Bipolar world.

Holy Kingdom Branch.

Aurora patriarch put down his communication rune, heave a long sigh.

How long has this all passed?

Still unable to contact!

"I was tried. Didn't you get the news? The headquarters has gone to Hunyuanjie. Simply no one will pay attention to our situation."

Powerhouse opened the mouth and said.

"Damn, the Holy Lord, the dragon, can't be contacted at all. I think we should leave this bipolar world soon..."

Aurora patriarch gritted his teeth and finally decided , Leaving the bipolar world.

Since the headquarters of the Holy Kingdom are indifferent to things here, there is no need for them to wait here.

Aurora patriarch immediately ordered the people to make all kinds of preparations, planning to leave the bipolar world in a few days.

At the same time, several other powerhouses of the powerhouse of the holy kingdom have also left, and they all have the same plan.

It was even ready a few days ago!

This is also impossible.

For someone else, they will not be willing to leave the bipolar world with such abundant cultivation resources.

But you must know that after this period of time, there are only more than 800 high-level races left in the bipolar world.

There were more than 3,000 high-level races in the entire bipolar world!

As for the Peak race, most of them disappeared inexplicably.

Aurora patriarch They thought that as long as a period of time, the headquarters of the Holy Kingdom would send someone over to investigate the matter, but they have been delayed.

It is useless to contact the Aurora patriarch initiatively. Although there is a reply every time I contact the headquarters of the Holy Land, they are all the powerhouses of the Holy Land of God Sovereign Realm, and I can't reach the high level at all!

Perhaps, the bipolar world itself is not very important in the eyes of the senior officials of the Holy Kingdom.

When I'm fine, I might send someone to solve it.

But now, it is obvious that it is the evil god who seizes the origin of the chaotic universe even more important!

In comparison, it doesn’t matter even if the bipolar world is completely destroyed!

Aurora patriarch entire group walked out of the temple, planning to order his hands to search for resources, and how many resources can be taken away.

However, at this time, they found that the outside situation was a little different.

It's pitch black, shrouded in amazing speed!

They are all extreme powerhouses. Although they are located above the central stars of the Aurora clan, they can still see what is happening in the entire Aurora Star Domain at a glance.

I saw the Aurora Star Domain, the stars were swallowed by darkness.

The dark power turns everything into nothingness, making people feel numb on the scalp.

"How is it possible?!"

"According to the law, it should take some time to reach the aurora clan!"

Aurora patriarch one With horror on his face, watching the rapidly swelling Black Hole Vortex devour one star after another, he suddenly realized how those high-level races and Peak races had disappeared.

However, they had obviously done some research on these disappeared ethnic forces before, and got the law of disappearance.

According to that rule, their Aurora should be the last one!

Why is it suddenly their turn now?

There is no more time to think about these issues.

Because the black hole expanded too fast, it was in front of you in an instant.

In their perspective, it is a darkness covering the sky and the earth. The cities have disappeared, and all lives are dying!


Aurora patriarch roared, bursting out with unprecedented power, moved towards the distance and fled away.

Several powerhouses around the powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom also responded very quickly, and immediately fled.

Ji Tianyu has been missing for a long time, and they basically concluded that Ji Tianyu has fallen like those ethnic forces.

Even the extremely powerful powerhouse like Ji Tianyu has fallen, and they are even more impossible to be opponents.

At the moment, I can only try my best to escape!

The black hole swallowed quickly. After a while, there was no star left in a huge aurora Star Domain!

In the same place, there is only a vast starry sky, nothing else!

A silhouette staggered out from in the sky.

Aurora patriarch stared blankly at the starry sky in front of him.


As if simply did not exist!

Including the powerhouses of the powerhouses of the Holy Kingdom that stood with him just now, there is no sign of them either.

Even Aurora patriarch saw with his own eyes a powerhouse of the ultimate powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom was swallowed by a black hole and disappeared into the darkness.

Aurora patriarch have one's hair stand on end, he does not know whether it is a semi-Supreme powerhouse or what caused the starry sky disaster.

He has only one thought in his mind now, and that is to escape from here!

This bipolar world absolutely cannot stay!

Aurora patriarch strenuously moved towards the escape.

He was not without injuries, half of his body was swallowed by the black hole.

If it hadn't been for the cost of falling a few small realm, and forcibly displaying a Golden Cicada shelling Divine Ability, it was estimated that he was also buried in this black hole.

The current Aurora patriarch can barely maintain the realm of the extreme emperor, and his lower body will not recover for a while.

However, Aurora patriarch was just about to energize his momentum and to escape through the void when a man wearing a black robe appeared in front of him.

Aurora patriarch's pupils contracted sharply.

Is this a catastrophe that caused an extermination in an instant, really man-made? !

Is this person the murderer in front of you? !

Several questions suddenly appeared in his mind, but at the next moment, he found that the black robed man in front of him had disappeared.

A pain swept through his body, he lowered his head in a daze, and a long spear with a strange pattern pierced his chest.

Then, centering on his chest, his body began to collapse.

Aurora patriarch then lost consciousness, Divine Soul shattered!

"didn't expect there will be a fish that escaped the net."

Mu Qing took back the gun of the end, a little surprised.

He has investigated before. Although this aurora clan is a division of the Holy Kingdom in the bipolar world, there are not many powerhouses in it, and the strength is not too strong.

It can almost be said that there are two or three stinky fish and rotten shrimps, and Mu Qing doesn't care much at all.

An annihilation black hole compressed into particles, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood destroyed the entire aurora family, but didn't expect someone to escape.

Of course, even if Aurora patriarch escaped, he couldn't hide from Mu Qing.

"Finally finished!"

Mu Qing summon out of luck with the ancient tree.

After annihilating the Aurora tribe, the ancient tree of luck finally caused a qualitative change again!

The rays of light of shallow blue became more and more intense, and finally reached blue!

In an instant, Mu Qing had a wonderful change, as if he had relieved his burden, relaxed and relaxed.

His starry will in the Hunyuan Realm expanded at an astonishing speed and eventually covered the entire Hunyuan Realm!


Mu Qing burst into ecstasy in his heart.

He absolutely didn't expect, this time the action will be so smooth!

Mu Qing is even ready to fight with the Holy Kingdom, even if the evil god does not come personally, but other powerhouses at Holy Lord Level are still very likely to come to the bipolar world.

Be aware of this, Mu Qing will go to kill Yintian and indirectly send a message of Celestial Emperor.

The candidate for Star Supreme is gone, you must protect me!

This is one point that Mu Qing wants to use Celestial Emperor. After all, if other powerhouses from Holy Lord Level cross-boundary, he is definitely not an opponent and can only rely on Celestial Emperor.

If you want to come to Celestial Emperor, you won't let him die.

But absolutely didn't expect, it lasted for such a long time from beginning to end, and even a powerhouse that could be seen in the past did not appear!

Mu Qing is actually quite unexpected, not even the extreme Peak powerhouse.

The most powerful one is only the ninth-level emperor.

The extreme powerhouse of this level, Mu Qing doesn't see it at all, it can almost be killed easily!

Putting away the ancient tree of luck that has transformed into blue, Mu Qing drilled into the Black Hole Vortex and once again came to the center of the bipolar world.

He looked towards Qi Luck List.

Ninth place, Demon Domain!

The color of luck is blue!

The power of luck of Demon Domain has squeezed directly into the top ten on the luck list!

Mu Qing sighed in relief.

Finally done!

After that, his spirit tensed again, and he didn't know if the evil god invaded the Hunyuan realm during this period.

Mu Qing doesn't want anything else, the first thing is to hide the Hunyuan World!

Now that the will of the starry sky covers the Hunyuan realm, he can already be called the real master of the Hunyuan realm.

Lord of the world!

He can hide, move, and even explode the Hunyuan World!

At the same time.

Out of bounds.

The battle between Land of Primal Chaos and the Holy Kingdom was very tragic, and many Chaos Creatures fell.

The King of Chaos and King Hun also suffered serious injuries.

But at this time, under everyone's attention.

The Hunyuan Realm not far from the battle between the two sides suddenly moved towards the distance by a large distance, and then slowly became transparent until it disappeared!

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