"Strangely, the double-horned bloodfiend as a conscious body is still much weaker than the real double-horned bloodfiend."

Mu Qing raised his brows, feeling a little Surprised.

The real double-horned bloodfiend, Mu Qing has also fought!

The tenacious life force makes people difficult.

Mu Qing itself is also the Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, only to use the Great Success Realm's solar meridian, there is no way to directly kill the double-angle bloodfiend.

Mu Qing is able to crush that's all by relying on the power of the Boundless Starry Sky with six realms.

If you want to kill the double-angle bloodfiend directly, Mu Qing can only activate the Sun Sutra and Primal Chaos Scripture at the same time!

Of course, you can also use a silver hour gun.

If faced with Royal Family bloodfiend, Mu Qing must simultaneously urge Great Success Realm's Sun Sutra, Primal Chaos Scripture and Destiny Sutra to contend!

Obviously, the strength of the double-angle bloodfiend in this test space is far inferior to the real double-angle bloodfiend!

The circular building is high in the sky, and the number changes again, forming thirty-five.

"It seems that the preliminary assessment is not too difficult."

Mu Qing relaxed a little, then looked at the door in the distance.

The assessment of the next level has also begun.

Still still the double-horned bloodfiend holding a sledgehammer, this consciousness is obviously more violent than before.

At the same time, there is a weakened double-horned bloodfiend next to him, holding a long spear in his hand.

"The people of the royal court of life! I am going to kill you!"

The double-horned bloodfiend with a sledgehammer in his hand has red eyes and a grumpy face.

Although it is a conscious body, it still feels like being killed!

The first time he was weakened and killed, and the second time he was killed again.

Continue to bear the pain of death!

This is nothing less than torture!

However, a double-horned bloodfiend that has not been weakened and a weakened double-horned bloodfiend are not threatening to Mu Qing at all!

even more how, the double-angle bloodfiend presented by the consciousness body here is much weaker than the real double-angle bloodfiend.

Mu Qing dodges, easily evading the attack of these two double-horned bloodfiends, and then cut out the fire knife in his hand.

All gone!

The terrifying fire of the sun formed a storm and rolled the two-headed bloodfiend into it.

The two double-horned bloodfiend suddenly screamed, and the weakened double-horned bloodfiend was burned out by the fire of the sun on the spot.

At the same time, the remaining double-horned bloodfiend has been hit hard, roaring out of the storm formed by the sun's fire, his body is already scorched!

Mu Qing did not dodge, with a smile on his mouth.

At this time, a chaotic light suddenly emerged from the back of the double-horned bloodfiend's head, fiercely passing through!


One after another Chaos Light exploded. It was a Chaos Spear, which forcibly penetrated the head of the double-horned bloodfiend and killed it!

The spear and shield formed after Primal Chaos Scripture Great Accomplishment, one is the strongest spear that can attack any place, and the other is the strongest shield that can absorb damage from any place!

Mu Qing uses two Sovereign-level verses of Great Success Realm at the same time, even if the real double-angle bloodfiend is coming, it is not an opponent.

After all, with the blessing of the strength of Starry Sky, Mu Qing's strength itself is much higher than the double-angle bloodfiend!

The assessment of this level has passed again!

In another level of space, twelve examiners looked at each other in blank dismay. They were a little indifferent, and began to pay attention to Mu Qing.

Even Old Man Long's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Two Sovereign-level Scriptures?"

"Still Great Success Realm!"

Someone exclaimed, and they also noticed Mu Qing’s Cultivation base, only Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer!

"Didn't expect! Only Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer has cultivated two Great Success Realm Sovereign-level verses, and he may be able to pass the 20th level test!"

Yes The examiner opened the mouth and said, his face was full of surprise.

Be aware that even in the royal court of their lives, most of the people from the cultivation Sovereign level to the Great Success Realm are Supreme Ten Heavens.

Being able to cultivation the Sovereign-level scriptures to the Great Success Realm before the Supreme Tenth Heaven is already considered a genius!

Although there are many such geniuses in the Palace of Life, they are rare in the outside world.

"After he joins the Royal Palace of Life, he may have a chance to hit the top ten."

Long old man slowly spoke, he half-squinted his eyes and turned his gaze to Mu Qing .

This assessment level is not only one chance.

In the beginning, as long as you meet the minimum standard, you can join the Life King Court. Most of them have more than 30 levels of assessment status.

After joining the King of Life, relying on the resources of the King of Life, there will be a huge improvement in a short time!

The opportunity to perform the assessment again for the second time is entirely up to you. When you feel confident enough, you can apply for the second assessment.

Of course, there are only two opportunities that's all in total.

The opponent's strength in the assessment will actually change with the assessment base's cultivation base.

Mu Qing is Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, so the double-horned bloodfiend he faces is Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer!

With the assessment of each level, the number and strength of opponents will gradually increase.

And if the powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven wants to join the Palace of Life, the double-horned bloodfiend encountered will be the Supreme Tenth Heaven!

This is the wonder of the consciousness, the assessment space controlled by the king of life, even if it is just a double-horned bloodfiend, it can be forcibly upgraded to the realm of the Supreme Tenth Heaven!

"If this Mu Qing can hit an identity level within the 20th level for the first time, then old man Long can you get a lot of benefits, right?"

An examiner next to him Looked towards the old man with envy.

In the Supreme Ten Heavens, except for the most common zero-order, the remaining basics are divided into First Rank and Rank 2.

The final stage is too scarce. After all, it is a Sovereign-level scripture comparable to Perfection Realm, and there are too few existences that can be achieved.

As the old man of Rank 2 Supreme, his Sovereign-level scripture is cultivated to Great Success Realm!

He has already touched the threshold of Sovereign realm. After he has accumulated a certain amount, he can attack the Sovereign realm!

As a referrer, if Mu Qing can reach the top twentieth, then the benefits of the old man will be very rich.

Long old man is hearing this, but he shook the head with a smile, "I was not the original recommender, but another person with a higher status and status than me! The reward is just the two of us, without you. It’s so rich as imagined."

be that as it may, but the old man with a smile on his face, if Mu Qing really performed like that, the reward he would get would be worse even if it was evenly divided with others. Nowhere to go!

"By the way, who was the original referrer? Why is the identity confidential?"

When it comes to this, everyone else is very curious.

These assessors have basically undergone two assessments, and their final status levels are all around the second 15th level.

Among them, the old man is the highest, Level 21!

This status level also symbolizes treatment, and of course, the status is not bad at ordinary times.

Identity level doesn't mean everything, it's just the initial evaluation of innate talent's potential that's all.

After all, the multiverse is so big, and the opportunities are as vast as the stars!

There are also many status levels beyond the 30th in the King of Life, but they can achieve Sovereign realm.

However, the higher the status level, the better, especially for those who join Early-Stage to the Palace of Life, which can gain a lot of benefits.

"I am not quite clear either. The message from above is that the identity of the other party is confidential, and the specific identity level was not stated."

Long old man also shook the head.

Identity levels, even Level 1 peerless evildoers, will not deliberately hide them.

The so-called secrecy level is set by the senior management of the King of Life. As a secrecy level personnel, their status is to some extent higher than the top ten status levels!


In the circular building.

The space inside is huge, as if the space inside was forcibly expanded to the size of the universe by a certain powerhouse.

Mu Qing has passed the test all the way, in fact, the double-horned bloodfiend in it is not a threat to him at all!

After all, the double-angle bloodfiend in the assessment is far inferior to the real double-angle bloodfiend.

Soon, Mu Qing's level reached the thirtieth level!

This seems to be a daoist sect threshold!

In the previous level, there were more than a dozen double-angle bloodfiends. Although most of them have been weakened, they are definitely not what Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer can pass.

hong long long!

A daoist sect opened, and a silhouette strode out inside.

This time it is not the foul-mouthed bloodfiend that has been killed many times by Mu Qing, but the Royal Family bloodfiend with a gloomy face in the triangle above the head!

There is no other silhouette, there is only one opponent.

"The King of Life has a lot of hatred with the ancient bloodfiend tree? How do you evaluate that they are the opponents of the Blood Demon Race?"

Mu Qing's expression is extraordinarily calm, but he feels inside. Very curious.

At this time, the Royal Family bloodfiend rushed up, holding a long knife in his hand, naked to the upper body, with bulging muscles, roaring and killing.

Mu Qing also rushed out, with the spear of chaos and the shield of chaos!

The chaotic spear in his hand bursts with dazzling chaotic light, moving towards this Royal Family bloodfiend at an astonishing speed.

Mu Qing's speed is quite fast, and Royal Family bloodfiend doesn't seem to want to resist this attack, forcibly took it!


The chaotic light exploded, the spear of chaos penetrated the shoulder of Royal Family bloodfiend directly, terrifying power poured out, and the whole left arm and shoulder were blasted together. Broken!

But the Royal Family bloodfiend has a smirk on his face.

He roar said: "Painful Embrace!"

"Be dead! The fellow of the King of Life! My Painful Embrace, the more painful I bear, the more formidable power will be Powerful!"

A pair of huge purple wings stretched out from behind each other, that is a vague Demon God, with strands of ancient aura lingering, those wings fell down, and Mu Qing's whole person Shrouded in.

Mu Qing's face also showed a slightly surprised look.

The double-horned bloodfiend that fought with him before, did not display any special abilities. This is also the biggest reason why the double-horned bloodfiend in the assessment space is far inferior to the real Blood Demon Race.

Mu Qing originally thought that the Blood Demon Race in these assessment spaces could not display the liberating ability of the 1st stage and 2nd stage at all.

But it does not seem to be the case now!

However, Mu Qing immediately displayed the power of the world snake, and a star snake swallowed him and appeared in the distance.

The embrace of that giant Great Demonic God, but Mu Qing can't help but escape easily.

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