sword light smash everything to pieces, leaving only a blood-reeking qi smell in place.

Suddenly, absolute silence!

Tens of thousands of living beings were afraid of Emperor Xuangu’s cultivation path. They realized that this is Taining Realm, the site of Celestial Court!

And the great Emperor Xuangu in front of him is even the greatest!

For a while, the people present did not dare to recreate the scene and looked at Emperor Xuangu quietly.

Many people sigh from the bottom of their hearts. It seems that there is no way to fight for the chance of this luck list.

How much time has passed since the abnormality of the Qi Luck List?

This is enough to show how much Celestial Court attaches importance to the air luck list.

"Quickly retreat, Rao Er waits to die."

The face of Emperor Xuangu was cold, his eyes showed no emotion.

To the group of creatures in front of him, Emperor Xuangu regarded trivial ant like a trivial ant.

Even if it weren't for maintaining the prestige of Celestial Court, he would immediately choose to kill all these people in front of him.

Even if it is not the existence of Extreme Peak, it is the Extreme Emperor after all.

At the moment, a group of divine emperors and a few lower emperors are simply a trifling, and he is not in his eyes at all.

The words of Emperor Xuangu are full of threats. At the same time, countless sword lights emerged, forming a sword array around the Qi Luck List!

The scalp of everyone present was numb, and the timid had already begun to tremble.

The countless sword light around, look carefully, it is clearly composed of densely packed Divine Item fairy swords!

With this sword array alone, I don’t know how many Heaven Grade, Sovereign level, and Emperor-level fairy swords are dormant, as if a sword glow will drop down at any time to kill everyone.

The name of Celestial Court is not as important as the threat of Emperor Xuangu, the extreme powerhouse.

In the face of life and opportunity, most people decisively choose to live.

a The creature moved towards the distant starry sky, for fear of being killed by Emperor Xuangu if he walks slowly.

But at this time, a huge hand was shrouded in the sky, and the palms of hundreds of thousands li surrounded countless mysterious symbols. Immortal Qi hovered like a long dragon. One palm smashed the space, and one shot directly until endless Space potholes of void.

And in this area, it was the group of creatures who had just left from the front of Emperor Xuangu. There were probably more than 20,000 people, all of whom fell on the spot!

Thousands of creatures survived, all of them looked at there in amazement for a year.

Who's shot can create such terrifying power?

I'm afraid there is only a powerhouse!

is it possible that the enemy of Celestial Court is here?

However, Emperor Xuangu didn't move much, only a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"Xuangu, you are too soft-hearted. Many of these people are eyeliners from all influence. Although we at Celestial Court are not afraid of any party, it is better to cut weeds and eliminate the roots."

A silhouette came in the air, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, but every time you stepped out, you would instantly move a very long distance.

The visitor is the master of Immortal Palace!

The Lord of Immortal Palace also wore white clothed, and walked to the side of Emperor Xuangu with a slight smile.

The Great Emperor Xuangu bowed slightly to show respect.

They are all extreme powerhouses, but the lord of Immortal Palace surpasses him not only in status, but also in strength.

"This luck list is very dynamic. I think this group of guys have already notified the forces behind them from the very beginning, so I don't think killing them will help."

Emperor Xuangu explained.

It’s not that he has not thought about this problem, but as an eyeliner, after such a huge movement in the Qi Luck List, he will definitely report the situation immediately to the forces behind it. Now all influence may have long been achieved. News.

"It is reasonable."

The master of Immortal Palace, nodded, glanced at the remaining thousands of creatures and waved his hand.

"Forget it, since they have already taken action, let this group of guys disappear together. It can also be regarded as an attitude to all influence. It is not the turn of others to take care of the luck list. !"

The Lord of Immortal Palace did not intend to show mercy, his eyes flashed with killing intent.

Emperor Xuangu is nodded, so naturally he will not disobey the Lord of Immortal Palace because of these thousands of creatures irrelevant to Celestial Court.

The cold glow flashed in his eyes, the sword light of next moment all around suddenly penetrated, and the dazzling rays of light illuminated the entire starry sky.

Countless sword lights pierced through all directions to those creatures. The scene was very gorgeous. It seemed that raindrops were falling all over the sky, taking everyone's lives in a flash.

The Great Emperor Xuangu and the Lord of Immortal Palace watched all this with cold eyes.

For their existence at this level, the annihilation of thousands of creatures will not cause any waves at all.

Mu Qing's evil deeds in the Bipolar Realm can almost be called heinous, but Mu Qing itself does not feel much.

After the vision is raised, it seems that many things have become boring.

The Great Emperor Xuangu waved his hand and took the sword array back.

Only five people remain near the Qi Luck List.

This is not because Xuangu’s sword array formidable power is insufficient or unable to kill, but that these five people are the eyeliners arranged by Celestial Court near the Qi Luck List.

Although Xuan Gu had never seen it before, he could clearly feel the Immortal Qi in the five people, and he did not kill them.

After all, even if they murder without blinking an eye, they are impossible to do anything to their own people, but they are not really ruthless.

After solving the eyeliner of other forces and some miscellaneous fish, the eyes of Emperor Xuangu and the lord of Immortal Palace fell on the luck list.

To be honest, even their extreme powerhouses are very curious about the changes that have taken place on the Qi Luck List.

"Two adults, you are a step late. Before that, chaotic light waves broke out on the Qi Luck List, allowing all nearby creatures to break through one small realm."

A Celestial Court eyeliner came to the two of them at this time and reported the previous situation.

Another Celestial Court divine emperor also said quickly: "There have been two chaotic light bursts in the Qi Luck List. Each time the chaotic light bursts, all around creatures will be upgraded by one small realm, but afterwards I have been in this state for now, and nothing has changed."

Since the arrival of Emperor Xuangu, the chaotic light on the Qi Luck List began to converge, forming a chaotic light cluster at the top of the Qi Luck List. And like a heart, beating from time to time.

"Improve realm?"

The Lord of Immortal Palace raised his brow.

The Great Emperor Xuangu was also slightly surprised.

"If we come early, can we even break through the realm?" Emperor Xuangu lightly said with a smile.

Immortal Palace’s master shook the head, “It’s impossible. We are the emperor. Even if there is a complete top Divine Stone vein in front of us and it can absorb the refining, we can’t immediately break through the realm.”

Even more how, he is the extreme Peak powerhouse. It is always impossible to reach Semi-Supreme, or even Supreme Realm, if he touches this chaotic light?

If you think about it, you know that this kind of fantasy story is almost impossible.

Of course, just letting the original tens of thousands of creatures, including several emperors, continuously break through two small realms together is already a very good chance.

The lord of Immortal Palace hesitated, extend the hand palm intending to touch the luck list.

But at this time, that chaotic light group burst open.

An unprecedented chaotic light wave blasted all around and swept every corner of Taining Realm in an instant!

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