"How is this possible?!"

The Demon Ancestor realized with amazement that he could not control his body.

Afterwards, when the Celestial Emperor said that he made him commit suicide on the spot, his body started to move, and he controlled the magic bone Heavenly Venerate, holding the Bone Blade moved towards his head!

"Impossible! Why is this happening?!"

The demon's ancestor is desperately resisting!

"There is actually resistance. It seems that for powerhouses of the same level, even the power of the king of dominance, there is no way to completely control it."

Celestial Emperor is somewhat regretfully sighed. .

Obviously, the control is not as good as he imagined.

"It's a pity, if you are willing to listen to me obediently, maybe your daughter and your own life can be saved."

Celestial Emperor shook the head.

According to the original plan, the ancestor will enter the center of the ashes world and seize the essence of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire.

Ms. Xuan told him that the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow is not so easy to approach, and there are also some means arranged by the sun Sovereign!

That’s why the Celestial Emperor wanted to control the ink shadow to let the demon ancestor obey him. As long as he could get the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, the Celestial Emperor could let the demon ancestor and the ink shadow go. .

After all, if you proceed according to the original plan and help him seize the demon ancestor behind the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, most of it will be disabled and it is no longer a threat.

But now, Mozu would rather kill his own daughter with his own hands than be subject to the Celestial Emperor, beyond his control!

The Celestial Emperor can only kill the Demon Ancestor with his own hands.

"At the same level, the control is not strong."

Celestial Emperor glanced at the struggling demon ancestor, secretly said in one's heart.

If he can control it smoothly, he will naturally let the controlled demon ancestor take the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, but the current demon ancestor is struggling frantically, colliding with his control power, for a while There was a stalemate between.

"It seems that I can only get it by myself."

The Celestial Emperor turned his gaze to the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, the body flashed, and immediately moved towards the day Qing rushed away. .

On the other side, when Mu Qing saw this, he immediately shouted: "Be careful! Don't be touched by him! Once touched, you will be controlled!"

Mu Qing finally figured out the limitations of Celestial Emperor's abilities.

The body of the Sovereign of the Celestial Emperor is called the King of Domination!

Through the observation just now, Mu Qing has understood why Celestial Emperor did not use Devouring Power.

Because, the power of the king of dominance is activated, the premise is that you must touch the opponent!

Dayqing complexion slightly changed, and immediately avoided.

At the same time, she hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Mu Qing, saying: "The Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow was sealed by my father with the sun formation, and it was impossible to crack it for a while!"

Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, as a Sovereign sacred relic, it is naturally impossible to be thrown here by the Sun Sovereign, but the Sun Sovereign personally takes the action to condense the Sun Formation and seal this place!

Even though most of the power of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire's marrow has been absorbed away, this thing is still sacred relic!

The Celestial Emperor ignored Mu Qing and Zhou Qing. He strode to the barrier's front of the sun. The terrifying temperature made him feel moved!

Then, something appeared in the Celestial Emperor's hand. It was a sickle. The moment it appeared, the ashes of the world vibrated, the wind roared, and the heavy rain continued to pour down!

In the blink of an eye, torrential rain enveloped the entire ashes world, and at the same time, the gust of wind gathered the sickle, which contained an incomparable divine might!


The Celestial Emperor was holding a sickle and couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. His arm was torn skin and gaping flesh, and he could only protect it with Devouring Power. Live by yourself.

There is no way to swallow the power of this storm!

Because this is the power of Sovereign!

The Celestial Emperor can use Devouring Power to swallow the calamity power of Calamity's Innate Perfect level Avenue, which is already very sky-defying.

However, this Sovereign's power cannot be swallowed by him, he can only do his best to protect himself!

"Mrs. Xuan, these two guys will get rid of you." Celestial Emperor said solemnly.

"Leave it to me..."

A slender silhouette emerges, a fuzzy face, a black skirt, and long white legs.

Mrs. Hyun!

Mu Qing frowned, wasn't this Mrs. Xuan killed by him?

Are you still alive?

"That's the weapon of Storm Sovereign!" Zhou Qing's focus was on the sickle in the hands of Celestial Emperor.

She knows naturally!

That was the weapon of the Storm Sovereign, but now it appeared in the hands of the Celestial Emperor.

Don't think about it, Mrs. Xuan must have obtained it and gave it to the Celestial Emperor.

"No, you can't let this guy get the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, otherwise the control of the Temple of the Sun Sovereign will fall into his hands!"

Clear the teeth, moved towards Celestial The Emperor rushed out.

She also has a way to break through the Sun Formation, but the speed is definitely not as fast as the Celestial Emperor's use of the storm sickle!

"Little girl, I can't get close now."

A silhouette suddenly appeared in front of Zhouqing, it was Mrs. Xuan!

The day cleared for a moment, and looked towards the other side in disbelief.

There is also a Mrs. Xuan there.

Immediately afterwards, one after another silhouette came out from in the sky, and they were all exactly the same Mrs. Xuan!

Twenty people!


Zhou Qing made a decisive move, matched with his Sovereign body, White Fire Vermilion Bird, moved towards the lady Xuan in front of him to kill.


Ms. Xuan in front of her was directly killed by the flame, and her flesh and blood were burned!

"Sure enough!"

Zhouqing expression congeals, the strength of this Madame Xuan, at the extreme Peak level, is far inferior to the previous one!

But no matter what, she was still shocked.

This shows that Mrs. Xuan, who was previously killed by Mu Qing, did not die!

"Just twenty Avatars want to stop me? I think you are living in a dream."

Mu Qing's expression remains unmoved.

This Madam Xuan did not die. He was indeed surprised, but these Avatars, who are only extremely realm, could be his opponents?

"Really? Try it and you'll know."

Another silhouette stepped out of in the sky, the body of Mrs. Xuan!

She can't see any injuries on her body, as if Mu Qing killed an Avatar too!

At the same time, Mrs. Xuan both hands forming seals, and all the Avatars exploded suddenly, replaced by one after another beam of light.

These beams of light surround Mu Qing and Zhou Qing, and Mrs. Xuan next moment took out another thing, which is a crystal that gathers storms.

"Oops! That's something from Storm Sovereign!"

Zhou Qing made a secretly thought bad sound, and she quickly moved towards and rushed outside.

Unfortunately, it is too late. The Storm Crystal is located high in the sky, connecting twenty beams of light to form a cage, trapping the two of them here, Tianqing and Mu Qing.


Zhou Qing’s Great Sun Burning the Heavens means that strikes are above this cage, but the power of the storm is more terrifying than he thought, directly Eliminate all the supreme strength of yang in the day Qing.

"Damn Storm Sovereign!"

Zhou Qing suddenly cursed, but the object was Storm Sovereign.

I'm afraid, Storm Sovereign was fascinated by this woman, Divine Soul turned upside down, all good things are given to Mrs. Xuan!

"The power of this storm is shrouded, and it is impossible to get out."

"Unless the energy of the storm crystal is used up..."

Zhou Qing is downcast, She knew that even the power of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven might not be able to blast away in front of the cage formed by this storm crystal.

They can only watch the Celestial Emperor take away the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow!

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