"Monster Race again..."

Mu Qing touched the chin, glanced at Monster Race under the sun altar.

In fact, the hundreds of Monster Race who came in were not weak in ability, and they all insisted on heading towards the higher sun.

Now I am still staying at the Monster Race of the second solar altar. In fact, it is considered to be an innate talent. It is better than the Monster Races of the first solar altar.

Mu Qing glanced, there are more than twenty Monster Races here, all Monster Race, no one else.

There is also a Monster Race, which has obtained a certain amount of supreme strength of yang from the second sun altar, and is about to leave.

Suddenly, the person caught a glimpse of Mu Qing who had just arrived, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Because Yao Yan Supreme specially reminded them before, after seeing Mu Qing, he immediately reacted.

The group of Monster Race hearing this that were absorbing the supreme strength of yang under the Sun Altar was also immediately interrupted, stood up, and then moved towards the third sun at the fastest speed.

They all know that with their own strength, they are not Mu Qing's opponent at all, and staying behind is a dead end. Mu Qing will never let them go.

Only when I immediately moved towards the third sun, there is still a hint of life!

But next moment, the head of a Monster Race is like a bursting watermelon. With the sound of peng~ peng~ peng~, a corpse fell on the ground.

The speed of the shining stars is faster than their escape speed, I don’t know how much!

"What is the divine ability? It is similar to the magic bone Heavenly Venerate of the ancestor, but it feels much better than the magic bone Heavenly Venerate."

The last one Monster Race did not die under the boxing of the shining star. Instead, Monster Qi burst out, forcibly resisting the attack of the shining star.

Mu Qing frowned suddenly, and then discovered that the face of the Monster Race in front of him gradually changed and turned into a lifeless appearance.

He suddenly recalled that this was one of the eight Genesis Monster Races previously controlled by Yaoyan Supreme.

"Demon Yan Supreme?"

Mu Qing berated with a sinking tone.

"It's me."

The Yaoyan Supreme controls this creation Monster Race, indifferently said.

His eyes always fall on the creation Monster Race next to Mu Qing. Although there is no emotional fluctuation on the surface, he is actually very curious in his heart.

What the hell is this?

After that, he glanced at White Wolf beside Mu Qing again, his face suddenly sinking into dignity.

"Mu Qing, I'm here to discuss with you." Yaoyan Supreme controlled the creation of Monster Race, and said.

"Discussion?" Mu Qing chuckled, looking towards the creation Monster Race in front of him, "Demon Flame Supreme, are you scared? How can I hide in a flesh and blood puppet, and dare not be with me? See you?"

Looking at the sarcasm shown by Mu Qing, Yao Yan Supreme became angry and shouted: "I have the ability to meet in the outside world, you and me try to meet?"

"Didn't we have seen it? We even went to your Monster Race's Netherworld Sovereign Monster Realm. Why, don't you remember?"

Mu Qing coldly snorted.

The two are giving tit for tat, Mu Qing doesn't have a good attitude towards this demon flame Supreme.

The Demon Yan Supreme resisted the anger of slapped Mu Qing to death with a slap, said solemnly: "I said, I'm here to discuss things with you."

"The sun inheritance, there is no limit to the number of people, but everyone who passes the assessment will get the sun inheritance, there is no need to compete with each other."

"We can make a peace contract, as long as you no longer stay in the temple of the sun Sovereign Kill me from Monster Race, then after I go out, you and those black world members will be revoked in the name of Monster Realm."

"And I promise, I will never do it again. You do it!"

The demon Yan Supreme said solemnly.

He controlled a Genesis Monster Race to come over, and has been in the position of the second sun altar, just to wait for Mu Qing!

It's just that when he waited for Mu Qing, he actually bowed his head actively!

Dignified, a Supreme powerhouse of Supreme Ten Heavenly Layer, compromised with Mu Qing, a Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer person!

Actually, Yaoyan Supreme secretly manipulated this Genesis Monster Race to come over, just peeking at the specific situation and location of Mu Qing.

But after Mu Qing took the shot, Yao Yan Supreme's thoughts changed.

He knows that in this Sun Sovereign Palace, Mu Qing's strength is not inferior to him.

If there is only Mu Qing alone, Yao Yan Supreme is confident, relying on himself and the remaining seven creation Monster Race to deal with Mu Qing.

However, Yaoyan Supreme has encountered Jianxin Supreme!

At this moment, Jianxin Supreme is at the position of the eighth sun with Yaoyan Supreme, and the two of them are giving tit for tat, and they will fight at any time.

He knows that Mu Qing and Jianxin Supreme are both from the black world.

At this time, if there is a conflict, then the situation will be two people against him!

Although there are a lot of Monster Race powerhouses here, hundreds of them, but for him, these guys are not useful at all!

What the demon Yan Supreme doesn’t understand is that Mu Qing maintains the power of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer. Why is the Netherworld Sovereign demon who was originally Supreme Nine Layers Heaven actually suppressed to the ultimate emperor in one breath?

As soon as I saw the Netherworld Sovereign demon, Yaoyan Supreme was so angry.

If the Netherworld Sovereign demon can still maintain Supreme's strength, then there will be no compromise!

The most important thing is that Yaoyan Supreme saw the Whitehead Wolf beside Mu Qing!

Yu Yan Supreme actually sensed a threat from White Wolf!

Even, an absurd idea emerged in Yaoyan Supreme's mind, that is, Whitehead Wolf and his realm are the same, both are Supreme Ten Heavens!

Although these all are subconsciously perceptions, Yaoyan Supreme can be sure that the Whitehead Wolf next to Mu Qing is definitely not simple.

Rather than they and Mu Qing and the others die, it is not an active compromise. A real man can bend and stretch. At worst, after leaving the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, go to Mu Qing to settle the account!

Yaoyan Supreme is not a person who keeps his promise. He said that after returning to the outside world, Monster Realm's wanted for Mu Qing will be cancelled, and he promised that he will never shoot Mu Qing again, but if he goes to the outside world and sees Mu Qing, he must be the first to do it!

At present, in this temple of the sun Sovereign, Monster Realm is at a disadvantage.

Regardless of their large population, this is also their shortcoming.

Mu Qing and Jianxin Supreme both maintain Supreme strength, plus the unknown strength of White Wolf.

Yuyan Supreme can be sure that with one point of battle, the opponent can easily slaughter them. Only the extremely powerful Monster Race remains.

And these extreme powerhouse Monster Races, many in the outside world are Supreme powerhouses, and Supreme Nine Layers Heaven Monster Race experts such as Netherworld Sovereign monsters, all of which are regarded as the mainstay of Monster Realm!

Different from the Demon Ancestor, Yaoyan Supreme loves the power of his Monster Realm and does not want to see them fall.

"Want to live in peace? Dreaming!"

Mu Qing did not intend to agree to the Yaoyan Supreme, because he had known for a long time that these powerhouses of the Supreme Ten Heavens were all It's a group of rascals who say they turn their faces!

At the beginning, the demon ancestor still put a smiling face in front of him, and now Demon Realm wants him without saying anything, and even dispatched the powerhouse of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven to kill him!

Mu Qing controls the dazzling star and makes a decisive move. The pupil of Annihilation bursts out a horrible beam, killing the Monster Race controlled by the demon flame Supreme!

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