Just when Aurora patriarch reported the situation to the headquarters of the Holy Kingdom.

Mu Qing has come near the second Peak race force.

The same is to leave a black particle, turn around and leave.

After a while, the huge black hole swallowed everything, and the dignified Peak force disappeared out of thin air.

Even the creatures in this race have not figured out the situation.

There is no pain, and no strangeness is noticed. I only feel the darkness in front of my eyes and disappear into the starry sky.

This is the strength of Extreme Peak.

Change to other people can also have this effect.

When the extreme Peak deliberately dealt with higher races, Peak races, it was easier than crushing an ant.

There is no cruelty, billions, or even tens of billions, hundreds of billions of creatures will disappear in a flash, even the pain will not be felt.

Normally, there will be no extreme Peak to do this kind of thing, and the vision is already different.

The powerhouse at the top of the pyramid of the universe will naturally not be angry because of an ant.

It can be said that Mu Qing can be regarded as the first extreme Peak to strike against higher races and Peak races.

This way down, so many higher races and two Peak races have been destroyed.

Instead, Mu Qing’s ancient tree of luck is more shining, and the white rays of light seem to stab shatter void.

Even, Mu Qing saw a trace of light blue!

This slight change in the ancient tree of luck made Mu Qing's expression happy.

This shows that the power of air luck is about to change.

And this way down, Mu Qing is also thinking about a problem.

That is, does this luck represent Demon Domain's or his own?

After all, during this period of time, all the luck that Mu Qing plundered was attributed to him.

"Perhaps there are both?"

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows and didn't care about them anymore.

Regardless of whether the plundered luck belongs to Demon Domain or himself, the beneficiary is himself anyway.

During this period of time, the predatory spirit was lucky, and he clearly felt his strength growth.

Of course, the improvement of strength is secondary.

At this level, even if it has gained a lot of air luck, it doesn't have much to improve Mu Qing's strength.

If you want a substantial improvement, you still need the Condense Supreme Avenue.

However, what makes Mu Qing even more pleasantly surprised is that his boundless starry sky range has been significantly improved.

Others are Divine Soul, and Mu Qing’s Divine Soul has transformed into a starry mind will.

The will to think is divided into two parts. The most important part is the divine ability of the endless starry sky, which covers the starry sky of Demon Domain and completely belongs to him.

The other part is the starry singularity in Mu Qing's mind.

This is equivalent to other people’s Divine Soul divided into two, even if half of them are destroyed, they can survive on the other half.

Now, through the power of looting, Mu Qing's starry sky thinking will soar, and the range covered by the endless starry sky has reached the size of about a hundred galaxies!

This is really a result!

The power of luck through plunder, although each race does not contribute much to Mu Qing, the total amount of power accumulated is beyond imagination!

After Mu Qing tasted the sweetness, he worked harder.

He doesn't know when the Holy Kingdom will rule the Blue Moon Realm, but it won't be too slow.

When the time comes, it is the Hunyuan World.

Mu Qing must grab more luck as soon as possible!

It's a coincidence that the appearance of this luck list seems to be destined to help Mu Qing.

Others didn't care much, but for Mu Qing, the power of luck is the foundation of his cultivation thinking secret technique!

Mu Qing can rely on the power of air luck to improve all the time, but for others, even if they get strong air luck, what about?

Others do not rely on the power of air transport to improve their strength. Even if the power of air transport is now more substantial and can be seen and tangible, they want to develop the use of the power of air transport, Divine Ability and cultivation technique do not know how many years it will take.

Mu Qing's secret technique of thinking is the result of the study of the Supreme Starry Sky in the past, and it has spent countless efforts.


Somewhere in the blue moon world, there is a sea of ​​silence.

At this time, with the invasion of the Holy Kingdom and a Holy Lord leading the powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom, in a short period of time, most of the Blue Moon Realm has been completely ruled by the Holy Kingdom.

After all, there were a large number of powerhouses in the Holy Kingdom before that came to the Blue Moon Realm, and the powerful Blue Moon tribe had already taken refuge in the Holy Kingdom.

It is only a matter of time to completely rule the Blue Moon Realm.

The evil god, located above the sea of ​​silence, in front of him, is a blue moon, shining brightly.

The lingering power of the Blue Moon even made the surrounding Silent Sea freeze.

But soon the dying sea was turbulent, and the ice was broken again.

Obviously, this is a special blue moon exactly the same as the blue moon that Mu Qing had absorbed at the beginning!

Mu Qing also guessed before, whether there will be a second special blue moon, didn't expect it!

An evil dragon gallops from a distant starry sky and arrives in no time.

"Master, there is still no news about a special blue moon at the moment, and we may need to look for it for a while."

The visitor is the evil dragon Holy Lord.

Before Celestial Emperor rescued Mu Qing, but Dragon Girl and Ji Lun did not die and brought back some news.

The first special blue moon has been obtained by Mu Qing, and it is suspected of absorbing refining.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't make up the three special blue moons. If there are only two special blue moons, I can't immediately help me digest the origin of the Holy Spirit universe."

The evil god is sighed, and at the same time, the killing intent of Mu Qing is becoming more and more intense in my heart.

He has already discovered that the three special blue moons in the Blue Moon Realm can help him quickly digest the origin of the Holy Spirit universe in his body.

When the origin is completely digested, then his strength will reach an astonishing level.

Even if it is not Sovereign, it is not far from Sovereign this realm.

However, one of the special blue moons was taken away by Mu Qing, and the effects of the remaining two special blue moons were not so obvious.

"By the way, news came from the branch of the bipolar world, saying that many high-level races and even Peak races have disappeared inexplicably, and it is suspected that the powerhouse of the extreme Peak has shot."

The evil dragon Holy Lord told another news.

The bipolar world is also one of the forces of the Holy Kingdom. Now a large number of high-level races have suddenly disappeared, and they may be destroyed. Reasonable in every circumstance needs to be paid attention to and dealt with.

The evil god hearing this, pondered for a moment, but changed the topic.

"I heard that the Supreme Taoist guys are going to retake the Ancient Immortal world?"

The evil god face somewhat gloomy.

The Ancient Immortal world is very important to Thunder Punishment, but it is even more important and strategic to the Holy Spirit universe.

The passage of the universe is over there!

As long as the Ancient Immortal realm belongs to their holy country, it can continuously transport the powerhouse from the Holy Spirit universe.

Of course, even if there is a cosmic channel now, there are still risks in such things as crossing the cosmos.

The evil god completely controls the Holy Spirit universe in his own hands, and the disobedient Holy Lord controls or kills, and the rest is under his command.

So far, there are only three Holy Lords who have successfully entered the Chaos Universe through the cosmic channel!

Sea King Holy Lord, Evil Dragon Holy Lord, Evil Flame Holy Lord!

In fact, the evil god originally had a Holy Lord under his command, but it was a pity that an accident happened when he passed through the passage of the universe, and even the evil god could not be saved.

The opponent is lost out of the universe, and the evil god doesn't know where the opponent is. It is impossible to know whether it is dead or alive.

There is also a Holy Lord and many extreme powerhouses in the Holy Spirit universe, waiting to come to the Chaos universe to join the Holy Kingdom when they are sure enough.

"Ancient Immortal world can't be lost!"

"I can solve the special blue moon thing by myself. You immediately lead people to support the evil inflammation with the sea king."

The evil god said solemnly.

He did not choose to guard the Ancient Immortal realm himself, but let the three Holy Lords, the evil flame, the evil dragon, and the sea king, go to deal with the Supreme Taoist, Thunder Punishment and the others.

Accordingly, the evil god is the most powerful, and he is more certain to go personally.

But the evil god did not do this.


The evil dragon Holy Lord lowered his head and retreated, but his eyes flickered.

He is not a stupid person, he naturally knows what is thinking in Divine Heart.

That is distrust of him!

The evil dragon Holy Lord can be regarded as the confidant of the evil god, but at this time, the evil god revealed a trace of distrust.

The special blue moon is very important to the evil god. As long as he can digest the origin of the Holy Spirit universe, no one will be his opponent in the entire chaotic universe.

But the first special blue moon has already lost once. The evil god no longer trusts other people, he chooses to collect these special blue moons himself!

As everyone knows, this has caused a rift in the relationship between the evil dragon Holy Lord and the evil god.

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