The soft endless light completely enveloped Mu Qing. He felt that his body was still in place, but his consciousness was pulled into a different space!

Mu Qing temporarily left the invincible time Sovereign behind, and looked up all around in a blink of an eye.

The soft light gradually became clear, forming a huge building, in the shape of a ring, which at first glance seemed to be an arena, and there were doors, a total of thirty Six Sects!

Turning around and looking, Mu Qing found that Old Man Long's silhouette disappeared.

At the same time, Old Long's voice came from high above.

"The trial has begun. There are a total of thirty-six levels of assessment. The more assessments you pass, the higher the level of judgment, and the more rewards you will receive from the King of Life!"

Immediately afterwards, another unfamiliar voice came.

"Assessor Mu Qing, your current level is None, at least you must reach level 36 before you can join the King of Life!"

The voice surrounds for a long time, and then it is quiet Come down.

Mu Qing looked up, there was a number in the sky, zero!

"This should be the assessment that the consciousness can enter."

Mu Qing shook hands, still feeling all his strength.

The consciousness body is a very magical existence, different from a pure soul!

The pure soul will lose the power of the body if it leaves the body, but the consciousness body still holds the full strength of the body.

At the same time, if the consciousness body is killed, it will not affect the body much.

In the black world, many members of the black world use the consciousness body, basically the only purpose is to go to the core place of comprehend Sovereign-level scriptures.

It seems that there has never been a conscious body battle.

Of course, the biggest problem is that the conscious body's battlefield must also be specially crafted, which seems to have not been done by Supreme.

Also, other great influences such as the King of Life with multiple universe levels can let other people's consciousness fight.


At this time, a dull voice came, as if something heavy fell on the ground.

Mu Qing looked around, his face was alert, and he was ready to fight.

The condense fire knife in his hand, the strength of Starry Sky inside his body began to boil.

I saw a door in the distance opened, and a huge black shadow slowly came out!

From the perspective of breath, it is a Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer!

The black shadow walked in front of Mu Qing, revealing a clear appearance, turned out to be a double-horned bloodfiend!

This looks exactly like Ox Head Man, holding a barbed sledgehammer in his hand, his eyes are red, staring at Mu Qing firmly.

But the opponent did not immediately attack, the breath from the big nostrils rushed all around like a heat wave.

The double-horned bloodfiend did not let out a deafening roar until the first door was closed.

At the same time, the entire circular building expands at an astonishing speed, and the internal space expands wildly.

"The man of the royal court of life!"

"Suffer to death!"

The state of the bloodfiend is a bit abnormal, with a green color on its forehead Imprint.

Obviously, this double-angle bloodfiend as an assessment is controlled to a certain extent!

The body of the double-horned bloodfiend may be imprisoned somewhere in the royal court of life. Every time the assessment begins, it will be activated, forcibly pulling its consciousness here.

"In the assessment of the King of Life, First Level is a double-horned bloodfiend?"

Mu Qing frowned slightly.

He didn't care much when he encountered the double-angle bloodfiend.

With Mu Qing's current strength, kill the double-horn bloodfiend with no difficulty!

After all, he has improved very quickly during this period of time. He had only barely killed a double-horned bloodfiend, but now he can kill it easily.

It's just that Mu Qing didn't expect that the assessment level of the King of Life is a bit high.

After all, the old man Long also said that the assessment is divided into thirty-six levels in total, and Mu Qing is only the thirty-sixth level of assessment, and he needs to deal with a double-angle bloodfiend.

Then the next level assessment, isn't it more terrifying?

Although, you only need to pass the thirty-sixth level to join the Palace of Life.

Mu Qing thought, and moved towards the bloodfiend of the horns in front of him.

A trifling bloodfiend is nothing at all.

"Suffer to death!"

The bloodfiend of the two horns was very irritable, and when he lifted the sledgehammer in his hand, he moved towards and hit it.


Mu Qing noticed something wrong, and then didn't even hide, so he raised his hand and cut it with a knife.

Fen Zhan!

The terrifying sun fire is intertwined with crescent-like slashes, traversing tens of millions of meters!

This double-horned bloodfiend is not an opponent at all. The sledgehammer in his hand melts directly into molten iron, and then his body is burned into nothingness.

hong long long!

Just as Mu Qing killed the double-horned bloodfiend, the number above his head changed.

From the original zero to thirty-six!

This means that Mu Qing has reached the minimum standard for entering the King of Life, which is level 36.

"The strength has been weakened by about half."

Mu Qing touched the chin, whispered.

It is naturally not him who is weakened, but the double-horned bloodfiend that was just killed by him!

As soon as the opponent shot, Mu Qing sensed that the strength of the double-horned bloodfiend was weakened by half!

The approximate level of strength is in the Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer of the cultivated Sovereign level scripture Small Success Realm.

According to the words of the King of Life, it is the Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer of First Rank.

And the real double-angle bloodfiend, each has the strength of Rank 2 Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer!

In this way, the initial assessment only needs to defeat the weakened double-angle bloodfiend before it can pass.

However, this standard is still a bit problematic in Mu Qing's view. What if someone from Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer wants to join the King of Life?

No matter how genius, Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer should also be impossible to defeat Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer's double-angle bloodfiend, right?

Even if it has been weakened.


At the same time, above the circular building, in another space.

One after another silhouette Sitting around, there are a total of twelve people, among them the old man Long is inside.

This is the assessor from the King of Life, and it is mainly to ensure the smoothness of the entire assessment process to prevent accidents.

By the way, just take a look at the performance of this new member. If it is more prominent, it will be able to win!

After all, the Palace of Life is very huge, and the small groups in it are tangled and complicated.

And the examiner is not designated by the senior management of Life King, but like the referrer, it is a task.

Accept the task, the members of the King of Life can directly become the examiner. Of course, they must be the powerhouse of the Supreme Realm!

This assessment space does not have the turn of the assessor to take care of it. At most, they will tell the people who participate in the assessment some information about the rules.

Most of the twelve examiners wanted to draw fresh blood for the group forces behind them, so they came here.

"This is called Mu Qing, but he adapts very quickly." One of the silhouettes said, with a hint of appreciation.

They have seen too many people participating in the assessment, but every time they enter the assessment space, they need to adapt for a period of time.

Some people are even better than the weakened double-corner bloodfiend, but they are still not opponents, mainly because they have not been able to adapt.

After all, the conscious body fights, the strength is exactly the same as the body, but the feeling is different.

And Mu Qing is the first person who can adapt to the consciousness so quickly since they have met so many people!

The other silhouette pondered and questioned.

"Even a genius person will be affected when he fights with his consciousness body for the first time, but Mu Qing adapts almost instantaneously. Isn't he a pawn sent by other forces?"

Other examiners immediately began to retrieve Mu Qing's information, and they thought it was very possible.

Who can adapt to the battle of the conscious body at once?

Unless experienced!

"There is nothing wrong with the identity of this person, and has no connection with death hell or bloodfiend ancient trees. It was directly introduced by a member of the royal court of life!"

At this time, Old Man Long spoke, his eyes all around.

At the same time, one after another light curtain appeared in front of him, and a lot of information about Mu Qing was recorded on it!

Then the old man Long browses slightly wrinkle and said: "One more thing I need to remind you is that the referrer of the examiner Mu Qing is at the confidential level and has a higher status than everyone in the room.

That Mu Qing was personally introduced by the other party to join the King of Life. Now he has passed the thirty-sixth level assessment and officially becomes a member of the King of Life.

We Twelve people have no power to question Mu Qing's identity."

The voice of Old Man Long echoed all around in this special space.

After hearing this, the others were quite surprised, and then remained silent.

They were very surprised at the bottom of their hearts. They thought they were just ordinary guys. Didn't expect still nodded!

You must know that this task of the examiner basically does not need to do anything. It is a waste of reward.

To be able to serve as an examiner, at least the strength of First Rank Supreme is also required.

In the Palace of the King of Life, there is still some identity.

Especially the old man Long. With the strength of his Rank 2 Supreme Tenth Heaven, the identity higher than him is not the Ultimate Supreme Tenth Heaven, but Sovereign!

Suddenly, most of these examiners lost interest.

They came here to be examiners to win newcomers for their group!

As a result, there may already be a group behind this newcomer, so the purpose of their trip is mostly in vain.

"Keep watching."

Long old man said indifferently.

Others were lacking in interest, some of them closed their eyes and waited quietly for the end of the assessment.

Just do a task at hand and get some benefits!

Meanwhile, inside the circular building.

Mu Qing started the third 15th level assessment!

The opponent is still the double-horned bloodfiend holding a sledgehammer, but the aura is much stronger.

This time is not the weakened double-angle bloodfiend, but the real Rank 2 Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, with full strength double-angle bloodfiend!

"What is this? Repeated use?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

He didn't have any extra actions. Before the bloodfiend could react, he raised his hand and slashed away!

The terrifying fire of the sun, driven by the surging strength of Starry Sky, instantly killed the double-horned bloodfiend!

The third 15th level assessment, passed in an instant!

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