For all powerhouses in the chaotic universe, the Scarlet Old Tree is a divine object that has never appeared in the universe.

But for this group of Sovereign descendants, at this time they recognized it!

In addition, Tianqing accurately tells the real name of the bleeding-colored ancient tree.

The old bloodfiend tree!

Once appeared in Tianqing Universe!

It's just that after they stepped in thoroughly, they really realized that this was an ancient bloodfiend tree.

After all, in the Tianqing universe, the ancient bloodfiend trees only exist in the records of various ancient books, and their appearance is just the huge scarlet ancient tree.

In the beginning, this group of Sovereign descendants didn't think about that. After all, they didn't actually see the ancient bloodfiend tree in Tianqing Universe.

Only after they came in thoroughly and smelled the slightly pungent smell inside, as well as the blood vessels like tangled and complicated blood vessels, did they react.

This is exactly the same as the ancient bloodfiend trees described in the ancient books of Tianqing Universe!

"This chaotic universe has just reached maturity, right?"

"Didn't expect there will be bloodfiend ancient trees such as Supreme Treasure!"

A look of greed appeared on Feng Ling's face.

Not only him, but also Zhou Qing and Man Gu beside him have a heartbeat look on their faces.

These descendants of Sovereign all have incredible expressions on their faces. You must know that in the Tianqing universe, the ancient bloodfiend trees only exist in the records of the ancient book.

It was only a short-lived when Tianqing Universe was promoted to the full stage. The Supreme Treasure, which was born, grew up and became known as the top ten heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

Tenth-class heavenly materials and earthly treasures, what is the concept?

second only to Sovereign sacred relic's Supreme Treasure!

In other words, this ancient bloodfiend tree really needs to grow to a full body, and it can also possess the power of the Supreme Ten Heaven.

Even the heavenly materials and earthly treasures bred from the universe, if you have your own consciousness, you will completely become a Supreme powerhouse!

"Although the identity of the ancient bloodfiend tree has been determined, we still have to be cautious. In the past, in our Tianqing Universe, there were many Supreme Powerhouses competing together, and they were beaten. "

"Nowadays, people in Chaos Universe don't know about bloodfiend ancient trees, we still have to be careful."

The voice of the day Qing is soft, opened the mouth and said, making everyone vigilant.

The greed in Feng Ling's eyes also receded, and they suddenly remembered the record in the ancient book that the real battle strength of the ancient bloodfiend tree was comparable to the Supreme Ten Heaven.

At the time, Tianqing Universe was shot by the powerhouse of Supreme Ten Heavens, forcibly suppressing the ancient bloodfiend tree, and then sharing the benefits.

It is rumored that the biggest benefit is Tianba Sovereign. It is the ancient bloodfiend tree that created the horrible fleshy body of Tianba Sovereign, which later became a generation of Sovereign!

From the record alone, this ancient bloodfiend tree has a very powerful power, but at that time it was suppressed by many Supreme Ten Heavens. Now those who come in, the strongest is A batch of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven only.

Relatively speaking, it is still a bit dangerous.

Many ancient coldly snorted, a little disdainful, said: "What are you afraid of, the blood-colored ancient tree has the strength, but how much can it exert?"

For the bloodfiend ancient tree, he is The most exciting!

Mangu is a descendant of Tianba Sovereign, with a certain bloodline.

He knows more, knowing that Tianba Sovereign used to use the hard work of the ancient bloodfiend tree to create an immortal Supreme body!

"We are looking for the central space of the ancient bloodfiend tree! There is a heart of the ancient bloodfiend tree!"

"Don’t care about the fruits of the ancient bloodfiend tree, the real value , It's the heart!" Man Gu said with his eyes glowing.

This is the news that lineage, a descendant of Sovereign, only knew about it.

Of course, Man Gu did not deliberately conceal the news, and told Zhou Qing and Feng Ling the news.

After all, he can't eat all the benefits alone, he needs some help!

In the past, their Tianba Sovereign only took part of the bloodfiend old tree heart blood that's all, and then built the Supreme body.

Don't look at Man Gu being such a big man, but he is not stupid.

Feng Ling and Zhouqing glanced at each other when they heard Mangu's words, and then relaxed.

Indeed, just as Mangu said, even if the bloodfiend ancient tree has the power of Supreme Ten Heaven, it is still a question of how much it can play out!

The existence of generally speaking, heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and Divine Item, the more powerful, the harder it is to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Even if the ancient bloodfiend tree has the power of the Supreme Ten Heavens, it is still a matter of whether or not spiritual wisdom can be born. It is just unconscious power that can still be handled by them.

"We can't take it lightly. After all, for this ancient bloodfiend tree, we just saw some descriptions of that's all in the ancient book. It's not clear what is going on in it."

Fengling said solemnly.

They looked around all around vigilantly, and then slowly moved towards the front.

It’s just that, in this old bloodfiend tree, the passage is tangled and complicated, and even creeps. Even their perceptions can’t spread, and they don’t know how to go next. Take a step and take a look.

Zhouqing and the others moved forward slowly. They were quite confident of their own strength. After all, they had three powerhouses from Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, and the group of Sovereign descendants behind them were also strong. .

Not to mention that the three of them are the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven of cultivated Sovereign-level scriptures, and their strength is much stronger than those of the Chaos Universe.

They really haven't paid attention to other forces.

The only thing to be careful about is the hidden dangers in the inner space of this ancient bloodfiend tree!

"Look at all around..."

Suddenly, Tianqing made a sound, with a trace of uncertainty on her pretty face, pointing to the surrounding wall.

The place where they are located is blood vessels like blood vessels, and the walls next to them actually look more like flesh and blood.

Now, the flesh and blood walls of the passage are beginning to squirm. This picture is like the scarlet Sovereign's Evil God method!

Along with the squirming, blood-colored monsters appeared. They looked a bit like insects, with black red carapace, and the insect horns on their heads were like tree trunks.

"Is it transformed by the power of the ancient bloodfiend tree?"

Everyone is wary.

At the same time.

At a certain position of the ancient bloodfiend tree, the Purple Dragon Monster King took a group of Monster Race powerhouses through the passage like blood vessels to a relatively open space.


The purple dragon Monster King has a smile on his face, holding the soul gem of the blue-haired man in his hand.

Behind the Monster Race powerhouse froze, and looked around here, and found that there were many blood-colored insect corpses on the ground. Each of these insects was a tall person.

Lying in the corpse of the insect, there are some Supreme's corpses. Although they are not dead yet, they are dying.

At this time, a huge insect, like an ominous beast, directly moved towards the Purple Dragon Monster King and rushed towards it. The insect horns on top of its head bloomed with dazzling brilliance, containing the power of terror!

"You actually have the power of Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer!"

Some Monster Races behind them saw this and couldn't help but cred out in surprise.

Of course, for them, it is not enough to be afraid, after all, standing in front of them, but the Purple Dragon Monster King!

The existence of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

As soon as they entered the inner space of this ancient tree, they found that their Supreme power was unable to break through these blood vessels-like passages, and even their power was suppressed to a certain extent, but the insect of the trifling Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer , Nothing to worry about.

Purple Dragon Monster King coldly snorted, a slap shot out, dragon roar whistling, a purple monster dragon soars into the sky, and the Head Insect is smashed with one blow.

Immediately afterwards, the Purple Dragon Monster King strode out and found the blue-haired man in a group of insect corpses.

"Purple Dragon Monster or him..."

The blue-haired man is very weak, as if he would die at any time, but after seeing the Purple Dragon Monster King, he couldn’t bear it. Live cursed, but weak.

I promised to help Monster Realm explore the way forward, but after they came in, the Purple Dragon Monster King gave him a sound transmission and asked him to come here. As a result, he encountered the attacks of those insects, and the rest of Supreme’s vitality Ninety-nine percent of the energy and energy have been drained by the insect!

The blue-haired man is not too weak and killed a lot of insects. Unfortunately, the bigger Blood Beetle is stronger and he is not an opponent.

If the Purple Dragon Monster King comes a step late, he will probably be sucked up all the vitality and energy.


Behind the Monster Race powerhouse heard the blue-haired man's voice, his face changed suddenly, and he immediately shouted.

"How can you insult the Purple Dragon Monster King?!"

The Monster Race was furious and wanted to kill the blue-haired man.

The Purple Dragon Monster King squinted his eyes and waved his hand to make his men back down. Then his eyes fell on the blue-haired man and he lifted it up, said with a smile: "don't say this, I saved your life."

The blue-haired man laughed miserably, but did not respond.

He is too weak, and at this time, he is also completely awake.

Obviously, he is usually very cautious, so why did he suddenly agree to the Purple Dragon Monster King and help him do things?

There seems to be a kind of power that affects oneself and blinds one's own reason!

Of course, the Purple Dragon Monster King personally approached him at the time. If he didn't agree, he would be shot to death on the spot!

How the blue-haired man couldn't think of, the Purple Dragon Monster King specially guided himself to this place, deliberately letting him come to die.

The other party seems to know the inner space of this blood-colored ancient tree very well!

Maybe it is about to face death, the blue-haired man finally understands that he is affected by a force of power to come here.

I didn't wake up until this moment!

"It seems that the power of the Imperius Curse has failed. It seems that after life and death, it will indeed transform people, and I can break the resistance of the Imperius Curse!"

Zilong Monster King He chuckled lightly, and was a little surprised at the blue-haired man recovering sober and sensible at this moment.

However, this is also related to his failure to cast the Imperius Curse with all his strength.

"To blame, blame you for having a special physique!"

The purple dragon Monster King's face gradually became indifferent. He pinched the blue-haired man's neck and lifted it up. Get up and walk forward.

The blue-haired man wants to struggle, but finds that a terrifying power confines his whole body movements. It is even hard to commit suicide!

"Blood evil body, in the chaotic universe, is not too rare, has a very strong affinity for blood, and in the Supreme powerhouse, there are not many people with blood evil body, unfortunately you It's one of them."

The Purple Dragon Monster King explained that he seemed to be telling the blue-haired man the reason for finding each other.

Because of the opponent's physique, bloody body.

In the next sentence, the blue-haired man fully understands all the reasons.

"The blood fiend body and this ancient bloodfiend tree have a very high degree of fit, and inside the ancient bloodfiend tree, in addition to the huge heart in the central space, there are also some blood hearts. If it is a heart of blood, It can eliminate most of the monster’s hostility inside the bloodfiend ancient tree."

Purple Dragon Monster King indifferently said.

At the same time, he stopped. In front of him, there was a pillar with a palm-size heart engraved on it!

The Purple Dragon Monster King grinned, "Heart of blood, there are many physiques that can be found inside the old bloodfiend tree, but there are not a few physiques that can fuse the heart of blood. I will find you naturally. For this!"

He snatched the blood heart away, and then the other hand pierced the blue-haired man's heart, snatching his own heart.

Immediately afterwards, the Purple Dragon Monster King stuffed the heart of blood into the heart of the blue-haired man. The next moment blood light broke out. The energy contained in the blood heart quickly repaired the blue-haired man’s injury. He regained his strength.

Even, the cultivation progress of the blue-haired man has reached a level!

But the Purple Dragon Monster King didn't care, he put out his hand, and a terrifying mighty power enveloped the opponent.


The blue-haired man exploded. Under the power of the Purple Dragon Monster King, the opponent was refining into dozens of blood beads!

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