"Maybe I really have a way to get rid of Evil Thought, but I can't guarantee that I can do it."

Mu Qing nodded, but no Full of words.

After all, he did not obtain the origin of the chaotic universe, but only gained some power that's all through the authority of the chaotic universe.

The difference is quite big.

Including the current Mu Qing, it is unlikely that the Chaos Universe Strength of Source will be used in the battle, because the power obtained is too scarce.

He hasn't even used the power of various singularities to fight.

Therefore, Mu Qing did not dare to pack a ticket. After all, the power left by the evil god in the Holy Lord of the Wind King was not so easy to get rid of.

"Try it, if it doesn't work, we won't blame you."

Chen Jiusheng said hurriedly.

Mu Qing's words gave them hope, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it is important to try it.

It’s okay if you fail, but if it succeeds, then the Slayer Party will be equivalent to one more Holy Lord Level and other battle strength!

"Okay, I'll try it."

Mu Qing naturally hopes to rely on the meager Chaos Universe Source Strength in his body to get rid of Evil Thought.

After all, the current situation depends on whether the Slaughter Great Emperor can break through to Supreme.

Supreme is not so easy to break through. Even if the Slaughter Great Emperor is sure of it, there is a high probability of failure.

If Mu Qing can successfully help the Wind King Holy Lord get out of trouble, then it is equivalent to having two Supreme battle strength helpers.

When the time comes, even if the Slaughter Great Emperor is not sure of breaking through to Supreme, there is still enough Supreme battle strength to deal with evil gods.

Of course, the Slaughter Great Emperor can succeed the best.

Because if it fails, it means that the Slaughter Great Emperor will fall!

Mu Qing stepped forward, ready to touch the body of the wind king Holy Lord to check the situation.

"Be careful, at close range, you may be affected by Evil Thought."

The Wind King Holy Lord spoke with a soft voice, reminding Mu Qing.

Mu Qing gently nodded, but after all he has the Strength of Source of Chaos Universe, Evil Thought It shouldn't be influence him too much.

Furthermore, the evil god has been deposited on him for a period of time, and he has experienced various negative emotions. In this regard, he still has a certain resistance.

Mu Qing came behind the Wind King Holy Lord and touched her back.

Soft and cold!

It's like touching mutton jade!

The Holy Lord lovable body of the Wind King trembled lightly. At this time, Mu Qing had injected the Chaos Source Power into her body, searching for the location of Evil Thought.

"no! ”

Evil Thought suddenly rushed out of the body of the Wind King Holy Lord. At this time, Mu Qing burst out with chaotic light, giving the whole body of the Wind King Holy Lord Shrouded.


Evil Thought screamed. As soon as it came into contact with the chaotic light, it seemed as if it had been hit hard by unimaginable.

It went back into the body of the Wind King Holy Lord again, shiver coldly hiding in a corner.

Mu Qing continued to cast Chaos Light, but soon, he was frowned and found that the Chaos Strength of Source was consumed very quickly.

One after another mournful scream is heard, Evil Thought is very painful in the Holy Lord of Wind.

But soon, the voice disappeared.

"What's the matter?"

The Wind King Holy Lord was a little confused. The beautiful eyes of pale-gold looked back towards Mu Qing.

She can feel that the special power displayed by Mu Qing does have an effect on Evil Thought.

A small part of the Evil Thought in her body has been wiped out.

According to this level of power, Evil Thought can be completely eliminated in about half a year.

The Wind King Holy Lord was very pleasantly surprised, but now he is a little confused, because Mu Qing has taken back that special power.

Mu Qing touched his nose, a little embarrassed, "My strength has been exhausted and it will take some time to recover."

Thinking about it carefully, Mu Qing opened the mouth again and said: "This power of mine is very special and cannot be recovered in a short time. It takes about a year to completely eliminate Evil Thought."

Mu Qing is also very helpless, Evil Thought is inside Contains the Strength of Source of the Holy Spirit universe, and his chaotic light comes from the source of the chaotic universe.

In terms of level, Mu Qing's chaotic light is naturally more powerful.

But Mu Qing's body is too far apart from the evil god, and it is not so easy to completely eliminate Evil Thought.

It will take at least a year!

After all, Mu Qing himself has to retain some power to hide his aura so as not to be discovered when he returns to the Hunyuan realm.

At the same time, the recovery speed of Chaos Light is not so fast.

"so that's how it is." The Wind King Holy Lord was shocked, but he could understand.

That is the power that can eliminate Evil Thought. Evil Thought is something left by evil gods, and there is a way to eliminate it, which shows how special Mu Qing's power is.

"If I have time, I will come to help the Wind King Holy Lord solve the Evil Thought, but in a short time, I will definitely not be able to solve it."

Mu Qing shook the head, he The bottom of my heart is also very regrettable.

Originally, he thought he could easily solve the Evil Thought in the Holy Lord of the Wind King, but in fact he didn't expect things to be more tricky than he thought.

In the end, it still depends on whether the Slaughter Great Emperor can break through to Supreme.

With regret, Mu Qing and Chen Jiusheng left the pure white palace.

"It doesn't matter, it's been a long time, but it's all in a year."

When Chen Jiusheng saw the disappointment on Mu Qing's face, he couldn't help being comfortable.

Then he was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't understand in his heart. Even he and the Wind King Holy Lord didn't have such regrets, and he didn't know why Mu Qing showed such an expression.

Naturally, Chen Jiusheng didn't know that the Supreme battle strength that Mu Qing said, even if Chen Jiusheng was added, he still lacked one.

If the Evil Thought in the Holy Lord of the Wind King can be resolved within half a year, naturally, there is no need for the Slaughter Great Emperor to take risks.

But Mu Qing estimated that it would take another year to complete the calculation. In this time, the Celestial Emperor and the evil gods might have discovered the specific location of the Hunyuan World.

"If the Slaughter Great Emperor falls because of this, we will all owe him a love!"

Mu Qing sighed in his heart.

Naturally, Chen Jiusheng didn't know what Mu Qing was thinking in his heart, so he took Mu Qing to find the King of the King.

"Where did you get the news about the Chaos Temple in the Void Wind Realm?"

The King Hun couldn't wait to ask Chen Jiusheng.

This news, even their Land of Primal Chaos did not know, and it was obviously not from Land of Primal Chaos.

"The news comes from Unextinguishable Mountain. There is a corpse of Chaos Creature in Unextinguishable Mountain."

"We only learned this news through the only memory fragments in the corpse. "

Chen Jiusheng was also a little surprised. He thought that Chaos Creature would know more or less about this news.

Didn't expect the King Hun is completely unaware of it!

The King Hun frowned.

Even a Chaos Creature fell on Unextinguishable Mountain?

There is absolutely no news about their Land of Primal Chaos!

What the hell is going on here?

Is it possible that Chaos Creature of Ancient Times left the Land of Primal Chaos and went to Unextinguishable Mountain and accidentally fell?

But where is this Chaos Creature's memory, knowing that the Chaos Temple is in the Void Wind Realm?

All kinds of doubts rise in the mind, and King Hun is quite curious, and at the same time guesses the identity of Chaos Creature of Unextinguishable Mountain.

"Can you take us to Unextinguishable Mountain?"

Hun Wang couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said, he wanted to go to Unextinguishable Mountain in person to see the so-called What does the corpse of Chaos Creature look like?

Maybe this way, we can get some clues!

Chen Jiusheng touched his chin.

Indeed, as the creature of Land of Primal Chaos, Hunwang might be able to find other clues on the corpse, and then look for the Chaos Temple, maybe twice the results for half the effort.

"Well, let's go to Unextinguishable Mountain first. With me, we should be able to enter it smoothly."

Nodded, Chen Jiusheng agreed to the King's request.

There is a huge risk around Unextinguishable Mountain. Generally speaking, only Supreme can enter.

But in fact, as long as Supreme pays some price, it can also bring in other weaker creatures.

In the past, the demonic path, Monster Race, etc. all entered Unextinguishable Mountain with their own forces and walked into the Sovereign road personally.

Chen Jiusheng is not worried about the accident of Mu Qing and King Hun.

As a result, Mu Qing and King Hun are both semi-Supreme strengths, but in fact, King Hun is also comparable to Supreme. Even without the help of Chen Jiusheng, he is also qualified to enter Unextinguishable Mountain.

Secondly, Chen Jiusheng used Power of Darkness tempering for Fleshy body, which can reduce the surrounding void storms and is much safer.

Meanwhile, Mu Qing is the same.

All three of them are powerhouses. It is not that difficult to enter Unextinguishable Mountain.

"Come with me!"

Chen Jiusheng loudly shouted, and then took the two to leave the Extinguishing Party, planning to go to Unextinguishable Mountain.

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