"A cage formed by the power of the storm?"

Mu Qing stepped forward at this time, slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He stepped out and directly moved towards the power of the storm in front of him.

"Be careful! This is the power of Storm Sovereign, and a little carelessness will threaten your life!"

Zhou Qing quickly reminded.

However, next moment, she stared wide-eyed.

In front of Mu Qing, a portal with a shining starlight appeared, and then Mu Qing walked in.

After that, outside the storm cage, a starry sky gate appeared, and Mu Qing walked out of it!

Not only Xiuqing was shocked, but even Madam Xuan was shocked, unable to imagine what kind of means could be used to safely come out of the power of the storm Sovereign?

Mu Qing appeared on the other side without going to the Celestial Emperor.

This makes Mrs. Xuan puzzled, shouldn't Mu Qing stop the Celestial Emperor?

But no matter what, her task is to stop Mu Qing and the others, so she immediately moved towards Mu Qing and rushed.

"Celestial Emperor, continue to refuel."

Mu Qing glanced not far away, using a storm sickle to cut the Heaven and Earth of the sun's formation, faintly floating in the next sentence, tight Then walked into the Sun Formation!

The horrible supreme strength of yang did not directly burn Mu Qing, but a starry sky gate appeared in front of Mu Qing and entered directly into the Sun Formation!

Ms. Xuan's figure stopped.

She looked at the place where Mu Qing disappeared in disbelief.

The sun Formation here is intact, but she knows that Mu Qing has entered it!

It's like coming out of a storm cage!

"Damn it!"

Even though it is the Celestial Emperor, he is a little anxious at the moment. He doesn't know what method Mu Qing used, but now, Mu Qing is one step ahead of them. Go inside the Sun Formation!

"Celestial Emperor! Death!"

At the same time, a roar came out.

The red-eyed demon ancestor Hengkong, Bone Blade cuts towards the Celestial Emperor!

The demon ancestor under control is out of trouble!

Celestial Emperor is coldly snorted, he naturally knows that the demon ancestor has gotten rid of his control, but at this moment it is also impossible to let the demon ancestor attack him, holding the storm sickle, turned and moved towards the demon ancestor to snorted.

The violent wind swept through everything and dispelled the demonic energy.

The body of the demon ancestor flew directly upside down, and his body was covered with wounds torn apart by the force of the wind.

At the same time, the left arm of the demon ancestor was also cut off, blood flowing continuously.

Of course, this was not cut by the Celestial Emperor, but by his own devil bone Heavenly Venerate when the demon ancestor was under control!

If it hadn't been for the Demon Ancestor's desperate resistance, forcibly breaking through the Celestial Emperor's control, I am afraid that he would have been killed by himself now!

However, the demon ancestor who has broken one arm already has no threat in front of the Celestial Emperor, not to mention that the Celestial Emperor is still holding the weapon of the legendary Storm Sovereign!


"Sure enough, the ability given me by the world snake can really allow me to travel anywhere!"

Mu Qing was also surprised , Didn't expect world The ability endowed by snake is so powerful!

Whether it is the storm cage or the sun formation, it is an existence arranged by Sovereign.

Although most of these two Sovereigns have fallen, the remaining power is still not comparable to Mu Qing.

Even the powerhouse of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven may not be able to break!

However, Mu Qing relied on the power of the world snake to easily enter through the starry sky gate!

Mu Qing glanced at all around, there is no terrifying temperature in the sun formation, and how is this place empty, but in front of her eyes, there is indeed a golden little sun floating.

He knows naturally, that is the essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, once the Sovereign sacred relic of Tianqing Universe!

The Sun Sovereign is relying on this Supreme-Yang Essence Fire essence to successfully break through to the Sovereign realm!

Mu Qing strode towards the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, he did not feel any energy, perhaps the power of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow was absorbed by the Sun Sovereign long ago.

He reached out, trying to take the essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire down.

Just at this time!

Xingkongshu trembled!

Mu Qing's face is happy, Xingkongshu's appetite is really tricky!

It seems that only the existence of Sovereign sacred relic can be regarded by the star book!

Next moment, I saw the Starry Sky Book burst out of Mu Qing's body, and a burst of Devouring Power enveloped the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire.

Immediately afterwards, Supreme-Yang Essence Fire's marrow trembled violently, unexpectedly burst out an unimaginable supreme strength of yang, and it was very violent, destroying everything around it!

Even Mu Qing couldn't help but display his strength to resist, secretly surprised.

didn't expect Supreme-Yang Essence Fire still retains some power!

It can be said that if Mu Qing hadn’t had the Star God body, and someone else came to this Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, I’m afraid that nine deaths and still alive would be directly affected by this violent supreme strength of yang, burn it clean!

But in the final analysis, most of the power of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire's marrow was absorbed by the Sun Sovereign after all. Although the remaining power is amazing, it is not the opponent of the Star Book, directly by the Star Book The power is shrouded.

Just when Mu Qing thought that the power of the Star Book would swallow the marrow of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire and imprint it on the fourth page.

The power of Xingkong Book is shaking, throwing the essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire directly to Mu Qing!


Mu Qing was surprised, and immediately afterwards, he involuntarily urged the Star God body to the extreme, and the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire quivered slightly. It turned into a golden light and got into Mu Qing's body.

"This is!"

Mu Qing's heart was shocked.

His Star God body, with the help of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, is evolving towards amazing aspects!

Mu Qing knows that with the help of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, his Star God body will be advanced again!

At the same time, Mu Qing's Star God body began to blur, revealing a starry sky.

Mu Qing immediately sat down, the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow in his body, gushing out a huge amount of energy, even if Mu Qing is a little overwhelmed, he wants to try his best to refining.

Be aware that the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire spirit, as the Sovereign sacred relic, originally made the Sun Sovereign ascending to the skies with a single leap from the Supreme tenth heaven and became the Sovereign realm!

Nowadays, even if it is only a small part of the power of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, Mu Qing can't handle it!


Star God's body began to crack, and some parts of Mu Qing's body exploded, unable to withstand the energy that Supreme-Yang Essence Fire gave him!

The requirements of Sovereign sacred relic are actually very strict.

The first thing you need is the power of the Supreme Tenth Heaven. If it weren't for the Supreme Tenth Heaven, you wouldn't be able to withstand the terrifying power of Sovereign sacred relic.

The second requirement is to have a Perfect level road!

Whether it is Innate or the day after tomorrow, at least it must be owned!

The third requirement is the condition of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, that is, the need to have a Sun God body!

Mu Qing can meet the latter two conditions.

He has the perfect level avenue the day after tomorrow, and he also has the Star God body, which is more powerful than the Sun God body!

Only the first Supreme Tenth Heaven's condition was not reached, but the power in the marrow of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire was absorbed by the Sun Sovereign, and this condition was naturally greatly reduced.

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