"Why is the city gate closed?"

Mu Lao waited for Old Antique to take the lead and came near the city gate.

Other demonic cultivators are also there.

But at this time, they found that the originally opened city gate had been closed.


Supreme Avenue emerges behind numerous demonic cultivators, displaying divine ability strikes city gate.

As a result, the city gate remained intact, and even the four Sovereign silhouettes above the city of Sovereign landed directly on a golden long spear, killing an Old Antique demonic cultivator from Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer.

An Old Antique died tragically on the spot, making everyone's heart tremble.

This golden long spear, full of horror, locked the target in a flash, and even the powerhouse of Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer could not react, and was directly destroyed by the body and Divine Soul.

"I forgot to tell you that Sovereign City can only be entered and cannot be left out. It was originally a very noble place in our Tianqing Universe. Everyone aims to enter Sovereign City and basically enter Sovereign. The city will live here for the rest of your life."

"Unless a powerhouse above Supreme Nine Layers Heaven opens the city gates for you, you will not be able to get out."

The disaster is grinning, he is very familiar with the city of Sovereign.

Because his greatest interest was to slaughter these guys from the city of Sovereign. These guys who claimed to be Sovereign creatures were pretentious, but they were killed one after another by the disaster.

What he regrets is that Sovereign can only enter and exit, and only a small number of powerful and powerful have the right to enter and exit freely, and disasters are also impossible to squat near Sovereign, and fewer people have been killed.

In the end, the disaster killed a Sovereign nobleman who seemed to be a descendant of Sovereign. In the end, Sovereign personally took the initiative, which severely damaged the disaster and suppressed it in Sovereign.

"It's over, we can't live anymore."

"You shouldn't come to this ghost place!"

A group of demonic cultivator wail like ghosts and howl like Wolves, they are extremely regretful, why they want to enter this dimensional crack.

I didn't see the so-called Supreme quota, and now I have to take my own life.

The disaster is not urgent, he waved his hand, the strong wind blew, this is a kind of venomous gale, constant whistling.

All the demonic cultivators of Beneath the Supreme couldn't resist. The fleshy body was festered by this poisonous wind, leaving only Divine Soul in place.

Hundreds of Divine Souls began to hit the city gate, and these demonic cultivators were wailing, not wanting to die.

Unfortunately, things went counterproductive. The disaster opened his mouth and swallowed all Divine Soul into his belly, and then he burped.


At the same time, Mu Qing followed the pace of Jin Sheng and the two and came to the other side of Sovereign City.

But suddenly, he was lost!

"Where are those two guys?"

Mu Qing is frowned, he is cautious, always hiding his breath, including Devourer and Chaos King.

"I think the two of them should have discovered that we are following."

The King of Chaos said solemnly.

After that, he looked towards Devourer and said: "Quick! Smell the scent of those two guys, and maybe hide in the vicinity."

The Devourer was hearing this suddenly. He was furious and roared: "I am not a dog!"

Mu Qing frowns, he carefully sensed it and found that there were indeed no traces of Jin Sheng.

Obviously, Jin Sheng and the two were originally residents of Sovereign City, so they are familiar with the place and the disaster.

These two people must have used some method to hide them.

"Look for a look nearby."

Mu Qing shouted, he can be sure that Jin Sheng must have some way to escape from this Sovereign city.

After a while, they did not find Jin Sheng, but in an incomparable gigantic mansion, they found a woman trapped in the crystal.

Mu Qing joined the Chaos King and Devourer, and the three of them looked towards the woman in the crystal in front of them.

There is no silhouette in such a huge mansion, there is only such a beautiful woman in white clothed, sealed in crystals.

It is like a sleeping beauty, with fair skin as if light, slender waist and black hair like a waterfall.

"This...she seems to be sealed."

The King of Chaos looked curiously, the more you explored in the city of Sovereign, the more amazing things you can discover.

The previous calamity had reached the Supreme Ten Heavens in strength, so would the woman in front of me also be a Supreme powerhouse?

"Come on! There are many things here!"

At this time, the Devourer rushed not far away, it sniffed the air, and then moved towards a building Rushed away.

Mu Qing and Chaos King temporarily left the woman in the crystal, followed the Devourer, and found that it was a three-story building with the power of Formation at the door.

"Judging from the remaining breath, this is at least the Formation arranged by the Supreme Powerhouse."

The King of Chaos has a solemn face, said solemnly.

The previous owner of this mansion is extraordinary!

"Fortunately, this Formation seems to have been destroyed by some force, and it is very fragile."

The King of Chaos gently reached out and touched the Formation.


This Formation suddenly appeared cracks.

After that, Devouring Demon couldn't wait even more, bite the Formation to pieces, and dived into it.

Suddenly, a strong wave of energy spread, making Mu Qing and the King of Chaos startled.

The two immediately walked in and found that the place of charm and beauty inside is a very large space, and there are also a lot of Supreme Treasure!

The Devourer went straight into a pile of top Divine Stone veins, devouring it frantically.

These silent, top-level Divine Stone veins were suddenly shocked, but they were not the opponents of Devouring Demon at all, and three top-level Divine Stone veins were swallowed up at once.

"ao! Devour the sky!"

The Devourer roared again, swallowing the other two, and then seemed to have reached the limit, lying on the ground motionless, digesting the huge body energy.

When the King of Chaos saw this, he cursed in a low voice, "It really is a dog!"

"Almost all Supreme Treasures have been destroyed by a special force."

Mu Qing low voice.

He picked up a sword casually, and as a result, this sword even reached the extreme Emperor Treasure, rusted and shattered at a speed visible to naked eye.

Mu Qing understands that this should be the power of catastrophe. Don't look at this Sovereign city on the whole that has not been affected, but in fact most of the things inside have been destroyed.

Fortunately, those top Divine Stone veins still remain.


Mu Qing glanced at the Devourer at his feet, also cursed low.

This guy moved extremely fast, swallowing five top Divine Stone veins in the blink of an eye!

But this is the case, there are still a lot of top Divine Stone veins left, ten!

Even Mu Qing saw many top Divine Stone veins, but the energy collapsed.

There are more than 30 top-level Divine Stone veins here, but most of them seem to be affected by catastrophes, and the energy is all dissipated.

Mu Qing spread his five fingers, and took the remaining ten top Divine Stone veins into his hand, and put away the storage space.

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