"You must be mentally prepared. If you really conflict with the Holy Kingdom and go to war, when the time comes, most of the extreme Peak powerhouse will be handed over to you. ."

On the side, Jiang Saint rarely walked out of the small universe.

In fact, he only wanted to go against the Celestial Emperor with Mu Qing, but the current situation seems to be the only way to deal with the Holy Kingdom.

Moreover, since the last time Mu Qing brought back the news, Jiang Saint also knew that Celestial Emperor was aware of his existence, so he no longer hid it and chose to help Mu Qing deal with the Holy Kingdom.

"If you fight the Holy Kingdom, the Celestial Emperor will also have a certain probability of taking action. Of course, he will only save you. The more dangerous you are, the more likely he will appear."

"As for...Whether the Celestial Emperor will conflict with the evil gods and fight, it is really hard to say."

Jiang Saint sighed, the situation they most hope to see now is Celestial. The Emperor fought against the evil gods.

Unfortunately, the evil god is not very sure, but on the Celestial Emperor's side, Jiang Saint can be sure that the Celestial Emperor is definitely a very calm type of person. Before the real goal is achieved, or can’t be crushed. When suppressing evil gods, you will not act rashly.

"My Avenue of Stars will be able to condense and complete immediately. After reaching the semi-Supreme, powerhouses that deal with some extreme Peaks can still do it."

While Mu Qing was speaking, The deep eyes looked towards the distant starry sky.

"The time is almost up."

It's been a while since Mu Qing placed the Chaos Universe Source Strength on the Taining Realm Qi Luck List. The layer of Chaos Energy film is about to collapse.

When Source Power is completely exposed, it will cause huge disturbances.

All influence originally sent a lot of eyeliners to stare at the Qi Luck List. Once there is a movement, it will inevitably spread immediately at an extremely fast speed.


Tainingjie Center, near the Qi Luck List.

There are still many living beings gathered here, some of the emperors tried to touch the luck list and wanted to search for opportunities, but they all returned to no avail.

But there are still people who are always happy. Many people firmly believe that this list of luck that suddenly appeared in the center of the universe has an extraordinary origin. Maybe I will be the next chosen person and get the chance to go against the sky.

At this time, the Qi Luck List trembled slightly.

Although this tremor was subtle, it was still noticed by the surrounding creatures.

The creatures present are all above the God Sovereign Realm, and this movement immediately attracted their attention.

"The Qi Luck List has changed!"

Someone exclaimed with surprise on their faces.

It’s been a while since the Qi Luck List appeared, but the result was invisible and intangible. Suddenly something went wrong without expecting at this time.

The surrounding creatures immediately moved towards the Qi Luck List, and observe the movement of the Qi Luck List.

The changes in the Qi Luck List are not short-lived.

I saw rays of light with chaotic colors revealed, and then the Qi Luck List began to vibrate violently.

Such an obvious abnormality surprised everyone around.

Many eyeliners from all influence quickly took out the communication rune to inform the senior leaders of their forces.

In an instant, the change of Qi Luck List attracted the attention of all influence of the universe.

Celestial Court was the first to get the news, but it did not reach the Celestial Emperor.

The lord of Immortal Palace waited for this news, frowned.

"Continue to explore..."

"no! Disperse the surrounding creatures, I will come personally."

After a short period of thought, the Lord of Immortal Palace, He immediately changed his attention and planned to go to Tainingjie Center in person.

He didn't know what happened to the Qi Luck List, and he didn't know why only the Qi Luck List of Taining Realm had a problem.

But the lord of Immortal Palace remembers that when the Qi Luck List appeared, he attracted the attention of Celestial Emperor.

Whether there is an opportunity or not, this point is not to be discussed. In short, the immortal palace's lord thinks that it is safer to investigate it carefully and report it to the Celestial Emperor.

Furthermore, if it is really an opportunity, it must belong to their Celestial Court, and other forces don't want to intervene!

At the same time.

The abnormality of the Qi Luck List is getting bigger and bigger, and even has a vision. A chaotic beam of light soars into the sky, followed by a strong chaotic light, which turns into bursts of light, sweeping all around the numbers. Wan Guangnian.

"fortuitous encounter! It's really a fortuite encounter! I broke through out of thin air!"

A god emperor suddenly screamed.

He was originally the late Emperor of God, but at this moment, the light wave passed, Limada reached the realm of Emperor Peak.

And, he raised his hand punched out, accompanied by the chaotic color, the power is several times stronger than before!

Increase realm out of thin air!

I can hardly think of such a heaven-defying opportunity!

even more how, it is not just one person who gets this opportunity, but all the people present!

Tens of thousands of creatures present, all of them increase a small realm out of thin air, even some of the lower emperors!

Immediately afterwards, the chaotic rays of light gradually converged. Just as everyone thought that the opportunity had passed, the luck chart trembled, and another chaotic light wave swept away.

Everyone, once again promote one small realm!

Thousands of people have made breakthroughs from the realm of the emperor to the emperor!

There is no need to pay any price, and there is no risk, breakthrough out of thin air!

If this news spreads out, it will surely drive countless people crazy.

"Opportunity! Great opportunity!"

"Get closer! Maybe you can get a better chance!"

Everyone flocked to fight for it Fate moved towards Qi Luck List rushed away.

A few people barely regained their sanity, and passed the news back to their own forces through the communication rune, and then rushed to the luck list with a greedy face.

The god emperor present all dreamed of directly breaking through to the Great Emperor Realm, and several lower emperors also tried to rely on the opportunity of the luck list to break through to the upper emperor in one breath!


A sword light Tearing the Void came, when the sword light flickered, the bodies of hundreds of god emperors burst, and Divine Soul was cut off by sword qi.

The fairy light flickered, and a white clothed man came with his sword and looked at everyone indifferently.

A terrifying imposing manner erupted from him, stopping the many creatures who were trying to get close to the luck list.

"Extreme powerhouse!"

A lower emperor looked at this white clothed man in disbelief, swallowed saliva and said, and his eyes were full of fear.

He didn't expect an extreme powerhouse to arrive so soon, the speed of Celestial Court is too fast!

"Emperor Xuangu, the opportunity of this Qi Luck List was discovered by everyone present. This waits for Good Fortune, it should be shared!"

A lower emperor Ninja Can't help but shouted.

Many people know the extreme powerhouse of Celestial Court.

The visitor is not the lord of Immortal Palace, but a powerhouse stationed in the Celestial Court branch of Taining, named Emperor Xuangu.

The Great Emperor Xuangu glanced at the lower emperor to speak, a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

I didn't see him moving, there was a sword light streak across out of thin air.


Blood splashed, Divine Soul shattered.

A great emperor fell on the spot!

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