"How about, in this Void Wind Realm, is there any power that can attract attention?"

On the way to Unextinguishable Mountain, Chen Jiusheng Ask mixed king.

In his guess, Chaos Creature should be able to detect something.

But the king shook the head.

"There is nothing special."

In fact, he started to concentrate one's mind when he came to Void Wind Realm, but there is really nothing worth noting.

"Is that so? Weird..."

Chen Jiusheng was frowned and touched his chin.

He thought that as soon as Chaos Creature came to the Void Wind Realm, he could immediately feel some abnormalities.

Now it seems that it is not so easy to find the Temple of Chaos.

While Chen Jiusheng led the way, the group of three quickly approached Unextinguishable Mountain.

The King Hun looked at the void storm all around, then looked at Chen Jiusheng and Mu Qing.

Along the way, there have been many void storms all around, but none of them swept over. Obviously, this should be Chen Jiusheng or Mu Qing's ability.

At this moment, Chen Jiusheng is also quite confused.

The fleshy body of Power of Darkness tempering will escape Dark Aura, but sometimes it will encounter two void storms.

But this time, they went to Unextinguishable Mountain.

There are quite a lot of void storms near Unextinguishable Mountain, and even the possession of Dark Aura is impossible to disperse completely.

However, all the way down now, I haven't encountered a void storm.

Even if you have Dark Aura, it is impossible to dispel the void storm all around so thoroughly.

"Is it because both Mu Qing and I went through the tempering of Power of Darkness?"

Chen Jiusheng is puzzled, and can only attribute this phenomenon to both him and Mu Qing With Dark Aura.

After all, he has never tried two people with Dark Aura approaching Unextinguishable Mountain together.

But a void storm did not appear, which is a bit weird.

Even Supreme, it is not so easy to enter Unextinguishable Mountain.

However, for a while, Chen Jiusheng was shocked.

Until entering Unextinguishable Mountain, a void storm did not appear!

Even on the way, I encountered a large white storm that gradually expanded.

But before getting close to the three of them, in a very disgusting posture, he quickly moved towards swept away elsewhere.

Chen Jiusheng was a little embarrassed. When the three of them set foot on Unextinguishable Mountain, they came back to his senses.

"This is incredible!"

He exclaimed, even the breath of Power of Darkness is impossible to get rid of all the void storms around Unextinguishable Mountain, and there must be some of them What other forces are affecting!

At this moment, Mu Qing and King Hun are watching all around.

Unextinguishable Mountain is very huge. Just a mountain is comparable to the Star Domain of Peak forces.

The area where the three people are located is at the foot of the mountain, but some heavenly materials and earthly treasures can already be seen nearby, all of which contain immortal power!

"You can search the heavenly materials and earthly treasures near the foot of the mountain at will. After a period of time, these heavenly materials and earthly treasures will grow again."

"But remember, Except for the area at the foot of the mountain, other heavenly materials and earthly treasures may hide some unknown dangers. Be careful when searching."

Chen Jiusheng warned repeatedly.

At the same time, he also told them that Unextinguishable Mountain is divided into three areas from bottom to top.

Mountain foot, mountainside, mountain top!

As long as you enter Unextinguishable Mountain, there is no danger at the foot of the mountain. At the same time, there are many heavenly materials and earthly treasures around.

Many Supremes also searched for heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the foothill area, and then left.

And once you enter the mountainside, you will be suppressed by the power of the entire Unextinguishable Mountain, and the weak Supreme will even encounter an accident and fall there.

As for the mountain top area, the degree of suppression is even more terrifying.

Able to still exert a certain Supreme power in the mountain top area, it can be said that the existence of Peak in the Supreme level.


Mu Qing looked up at this time.

He urges energy, one after another strength of Starry Sky gathers his eyes and looks at Unextinguishable Mountain.

As you can see, above Unextinguishable Mountain, there is a list of luck!

Mu Qing was surprised at the bottom of his heart. The Qi Luck List appeared in the center of the universe.

But the center of the void world is Unextinguishable Mountain. Mu Qing thought that the position of the Qi Luck List was occupied, so it would not appear.

Didn't expect the Qi Luck List simply appeared directly on Unextinguishable Mountain.

This also illustrates the existence of the person behind the Qi Luck List. The means are more powerful than imagined!

"Where is the mountainside area?"

Mu Qing asked curiously.

He found that the Qi Luck List was not on the top of the mountain.

"Yes, the location of the Qi Luck List is the mountainside area. As for the top of the mountain, there is Sovereign Road."

Nodded Chen Jiusheng, he has been here before Unextinguishable Mountain, naturally pay attention to the luck list of the mountainside area.

"Sovereign Road, what kind of existence is it?"

Mu Qing couldn't help but feel curious.

Even the Qi Luck List must be under Sovereign Road, plus what he has heard all the way down, it seems that many Supremes have entered Sovereign Road in the past.

Chen Jiusheng shook the head, "I don’t know, I went to take a look at Sovereign Road. It is a road on the top of Unextinguishable Mountain. I don’t know if it is man-made or formed naturally. I don't know where to go."

Although he was able to enter the mountain top area, he didn't have the guts to enter Sovereign Road.

"Where is the corpse of Chaos Creature you mentioned?"

At this time, King Hun’s focus is different from Mu Qing, moved towards Chen Jiusheng asked.

"In the mountainside area? Or...mountain top area?"

Hun Wang asked.

Chen Jiusheng shook the head again, "Neither."

After that, he pointed to the foot and said: "It's in this area at the foot of the mountain."

"According to my guess, the corpse of Chaos Creature probably fell after fighting with others in the mountain top area or the mountainside area, and fell all the way to the foot of the mountain."

Chen Jiusheng explained Tao.

"I have another question, what realm is the corpse of Chaos Creature?"

Hun Wang took a deep breath and couldn't help but ask that he had been caring The problem.

All Chaos Creatures of Land of Primal Chaos are stuck in the realm of Extreme Peak.

Of course, many of the ancient Chaos Creatures can be half-Supreme in strength, but in fact they are not half-Supreme this realm, only the strength is far beyond the extreme Peak, so there will be this distinction. The real realm is still Peak at the extreme position.

Chen Jiusheng groaned for a while, replied: "Not sure, that corpse seems to have fallen for a long time, plus a Chaos Aura, I can’t figure it out accurately. After all, I’m not really familiar with Chaos Creature. I know too much."

The only thing he is certain is that the corpse of Chaos Creature must have been more than half Supreme in strength during his lifetime.

Even Supreme strength!

As for realm, Chen Jiusheng really couldn't distinguish it.

After that, Chen Jiusheng took Mu Qing and King Hun and walked towards the same direction. On the way, they encountered a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, all of which contained a strong immortal power.

After a while, a huge corpse appeared in front of everyone.

The body length is ten thousand zhang!

A giant like a stalwart mountain range appeared, his chest was completely penetrated by some force, and even the entire head was gone.

The King Hun approached quickly, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

"Supreme Realm!"

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