"Don't count on other people, even if they come, they won't be of much help."

The King Hun was a bit contemptuous.

Tens of thousands of Chaos Creature came out of the world, and then with the help of the king, everyone hid their breath.

At this time, an ocean far larger than Star Domain crossed the boundary.

The Sea of ​​Silence!

Under the command of the evil gods, the Holy Kingdom crossed the boundary with the Sea of ​​Nirvana, preparing to enter the Hunyuan realm and launch a slaughter.

The Sea of ​​Nirvana passes through the boundary wall from the Blue Moon Realm, moved towards the Hunyuan Realm.

Outside the realm, even the evil god, the Holy Spirit will be suppressed to a certain extent, and the many Chaos Creatures led by the two chaos kings have not been found at all.

Don't look at the Sea of ​​Silence so huge, but the speed is not slow at all, and it soon came not far from the Hunyuan World.

And at this time, two giants appeared on both sides of the sea of ​​nirvana.

The King of Chaos and King of Chaos!

The Wings of Chaos spread out behind the King of Chaos, extending hundreds of thousands li.

Eight eyeballs behind the King Hun, their eyes are like blades, piercing the void!

"What happened?!"

The evil dragon Holy Lord rushed out, his face solemn.

"Who is it! I dare to target my holy country!"

The Holy Lord of evil flame wore white clothed and hovered above the sea of ​​silence.

The two are frowned and looked towards all around.

A huge silhouette emerged, enclosing the Sea of ​​Silence.

All of them are Chaos Creature, and every Chaos Creature also possesses the strength of an extremely great emperor!

Among them, Chaos Creature with extreme Peak strength has more than ten!

Especially some of the ancient Chaos Creatures, their seniority is even higher than that of the Chaos King and the Chaos King, and their strength has reached half the Supreme level.

A touch of blood light rises from the depths of the sea of ​​silence.

The evil god is wearing scarlet armor, his eyes are indifferently watching all around, and finally his eyes fall on the King of Chaos and King of Chaos.

He showed a grinning smile.

"I still want to give you a surprise, didn't expect you to be so proactive, are you rushing to die?"

The pressure of the evil god suddenly broke out, even if It was in this out-of-bounds area that everyone still felt an oppression, and even the Second Chaos King couldn't help but have a trace of heart palpitations.

The King of Chaos and King Hun looked at each other, and both of them were shocked.

Before the Celestial Emperor and Laojun had been suppressing the evil gods, so the strength of the evil gods was just heard by others. Only the Celestial Emperor and the old gentlemen knew their specific strengths.

Although the overall power of the Holy Kingdom is huge, in terms of extreme powerhouse, it is similar to Land of Primal Chaos.

After all, Land of Primal Chaos still has a few semi-Supreme players, who can have several extreme powerhouses with one enemy.

The only thing the Two Chaos Kings worry about is the strength of the evil god.

Now that they are in contact, they realize that the strength of the evil god is far beyond their imagination!

In the bottom of their hearts, the two have an idea.

Can it really be defeated?

They didn't know that the evil gods now are much stronger than when they were suppressed by Laojun and Celestial Emperor!

The origin of the Holy Spirit universe in Divine Physique has been digested for most.

The power in his body began to move towards an extremely high-end level of transformation.

Perhaps, after the Holy Spirit universe in Divine Physique is completely digested, he can even create a complete universe!

Not only that, the evil god also intends to devour the origin of the chaotic universe.

Just like the Celestial Emperor's pursuit of double avenues, the evil god attempts to possess the origin of the dual universe, so that he can detach himself and become more powerful!

"Since it's here, don't leave."

"Die for me!"

The evil god's face was twisted and ferocious, making a shock The roar of heaven and earth.


In an instant, the evil god raised his hand, and countless negative energy in his palm gathered to form a gray and black ball of light, which then exploded suddenly.

A huge Formation formed in an instant, enveloping all Chaos Creature.

The evil god wears scarlet armor and has a scarlet giant sword in his hand. There is a skull on the sword grid.

He flashed, appeared beside the Chaos King, and the blood-colored giant sword suddenly cut out.


The reaction of the King of Primal Chaos is naturally also extremely fast, turning around is just a punch, and the majestic Power of Primal Chaos burst out from his fist.

A burst of air blasted all around, and the rays of light were extremely dazzling.

"Pu chi!"

A long and narrow wound opened on the body of the King of Chaos, splashing blood from the sky.

"The King of Chaos!"

The King of Chaos eyes shrank, feeling surprised in my heart.

A powerful body like the King of Chaos is injured!

On the contrary, it is an evil god. He received the Chaos King's punch but nothing happened. There were countless negative energy entangled all over his body.

"Mourning for the dead!"

The evil god released his best Death Power. As soon as this divine ability came out, a terrifying Death God shadow appeared behind the Chaos King.

The shadow of this Death God is very vague, but when you look closely, it makes your scalp numb. It is clearly composed of the heads of countless souls and Remnant Souls!

Death God's shadow is quite hideous, with sharp claws in both hands, grabbing the Chaos King's wings of Chaos, and tugging!


Chaos Energy collapsed in midair.

The Wings of Chaos behind the King of Chaos is forcibly torn apart!

Hun Wang was naturally not looking at him. The eight eyeballs behind him emitted amazing energy, and the eight chaotic beams of light penetrated.

The evil god laughed, his scarlet armor had a big, hideous mouth, devouring these chaotic beams.

This method is exactly the same as the Celestial Emperor who owns the Devouring Avenue!

"Come and have fun with us!"

The evil god seemed to be very happy, laughing, the blood-colored giant sword in his hand kept cutting out, the half-moon shape with strong negative energy The slash made the two kings of chaos feel very tricky.

"Damn, why is this guy so strong?!"

The Chaos King gnashing teeth.

The two of them are the best in Chaos Creature besides the Chaos God.

Although there is no breakthrough to Supreme Realm, and no increase in Supreme Item and Supreme Avenue, it still has the strength of Supreme by virtue of its own characteristics and advantages of Chaos Creature.

Even better than most Supremes, almost at the same level as Thunder Punishment.

If there is no limitation of Chaos Creature, let them all break through to Supreme, their strength may be comparable to Celestial Emperor and Laojun.

But now, when the two of them join forces, they seem to be powerless when facing evil gods.

The evil god has entered the state. He has just used two special blue moons to digest a part of the Holy Spirit universe in his body and increase his strength.

Now fighting with the two kings of chaos, you can just get familiar with your current strength!

At the same time, on the Sea of ​​Silence, the evil dragon Holy Lord and the evil flame Holy Lord brought many powerhouses of the Holy Kingdom to fight against the Chaos Creatures of the Land of Primal Chaos.

The Sea King Holy Lord did not appear because he was injured by the Supreme Taoist last time in the Ancient Immortal world.

In the Land of Primal Chaos, in addition to the two kings of chaos, there are still many powerhouses.

Some half-Supreme Chaos Creatures all appeared as giants, with weapons in their hands have nothing common with each other, working together to fight the evil flame Holy Lord and the evil dragon Holy Lord.

Mixie also participated in this battle. He usually likes to reduce the reminder to about three meters. In Land of Primal Chaos, this kind of like is quite special.

But in today’s battle, the Misunderstanding has shown its full strength, and it has also turned into a Primal Chaos Giant, showing the power of pluck the stars and seize the moon, Heaven and Earth Reversal!

"Your strength is also only this, I think it's time to send you on the road."

After fighting for a while, the evil god is intact, carrying the blood-colored giant sword.

The two chaotic kings are both wounded, looking at him with a heavy face.

"Land of Primal Chaos is closed, even if you kill us, you will never get the origin of the chaotic universe!"

The King of Chaos said solemnly.

When they came out, they had completely closed the entrance of Land of Primal Chaos.

Unless the two of them join forces and reopen, the entire Land of Primal Chaos will always be locked down.

However, the evil god did not feel any worries when he heard this.

"I found that you still don't seem to have a specific perception of my strength."

"What if the Land of Primal Chaos is closed? Land of Primal Chaos after all Still in the Primal Chaos world, at worst, I will destroy the entire Primal Chaos world, and the Land of Primal Chaos will naturally be revealed."

The evil god is not worried at all, a trace of his face is revealed. Grinning.

"You don't know anything about my power!"

In the next instant, scarlet power burst out from the evil god.

The crimson light renders the entire world. The breath of this power is very mysterious, as if it surpasses the general power, even stronger than Power of Primal Chaos!

"I have played enough, let you see the power that can be compared with the origin of the universe!"

The evil Divine Palm condense a scarlet light group, and then suddenly A huge beam of light burst out and hit the two kings of chaos!

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