"Damn it!"

At the eighth sun altar, Yaoyan Supreme cursed secretly.

Through induction, his Genesis Monster Race puppet has been killed, including the power that controls Genesis Monster Race also collapsed.

His face is slightly ugly, and there are only six of the eight creation Monster Race he originally brought!

What makes him feel most uncomfortable is that Mu Qing will not be punished by the Sun Sovereign Palace for killing this creation Monster Race.

In order to control these Genesis Monster Races, Yaoyan Supreme wiped out the lives of these eight Genesis Monster Races. Therefore, in this Sun Sovereign Temple, Genesis Monster Race was not regarded as life and was killed. Nor will it cause the attention of the Sun Sovereign Temple.

"Sure enough, can't it work?"

He whispered, he wanted to get along with Mu Qing peacefully, but was rejected and lost a Genesis Monster Race.

However, he also knew from the bottom of his heart that most of his request was impossible and successful.

You Yan Supreme glanced at an old silhouette sitting under the sun altar not far away.

Jianshin Supreme!

Apart from this, there are more than fifty powerhouses, most of which belong to Monster Race, but there are also some Demon Realm, Sacred Realm, and scattered people.

It can be seen that even if the Three Realms strictly control the entrance of the Sovereign Hall of the Sun, there will still be powerhouses to enter.

At the very least, most of the Supreme powerhouses of the Three Realms have entered. After all, for Supreme, the allure of Sovereign inheritance is too great.

Supreme all enter the Sovereign Temple of the Sun, then the outside world guards the three-world powerhouse at the entrance of the illusory shadow that day, and the sky is half Supreme level.

Some scattered people hidden in the universe, but any Supreme level, can easily break into the Temple of the Sun Sovereign.

Of course, in this Sun Sovereign Palace, except for the powerhouse and Mu Qing that were originally Supreme Tenth Heaven, the strength of everyone else has been suppressed to the extreme realm, but it is difficult to see the original true power. .

But in any case, these fifty-odd people, plus Youyan Supreme and Jianxin Supreme, are all at the eighth sun altar, which is considered the first echelon.

Each of them has absorbed a certain amount of supreme strength of yang in the previous solar altar, and the fit for the supreme strength of yang is quite good.

However, for example, the Yaoyan Supreme and the others, obviously had absorbed the supreme strength of yang from the eighth sun altar, but did not move on.

Even Kenshin Supreme is the same, just sitting in the same place, recuperating.

There are also a few people standing in front of the golden stairs with grave expressions.

They were the first echelon and took the lead to ascend the eighth sun altar. However, looking at the golden ladder to the ninth sun, they were daunted.

I saw the golden stairs leading to the ninth sun, all of them were golden flames, leaving almost no place, from beginning to end, all golden flames were burning!

This also means that they must enter this golden fire sea and walk all the way to the ninth sun!

However, they have experienced this golden flame in the section ahead.

A few strands of golden flames are enough to burn them through!

But on the previous road, the golden flames were sparse, so just be vigilant and avoid the past.

However, on the golden stairs leading to the ninth sun, there is no place to hide, golden flames are everywhere.

Only to resist the golden flame, forcibly walk over!

Even Jianxin Supreme and Yaoyan Supreme are not sure enough. After all, this golden flame is too terrifying, it should be the fire of the sun.

Even though everyone has absorbed a lot of supreme strength of yang, it is still somewhat difficult to resist.

This is the case, everyone is stuck here, thinking of various ways.

At the same time.

Mu Qing steps on the golden ladder to the third sun.

Same as before, Mu Qing’s Star God body is still the same as before, absorbing the supreme strength of yang around it.

"How much energy does the sun illusory shadow in the Star God need to condense?"

Mu Qing was a little curious, and absorbed the first and second suns. The altar was almost swallowed, and the supreme strength of yang was drained. As a result, the sun illusory shadow in the Star God still didn't condense.

"Look at when the time comes the third sun altar, can the sun illusory shadow be completely condense!"

Mu Qing secretly said in one's heart.

And he and White Wolf were very fast, and all the people in the Three Realms encountered along the way were killed by him.

"You said, why did I kill these guys when the sun inheritance was not attacked by the temple of the sun Sovereign?"

Mu Qing looked towards with some curiosity White Wolf.

Mu Qing has not forgotten the rules of the Sun Sovereign Hall.

However, even if Mu Qing killed Monster Race, the creation of Monster Flame Supreme, killing those ordinary Monster Races now did not cause the Sun Sovereign Temple to attack.

"It’s because you are using the hands of the Sovereign body."

White Wolf explained: "If you have a Sovereign body, you can’t kill people here. Those who receive any punishment, in fact, most powerhouses that have the body of Sovereign are descendants of Sovereign, so the hypocrite of Sun Sovereign has set a back path for himself."

According to the original The plan is to enter the solar inheritance trial space, which will be the powerhouse of Tianqing Universe, and in order to prevent the bloodline of his descendants from having an accident in this solar inheritance, they are specially set up so that they can’t do anything with each other.

But Sovereign alone is not included.

Those who can have the body of Sovereign are all descendants of Sovereign. They are all the nobles of Sovereign city and possess privileges, even in this Sovereign temple.

Now, those who enter the Temple of the Sun Sovereign are all creatures of the Chaos Universe, but Mu Qing has the body of the Sovereign, which allows him to ignore the rules here just like those nobles in the Tianqing Universe.

As long as Mu Qing doesn't make a move!

"It turned out to be like this!"

Mu Qing suddenly realized, but this setting is simply a huge advantage for him!

"You originally planned to resist the attack of the Sovereign Palace under the sun?"

White Wolf glanced at Mu Qing.

When Mu Qing first took action to kill Monster Race, it knew Mu Qing’s thoughts, and at the same time it was astonished in his heart. Didn’t expect Mu Qing to see through the power of the Sun Sovereign Palace so quickly Upper limit!

That's right!

Mu Qing has figured out the power limit of the Sun Sovereign Hall!

Because in this Sun Sovereign Temple, everyone should be suppressed to the extreme realm, but he and a few powerhouses of the Supreme Tenth Heaven still retain the Supreme Realm.

This is the fall of the sun Sovereign, but there has been a change in the temple of Sovereign!

Mu Qing had tried before and took the initiative to let the Sovereign Palace attack him.

The conclusion reached is that with Mu Qing's own strength and the Star God body, even if he kills his opponent, he can resist the punishment of the Sovereign Palace under the sun without dying!

After all, the punishment of the Temple of the Sun Sovereign is set to first suppress everyone's strength to the extreme realm, and then release terrifying power to punish those who violate the rules.

As a result, Mu Qing and the others still retain the strength of Supreme.

The Sun Sovereign Palace does not have spiritual wisdom. Even if Mu Qing kills people on his own, he will still release the power to kill Mu Qing at the extreme powerhouse level.

With the Supreme strength that Mu Qing can maintain now, he can naturally resist it!

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