"The evil dragon Sir Holy Lord, how should the situation in the bipolar world be good?"

Aurora patriarch contacted the evil dragon Holy Lord again.

"We have more important things here. In this way, I will send a powerhouse to help you. Specifically, after we solve it, I will come personally."

Holy Lord brows slightly wrinkle, replied.

In fact, he doesn't care too much about what happened in the bipolar world.

Some races, unfathomable mystery, disappeared, and I don’t know what happened. The bipolar world only said that the powerhouse of the extreme Peak had taken action, but in fact they didn’t even investigate the specific situation. .

Such a vague message is passed, and it is naturally unlikely to attract attention.

Compared with things in the bipolar world, things in the ancient Immortal world must be more important.

After receiving the command of the evil god, the evil dragon Holy Lord immediately brought a group of powerhouses to the Ancient Immortal world to support.


The bipolar world, within the aurora family.

Aurora patriarch's face was stiff. He spent a lot of time and finally got in touch with the evil dragon Holy Lord, only to say something like the opposite.

If they have the ability, they will naturally find out what is going on in the bipolar world, and whether there is a peak powerhouse targeting them.

But the problem is not found!

"What did the headquarters say?"

Beside, a powerhouse looked towards Aurora patriarch.

Aurora patriarch gloomy face, said: "The evil dragon Holy Lord said that he would send an extreme powerhouse to help us."

Several people present were frowned.

They noticed the wording of Aurora patriarch.

Send an extreme powerhouse instead of an extreme Peak powerhouse.

"che, what's the use of sending an extreme powerhouse? We don’t lack such people. If there is really an extreme Peak that is secretly targeting our bipolar world, that guy will come. It's useless."

Another powerhouse of the holy country couldn't help but vomit.

"Okay, the information we submitted is not complete, even more how there seems to be something important on the headquarters side, so we will delay for a while. The evil dragon Holy Lord said that after solving the problem there I will come here in person."

Aurora patriarch waved his hand and disbanded the meeting.

Now they can only wait.

They didn't care about the extremely powerful powerhouse sent by the headquarters. Instead, they placed their hopes on the evil dragon Holy Lord.

"Patriarch, according to the investigation information, the number of disappeared higher races has increased by more than 100. At the same time, three Peak races have been killed. They also disappeared without leaving any traces."


A clansman came to the front of Aurora patriarch and reported a piece of news.

"Damn it!"

Aurora patriarch slammed a fist against the wall beside him.

He gritted his teeth, and his face was ugly.

He didn't know what happened in the bipolar world. Why did these racial forces suddenly disappeared?

Did the existence of Extreme Peak deliberately target them, or did something happen in the bipolar world?

Aurora patriarch and the extreme powerhouses of several holy kingdoms are not without investigation.

But even they couldn't detect anything wrong, as if everything had disappeared out of thin air.

A few days later, within the Aurora clan, a silhouette broke through the air and swaggered into the temple.


Aurora patriarch and several holy kingdoms suddenly shouted loudly.

Several people present stood up, their faces were solemn, and they felt an extremely powerful pressure approaching.

"Oh? You don't have to be so polite, you still deliberately stand up to greet me."

A young man strode over, with blue hair, and his breath was terrifying. Although it has not reached the extreme Peak, there should be a realm of the 9th-order extreme emperor.

The blue-haired man strode to the side of the crowd, randomly found a place to sit down, put his legs on the table, with a supercilious attitude.

"My name is Ji Tianyu. During this period, I will manage the affairs of the branch."

"By the way, I heard that there have been some What's the matter, what's the specific situation, tell me."

Ji Tianyu used a sloppy tone, and didn't even look at the other people present.

Although they are all powerhouses of the Holy Kingdom, the arrogance and arrogant and despotic revealed by Ji Tianyu made Aurora patriarch and the others very upset.

Aurora patriarch complexion sank, and the expressions of the powerhouses of the other sacred kingdoms are hard to see.

Ji Tianyu's words are here to seize power!

Although the bipolar realm is only a branch, the benefits they can derive from the forces that manage the entire realm are naturally very rich.

Even if most of them have to be turned over to the headquarters of the Holy Kingdom, the remaining part is good for their extreme powerhouses.

Even if they don’t need it, it’s okay to give it to their younger generation.

Aurora patriarch and the other powerhouses in the branch are considered to be relatively harmonious, because they reasonably share the interests, everyone gets the right resources, and everyone is satisfied.

But when Ji Tianyu came, they wanted to take charge of the entire branch. They absolutely couldn't accept it!

"Your Excellency is the powerhouse of the Sea King Holy Lord Lineage, right?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but we are more familiar with the branch, so you won’t worry about it. Now."

Aurora patriarch said solemnly.

He didn't expect to request the support of the evil dragon Holy Lord. Not only did he not hire a helper, he even lost his power!

What is the origin of Ji Tianyu?

They all know in their hearts, the surname is Ji, and they have blue hair. They are obviously the powerhouse of the Sea King Holy Lord faction.

Although the Holy Lord is not the dísciple of the evil god, it is also the confidant of the evil god.

The descendants of the sea king Holy Lord, the evil dragon Holy Lord, and the evil flame Holy Lord, almost all can be said to be nobles in the holy kingdom, and their status is much higher than the powerhouse of the same realm.

But Aurora patriarch is also an extreme powerhouse, including several extreme powerhouses from the Holy Spirit universe. Everyone is also a high-level powerhouse in the Holy Kingdom.

The identity of the descendants of the Sea King Holy Lord really doesn’t really matter to them!

Everything is based on strength!

Unless the peak powerhouse comes in person, even if it is a powerhouse, they will recognize it.

But a guy who hasn't reached the extreme Peak, his status is about the same as them!

What if the other party is from the headquarters?


A sturdy powerhouse slammed the table.

"Boy! You have to figure out what this place is! First put away your arrogant attitude and then come to talk to us!"

Aurora patriarch can be said to be a tactful refusal. However, this man was obviously violent, and directly scolded Ji Tianyu.

Ji Tianyu put his legs away from the table, and suddenly straightened his body, staring sharply at the man.

This extremely powerhouse body trembled suffocated the gaze of Shang Ji Tianyu inexplicably.


Suddenly, a beam of light penetrated the opponent at a speed that no one could react.

Other people present pupil shrink and their faces are shocked.

Didn't expect Ji Tianyu to say it, just take it!

Ji Tianyu exploded in an imposing manner, and the table in front of everyone burst into pieces.

He flashed and appeared in front of the strong man, a ball of water condensed from his palm and touched the opponent's chest.


With a bang, the fleshy body of the powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom burst into pieces in an instant.

"Stop it!"

Aurora patriarch and several other extreme powerhouses looked terrified, and they exploded in an imposing manner, together crushing Ji Tianyu, trying to stop him.


Ji Tianyu screamed, his power became even more terrifying, and he directly rushed away from the imposing manner oppression of several extreme powerhouses.

He stretched out his palm, and a vast ocean suddenly rushed out of the void, a huge wave surged, and the sea condensed into a water prison, imprisoning a Holy Spirit like a wolf and a tiger.

Behind Ji Tianyu also appeared the Holy Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit unique to the Sea King Holy Lord Lineage!

But compared to Ji Lun, Ji Tianyu's Sea King Holy Spirit is much more blurred, and his facial features are not clear.

The illusory sea king takes the endless sea Power of Water in his hand, and condense a Trident, and the wire runs through the Holy Spirit to the opponent without the slightest hesitation.

At this time, Aurora patriarch and the others finally discovered that Ji Tianyu was really murderous!


The opponent can be regarded as an extreme powerhouse, but in the hands of Ji Tianyu, he is as weak as a breakthrough emperor, and he did not fight back at all. force.

As Trident pierced through the Holy Spirit like a wolf and a tiger, an extreme powerhouse fell!

"Now, who else has objections?"

Ji Tianyu's blue eyes, looked towards everyone.

Aurora patriarch and several powerhouses of the powerhouse of the holy kingdom were silent for a while and did not speak.

They didn't expect Ji Tianyu to be so cruel, and they didn't expect Ji Tianyu's strength to be so terrifying, they almost killed an extreme powerhouse in a crushing posture.

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