"My lord, is the blue-haired guy reliable?"

Behind the Purple Dragon Monster King, a Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer Monster Race powerhouse was a little confused.

"For his little life, he must be reliable."

Purple Dragon Monster King sneered, in his palm, there is a gem lingering mysterious breath.

This gem is ash-gray, and it contains a part of the soul!

It is the soul of the blue-haired man!

Monster Race wanted to take the lead in capturing the blood-colored ancient tree, but was also afraid of the weirdness of the blood-colored ancient tree, so it made a small plan and asked the blue-haired man to help them find out the truth!

The gems in the hands of the Purple Dragon Monster King, as long as they are gently crushed, the blue-haired man will be killed on the spot in Yellow Springs and fall on the spot!

Of course, the Purple Dragon Monster King did not patronize the threat. He also promised the blue-haired man to give him enough resources to make him a senior in Monster Realm.

The blue-haired man was deceived all of a sudden and was willing to explore the situation of the bloody old tree for Monster Race.

According to the information passed by the blue-haired man, as soon as he touches the blood-colored old tree, it will be transmitted to the internal situation, which is tangled and complicated, but there seems to be no crisis!

The Purple Dragon Monster King immediately led Monster Race's many powerhouses to the blood-colored ancient tree, intending to take a good look at what's inside the blood-colored ancient tree.

"Master Ying Xuantian, the Monster Realm people have passed by, do we want to act?"

On a certain planet, a group of demonic cultivators gathered, and several Supreme demonic cultivators gathered Looked towards the one silhouette not far away.

That was a cold man, his breath also reached Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

The demonic cultivator man named Ying Xuantian originally had a very high status in Demon Realm, but he used to be Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer and only recently broke through to Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

In fact, the reason why Demon Realm will come this time is entirely because Ying Xuantian recruited people and came to the Scarlet Old Tree together.

Demon Realm is said to be controlled by the Celestial Emperor, but in fact, the Celestial Emperor did not restrain any Supreme in the Demon Ancestor Hall, nor did it issue any orders.

Said it is control, but Celestial Emperor has found a place closed-door cultivation that's all.

This time the blood-colored ancient tree was born, all influences have received the news that the blood-colored ancient tree is of great significance. After all, the fruit it bears can create the Supreme powerhouse. No matter which force takes the past, it can create it. Continuously out of the Supreme powerhouse!

However, who is the Celestial Emperor?

Celestial Emperor created the Emperor Sutra, but he is not interested in the development of power. He is the emperor alone, only believing in his own power.

What if the bloody old tree can create a Supreme powerhouse?

The Celestial Emperor is not interested at all. After all, they are creating Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer. It is not clear how the battle strength is. In the eyes of the Celestial Emperor, they are all a group of ants.

Therefore, when the various circles tried to capture the blood-colored ancient tree, the Celestial Emperor did not give orders to the people in the Demon Ancestral Hall.

On the contrary, it was Ying Xuantian. After his breakthrough to Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, at the moment when the Celestial Emperor did not appear, he had the most right to speak. He brought a group of Supreme demonic cultivators and came to Tianchen World.

On the surface, Ying Xuantian is a slogan for the Celestial Emperor by taking the blood-colored ancient tree.

In fact, Ying Xuantian brought a group of his loyal loyalists, two Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, five 6 Heavenly Layer, and 13 Supreme at other levels.

A total of twenty demonic cultivator Supreme!

But there are more than fifty demonic cultivators present!

All are Supreme!

It can be said that the demonic cultivator that usually retreats in the Demon Ancestor Hall was pulled out by Ying Xuantian.

"Don't worry, wait."

Ying Xuantian sat on a monster, facing the enquiry from his confidant next to him, and said lightly.

This monster is huge in size and can be tens of thousands of meters in size. It looks like an island on the outside. It is surrounded by rich demonic energy. In fact, it is a monster containing Black Tortoise bloodline.

Black Tortoise variant, evil tortoise!

The evil tortoise is Ying Xuantian's mount, capable of the power of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer!

On the evil spirit turtle's back, it is naturally led by Ying Xuantian, with two henchmen of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer standing next to him, and the other eighteen followers.

This can be regarded as a force that Ying Xuantian has worked hard in the Demon Ancestor Hall. After the Demon Ancestor madly left, the demons in the Demon Ancestor Hall have no heads. Even if the Celestial Emperor appears, it is just suppressing that's all.

Ying Xuantian relied on his own means and strength to win over a group of people.

As for not far away, there are still a group of people on Turtle's Back, with varying strengths. The most powerhouse has reached Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, but the rest are basically below Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer.

It's no exaggeration to say that now on the Demon Turtle's Back, there are more than fifty demonic cultivators in total, which is a huge force in the Demon Ancestor Hall.

But at this moment, it seems that the other group of people don't seem to deal with Ying Xuantian very much.

"My lord, when do you do it?" A Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer confidant next to him, sound transmission said.

His eyes flashed with murderous intention.

The blood-colored old tree appeared, and they came over to fight, but it's just an excuse that's all.

What contributes to the Celestial Emperor, it is naturally impossible!

Ying Xuantian summoned so many people to get rid of another group of factions that do not belong to him, or even hostile to him!

"My lord, although they don't have the powerhouse of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, they still have more than 30 Supremes. I'm afraid someone will run away..." The confidant next to him was a little worried.

With a smile on Ying Xuantian’s face, sound transmission said: "Don’t worry, someone will come to help us do it together, these guys can’t run!"

He played with him. Looking at something and looking closely, it was a bead, lingering with silvery white air.


The Celestial Emperor once probed the spies in the Demon Ancestor Hall and eliminated two members of the black world.

Unfortunately, even the even Celestial Emperor failed to unearth all the members of the black world!

Ying Xuantian is one of them. Even in the first two days, he was included in the Legion of Destiny and obtained the Destiny Sutra from Mingxuan!

Destiny Legion was just a tool man Legion at first. They cultivation Destiny Sutra, just to help Mingxuan get out of the long river of time.

But after Mingxuan came out of time, he planned to develop Legion destiny.

Any member of the black world whom he admired will be included in the Legion of Destiny and given the Sutra of Destiny.

Ying Xuantian was later selected by Ming Xuan to join, after all, it is also the powerhouse of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

Ying Xuantian was able to gather twenty Supreme Demon cultivation base under his command in the Demon Ancestor Hall, and he also ordered Xuan Xuan to help behind the scenes.

You must know that Mingxuan has already contacted the Mozu, and the two are temporarily in a cooperative relationship.

Mingxuan got some tokens from the Mozu and gave them to Ying Xuantian at the same time.

Don’t look at the rumors that the Demon Ancestor is crazy and abandoned Demon Realm, but there are still many people in the Demon Ancestor Hall who are loyal to the Demon Ancestor, so after Ying Xuantian took out the Demon Ancestor token, he still accepted it. To many people.

However, Ying Xuantian's actions naturally offended some people.

Fate so that Ying Xuantian does not have to hide the Demon Realm, can expose the identity of the members of the black world, and bring a group of demonic cultivator men to the black world, mainly because the Celestial Emperor is more afraid of life.

He believes that putting eyeliner around the Celestial Emperor will not work at all. After all, even Celestial Emperor usually hides in the Immortal Sect. If there is anything, it is impossible to discuss with the people in the Demon Ancestral Hall.

Rather than let Ying Xuantian stay in the Demon Ancestor Hall and face the threat of Celestial Emperor at all times, it is better to let Ying Xuantian return to the black world directly.

After all, Celestial Emperor is still quite dangerous!

Ying Xuantian is naturally happy. He also doesn't want to face the Celestial Emperor, but before revealing his identity and leaving Demon Realm to go to the Black World, he intends to solve some of his enemies and weaken the power of the Demon Ancestor Palace.

At the same time, Ying Xuantian has another mission here, one from the black world!

Supreme led some people to take the blood-colored ancient tree. Few people in the black world knew about this task, but Ying Xuantian still knew it.

However, Ying Xuantian's mission here is not to capture the bloody ancient tree, but to inquire about Monster Realm's intelligence!

"It stands to reason that the Monster Realm group of idiots have low IQs, and their strength is the lowest among all circles in the universe. Why would they pull up all members of the black world by the roots?"

Ying Xuantian was thinking about a question while playing with the Qi Luck Pearl in his hand.

Inquiry into Monster Realm intelligence, this is his main mission to Scarlet Ancient Tree, and other things are incidental!

Previously, Monster Realm had some changes, and no one knew the specifics. Later, Monster Realm used unfathomable mystery to target the Ancient Immortal world.

According to the black world's eyeliner in the Ancient Immortal world, the message passed was that the Ancient Immortal world didn't know the specifics, and didn't understand what was going on in Monster Realm.

At the time of that incident in Monster Realm, all the members of the black world in Monster Realm could not be contacted!

bode ill rather than well!

It is very likely to be eliminated by Monster Realm powerhouse!

This is what Fatexuan is puzzled.

The exposure of the serpent is impossible. After all, the illusory shadow appeared in all realms of the universe at that time.

However, in addition to the big snake, there are many hidden members of the dark world in Monster Realm. As a result, at the moment of Monster Realm's change, even a message will not be delivered, and all have fallen!

This is quite weird, as if the identities of those members of the black world had been clearly seen, and then resolved at the same time.

Ying Xuantian came to investigate this matter.

After a while, Monster Realm entire group touched the bloody old tree and entered the inner space.

Soon, many forces were overwhelmed, and everyone did not want the opportunity that might appear to be taken away by Monster Realm.

even more how, at present, it seems that there is no danger on the side of the bloody ancient tree!

So, one after another silhouette rushed out, learned the appearance of the group of powerhouses in Monster Realm, and entered the inner space of the blood-colored ancient tree.

At first, it was a group of small forces of half Supreme, Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer, and 2nd Layer. Later, the Holy Realm couldn't help it. Under the leadership of Holy One, they entered the inner space of the blood-colored ancient tree.

Next moment, Thunder Punishment appeared, and entered with a group of Ancient Immortal powerhouses.

Mu Qing and the others have already followed the nirvana Supreme and got in among the crowd.

After that, Ying Xuantian also followed the crowd, and the Demon Turtle under his feet made a dull roar, but the speed was amazing, and he appeared in front of the blood-colored ancient tree in an instant.

Of course, even the huge evil tortoise looks extremely small in front of the blood-colored old tree, like a dust!

The body of the evil evil turtle shrank rapidly, turning into the size of a palm, and falling into the palm of Ying Xuantian.

"Go! Go in!"

Ying Xuantian loudly shouts, demonic cultivator and more than fifty grandiose people, enter the inner space of the blood-colored ancient tree!


The internal space of the blood-colored ancient tree.

In the bloody passages of tangled and complicated, the purple dragon Monster King’s eyes flashed scarlet rays of light, he looked at all around, and then a smile appeared on his face, “Sure enough, it’s true. That thing!"

At the same time, in a certain blood channel.

A group of people looked at all around with a little astonishment. There were many people in this group, headed by the three silhouettes.

Awesomely the Three Great Supremes Nine Layers Heaven!

These people are descendants of Sovereign!

Zhouqing looked at all around in disbelief, and then muttered: "No wonder you are so familiar, Man Gu, you were right before, this is really an ancient bloodfiend tree!"

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