, even though he has his own. Awareness, but in fact, it is the star insect that really controls him!" A Head Insect curled his lips.

You can see that on the blood spirit of the star behind Mullin, there is a scorpion-like insect crawling around, with star patterns all over it.


Mu Qing went all the way, finally entered the depths of the scorched black ground, but did not encounter anything, but the gray and black mist all around became more and more dense, There is a kind of Yin Qi permeating.

He is frowned and can clearly feel that the temperature next to him has dropped.

As he went deeper again, the temperature had dropped to an inhuman level, especially when the overcast wind blew, it could freeze the king into ice.

Fortunately, Mu Qing came alone, and the only curse thinking rain following him was to get into his space ring.

Neither mouse nor Ai Li came along. Mu Qing knew that what he would encounter was probably a group of king-level insect races and more terrifying opponents.

Although Ai Li and the old three are strong, they are still too fragile in front of the insect race.

"These yin winds are extremely cold, what the hell is that place?" Mu Qing frowned, and a yin wind blew him, leaving a piece of frost.

However, his fleshy body is very strong, with blood flowing in his body, and a little operation of the bloodline method will eliminate the cold air.

He moved towards for a long time and saw some ruins. I don't know if it was destroyed by the insect race or by itself.

Suddenly, Mu Qing retreated violently, and saw a huge vicious dog rushed out in a ruin. It could be a hundred meters away, and when he jumped up, there was a roar, and the fishy wind impacted. Come.

This was the first time he saw a creature in this scorched place, but he didn't expect that it was not an insect race.

The vicious dog has dark skin, black flame burning on his body, and strange blood light piercing through his eyes.

This is a king-level creature with black qi flames entwined around it, which looks similar to the ominous beast clan, but Mu Qing feels the energy in the opponent's body is a little weird.

The ominous beasts, like humans, are cultivation origin power, but the vicious dog in front of him possesses another kind of power in his body, leaning towards darkness.

Mu Qing moved towards Vicious Dog looked behind him, and found that there was a purple pond there. After a closer look, he was shocked.

That turned out to be a pool of purple thunder pulp!

"How is it possible? Trifling, a king-level vicious dog, guards a whole pond of thunder pulp!" Mu Qing lost his voice.


The vicious dog rushed over, and it opened its mouth and burst out a black light, like a heavenly sword, moved towards Mu Qing and cut it down.

"hmph, he is just a king-level beast, dare you even dare to shoot at me?" Mu Qing turned his gaze around, extremely cold, making the vicious dog feel a bit of chill inexplicably.

At this time, Mu Qing sticks out his palm, suddenly violent wind erupted, all around the clouds are raging, in the sky there is a True Dragon roaring.

The black light was blown away by a violent wind, and then Mu Qing's palm was emptied, and the billowing cloud of smoke turned into a big hand, directly grabbing the vicious dog, surrounded by clouds and mist, the other party Even if the power of the king bursts out, it is also impossible to move.

"ao wu!"

The vicious dog is struggling violently, the black qi flames on its body are soaring, and the power in the body is constantly impacting, tearing the big hand.

But the Yunyan big hand that Mu Qing used dragon leaping technique condense to come is very tenacious, even if it is torn partly, it will be recondense again in an instant.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and he threw this vicious dog into the purple pool.

He just noticed something wrong, because he had absorbed a bottle of purple thunder pulp he got from the centipede dragon, and after feeling it carefully, he found that the purple pool and thunder pulp aura were somewhat different.

"ao wu!"

The face of the evil dog suddenly changed, and he was extremely frightened, as if there was something terrifying under the purple pool.

Mu Qing found out that it does not seem to be the Guardian of this pool.


A purple silhouette suddenly protruded from the bottom of the pool, biting the dog with one bite, and after a few breaths, the dog was extremely sharp. The teeth are torn, bitten and eaten.


Mu Qing shot directly and set off a storm, throws a punch, hitting the purple silhouette, but found himself as if hitting cotton, it’s hard for a powerful force All broke out.


And the purple silhouette seemed to be angry, making a deafening roar, one after another thunder and lightning struck.

This is a purple worm with a very fat body. It emerged from the purple pool, covered with thunder and rune.

It sprayed a large amount of purple liquid from its mouth, deriving a sky full of thunder and lightning. This purple pool is also the liquid it sprays. Although it is similar to purple thunder pulp, it has great lethality.

Mu Qing waved his hand, the billowing clouds of smoke condensed into a misty sword glow, penetrated through, tore through one after another lightning, and chopped on the purple worm.

With a sound of pu chi, the worm was wounded and green blood was spilled.

The purple worm roared, the terrifying thunder turned into a storm and swept away to kill Mu Qing.

"The strength is good, but it is much weaker than the centipede dragon." Mu Qing looked at the purple worm in front of him. This is an old-brand king-level insect of the insect race, but the strength is very weak.

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