The treasure house discovered by the Devourer is actually not many treasures, but a full ten top Divine Stone veins have been harvested.

After looking at the Devourer, it seemed that he didn't seem to wake up, so the two of them left him first and returned to the secret room of the crystal woman.

"This woman seems to be sealed, shall we help her to unlock it?"

The King of Chaos looked towards Mu Qing.

I'm afraid, this guy, like the disaster, attacked them first after waking up.

Mu Qing frowns thought for a while, and then said: "Untie it, this woman seems to be an original inhabitant of this place, maybe there is a way to take us to escape or fight against disasters."

At the moment, they can only give it a try. The most important thing is that they need to know more about this Sovereign city.

The King of Chaos was nodded, he lightly punched and smashed the crystal in front of him.

They could see that this crystal was originally a kind of seal, but under the formidable power of catastrophe, this crystal became fragile.


The densely packed cracks spread out like spider webs, and then with a click, the crystal burst completely.

The woman in the crystal did not fall down, just like Fairy, blooming with white light, floating in midair.

Suddenly, a powerful breath erupted from him.

While feeling this aura, Mu Qing and the King of Chaos are slightly sighed in relief.

Although the aura is strong, it still does not reach the level of calamity, probably around Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer and Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer.

It can even be said that it is within the scope of two people's control.

Even if there is a threat to them, it can be controlled, but Mu Qing is not afraid.

After a while, the white skirt woman slowly opened her eyes, her breath gradually began to rise, and her body's strength returned to the level of Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer.

Mu Qing and Chaos King observed from the side that this woman should have the strength of Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer in her heyday, but she has just recovered a part of her power, only Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer.

"Who are you? Why are you in the secret room of my Tianfu?"

White clothed woman opened beautiful eyes and she just saw Mu Qing and Chaos King, she frowned , His eyes were full of vigilance.

She looked at Mu Qing and the King of Chaos, like an enemy.

This is the important place of her family. Before the catastrophe came, the Lord of Tianfu sealed her up in an attempt to fight against the catastrophe.

"I didn't have any malicious intentions, just because I accidentally entered Sovereign City."

Mu Qing said first.

"Impossible? Is it so easy to enter the city of Sovereign?"

The white clothed woman immediately drank it, but then she seemed to think of something.

Quickly asked: "What's the situation outside? The catastrophe is over?"

Mu Qing and Chaos King looked at each other, this white clothed woman did not seem to see them both It is not a creature of Tianqing Universe.

Mu Qing coughed lightly, and then said: "The catastrophe is over, but the five Sovereigns are nowhere to be seen, and there are few silhouettes in the city of Sovereign, only the calamity of the restoration of freedom."

"What?! Disaster?"

The white clothed woman's pupils shrank for a while, revealing the same horrified expression as Jin Sheng before.

Obviously, they are all aborigines of this Sovereign city, and they all know the name of the disaster.

"Why? Tianba Sovereign uses bronze pillars to suppress the disaster. As long as Tianba Sovereign does not die, it will permanently suppress the disaster..."

white clothed woman whispered, Then something seemed to come to mind.

The occurrence of disasters means that Tianba Sovereign has fallen!

Under the disaster, I don't know how many powerhouses have fallen.

It is even possible that all the five Sovereigns will suffer misfortune!

After all, the catastrophe is the collapse of the universe itself, coupled with the instinct of the universe trying to survive, to deprive the powerhouses of their power.

As beings in this universe, they actually have no ability to resist.

"You can call me Tianyue."

white clothed woman took a deep breath, and then said.

She couldn't accept it all at once, and after digesting it for a while, she said to Mu Qing and Chaos King: "Are there other people in Tianfu?"

"No, let's come in After that, I didn't see anyone." Chaos King shook the head said.

"Not necessarily, there are some hidden places in Tianfu. Maybe the Lord of Tianfu will leave seeds and hope in other places."

Tianyue immediately left and moved towards the outside go with.

She is not a confidant of the Lord of Tianfu, but she is also considered to be the more outstanding Supreme Heaven's Chosen in Tianfu. She is even favored by the Lord of Tianfu. He specially asked the Lord of Tianfu to set up a seal for her to keep her in Survive the catastrophe.

The lord of Tianfu, but the Supreme powerhouse of Supreme Tenth Heaven.

Of course, this does not mean that Tianyue’s strength is considered strong among the Supremes in Tianfu.

On the contrary, Tianyue's strength is average in Tianfu's Supreme.

However, the other Supremes followed the Lord of Heaven to fight together, and they may have fallen in disaster.

Tianyue was selected, and if he survived a catastrophe, he would revitalize Tianfu.

She thinks that she should not only survive, but also other talents.

Mu Qing and the King of Primal Chaos were a little embarrassed because they discovered that the first place Tianyue went was the three-story building where they captured the treasure.


As soon as Tian Yue rushed into it, his face was slightly dull.

There is a mess inside, and various treasures have been shattered. The place where the top Divine Stone veins were originally piled up, there is a giant beast like a big dog. Although it looks a bit hideous, it reveals a touch of sillyness. Stupid, snoring.

This is the power of the Devourer in the digestive body.

At this time, I only heard a loud noise coming from outside, which alarmed Mu Qing and the others.

Tianyue didn't care about the Devourer on the ground, and quickly moved towards the outside to look.

I saw the sky over Sovereign, Mu Lao and another demonic cultivator Old Antique turned out to face the disaster.

They also want to go out, but once they touch the city gate or try to fly out, they will be killed by the four Sovereign silhouettes left over from the city of Sovereign.

Obviously they didn't do anything when they came in, but when they were about to go out, they came to target them!

The two Supreme 6 Heavenly Layers joined forces. Although they are more powerful and can even resist disasters, they are not opponents of disasters after all.

When the calamity raises his hand, it is endless purgatory, and the open mouth is the boundless frost. With a palm covered, the two demonic cultivator Old Antique have no way to resist, and their bodies explode.


The disaster opened his mouth and swallowed the Divine Soul of the two, and the aura on the body once again increased, becoming stronger and stronger!

Tianyue's lovable body trembled, looking at the calamity above Sovereign city with amazement.

"How come?!"

The disaster really appeared?

Be aware that for all the aborigines of Sovereign city, disaster is absolutely synonymous with terror.

The ordinary residents of Sovereign don’t care, because they try their best to enter the city of Sovereign and enjoy the glory and wealth, and will never take a step out of the city of Sovereign.

But most of the dignitaries in Sovereign will still go out, but they have encountered disasters and died one after another.

Now, the calamity is killing directly in the city of Sovereign!

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