Celestial Emperor cultivated for a while.

Suddenly opened his eyes again.

He seems to understand what Mu Qing meant by doing this.

Mu Qing's current cultivation base has reached the extreme Peak, and the Celestial Emperor personally took the initiative to unlock the seal of the Avenue of Stars.

It can be said that in the next period of time, the Avenue of Stars will belong to Mu Qing.

The Celestial Emperor is naturally impossible to deprive Mu Qing of the Avenue of Stars in Mu Qing's body again, and replace it with another person.

This Celestial Emperor knew it, and Mu Qing knew it in his heart.

But why did Mu Qing deliberately kill Yintian?

"Is this a signal for me?"

The Celestial Emperor squinted.

The life and death of Yintian is not important to the Celestial Emperor.

Mu Qing also killed Yintian when he knew this, which was actually a signal to the Celestial Emperor.

"This guy, is it possible that he wants to go to war with the holy country?"

The Celestial Emperor frowned, then waved his hand, and took the hideous picture in the sky. He tore it down and threw it in the sky.

That is his Supreme Item, swallow the sky!

Invisible bite!

In order to ensure that Mu Qing does not have any accidents, Celestial Emperor exiles his Supreme Item in the sky and follows Mu Qing.

If there is an accident, Mu Qing will be rescued at a critical moment.

Celestial Emperor knew that Mu Qing wanted to get his protection by killing Yintian, but Celestial Emperor had no other choice.

"Do your best to resist...No matter what, you are not my opponent in the end."

The Celestial Emperor looked at the void indifferently.

In his eyes, Mu Qing's time is running out.

When Mu Qing was rescued, the Celestial Emperor swallowed the Heart Demon symbiosis Xuandu and transformed it into the purest energy to help Mu Qing heal his injuries.

But you have to know that the Heart Demon symbiont is the ultimate Peak powerhouse.

How could there be so little energy?

Most of the remaining energy was hidden by the Celestial Emperor and stayed in Mu Qing's body.

When encountering danger, this energy will help Mu Qing recover from his injuries.

Usually, these energies will push Mu Qing's strength in the dark.

Even if Mu Qing delays it deliberately, it will not last long!

In the end, regardless of whether Mu Qing is willing or not, he will reach the semi-Supreme realm.


At this time, Mu Qing who had killed Yintian was leaving Heaven Realm at an extremely fast speed.

The next thing he is going to is the bipolar world!

Since the Holy Kingdom is affirmative of Hunyuan Realm's move, Mu Qing will naturally not sit still, he intends to take the initiative.

It is true that with his current strength, plus the entire Demon Domain, he is not an opponent of the Holy Kingdom at all.

When there is a conflict with the Holy Kingdom, it is very likely that he will not die, but Xinrui, Tu Lao and others will definitely not survive.

The Celestial Emperor will only save him, and he is naturally indifferent to other people.

Mu Qing impossible places hope on the Celestial Emperor.

And after realizing that the Qi Luck List appeared in all circles, Qi Luck became plundered.

Mu Qing has a certain idea.

The avenue of stars on his body is lifted, which means that the bottleneck that restricted him has disappeared, and he has been able to continue to improve his strength.

Is there any way to save Demon Domain?

Mu Qing thinks about it, there is only one way.

That is to become the real master of the Hunyuan world!

The Demon Domain now dominates the Hunyuan realm, but it is only the military force dominating.

When encountering a more holy country, this position will be taken away.

But Mu Qing’s boundless starry sky covers the starry sky with the will of thinking, turning it into his own belongings.

In the beginning, Angel Race and Titan Race giving tit for tat, Mu Qing was able to hide his own starry sky with the power of the boundless starry sky, making it difficult to be discovered.

And now, Mu Qing intends to repeat the same trick.

But now even if the Demon Domain is hidden, the Holy Kingdom will definitely be able to find it.

Once the evil god uses an indiscriminate coverage attack, even Mu Qing's own thinking and will will be destroyed, leading to true death.

Mu Qing's current plan is to... plunder Qi Luck, and then cover the entire Hunyuan Realm with the will of thinking and make it his own!

When the time comes, Mu Qing hides the entire Hunyuan Realm, and the Holy Kingdom has no way to enter!

To do this, you must have a lot of luck.

There must be no way to obtain such a huge amount of luck in a short time.

Mu Qing has obtained enough air luck so far, but he is not even in the top ten on the air luck list.

"Qi Luck List!"

"Qi Luck List gave me the opportunity, and the plunder of air luck is also real, taking advantage of the time when the Holy Kingdom is ruling the Blue Moon Realm. , Plunder your luck as much as possible!"

Mu Qing's face was solemn.

He went to the Bipolar Realm alone without any other helpers.

The main reason is that a person is more flexible, and he went to the bipolar world not to let the power of the Holy Kingdom there, but to destroy it!

Mu Qing crossed the boundary wall and successfully came to the bipolar world.

He stopped, summon out of luck with the ancient tree.

Since the mutation on the Qi Luck List, this complete ancient tree has completely become an instrument of luck.

Without any means of attack, a pure white ancient tree of Qi Luck appeared in front of Mu Qing, rooting in the void.

Qi Luck is no longer presented in quantity as before, but as on the Qi Luck List, the color represents the strength of Qi Luck.

The ancient tree of air luck symbolizes the air luck of the entire Demon Domain, and its color is white.

But this white is quite dazzling, even after Mu Qing killed Yintian, he could clearly feel a mysterious incomparable special power into the ancient tree of luck.

It must be the power of luck!

Kill the enemy and gain the power of luck!

It's that simple!

Mu Qing speculates in his mind that if he wants to cover the entire Hunyuan realm with his will of thinking, I am afraid that he needs to make the power of Qi Luck blue, or even deep blue.

The luck of Demon Domain is a dazzling white.

This richness of luck ranks first among all the Peak forces!

But Mu Qing knows that this is far from enough.

His enemy, but the Holy Kingdom of Ranked 1st!

His opponents are also Supreme forces!

"I hope it will be possible."

Mu Qing took back the ancient tree of luck, took a deep breath, stepped into the Black Hole Vortex, and disappeared in place.

If it is really too late, you can only ask Land of Primal Chaos for help.

After all, Mu Qing's will to think is in the Hunyuan realm. Once discovered by the evil god, his body will be useless everywhere.

And Thunder Punishment, they will also help Demon Domain after they fight back to the Ancient Immortal world. Perhaps things have not yet reached the worst point.

“You can’t count on others too much, being strong is the last word.”

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

next moment, he appeared on the star of a low-level race.

The medium race is considered to have a Star Domain. Although there are not many stars, it can be called a Star Domain anyway.

Most of the lower races are on one star, and the slightly stronger ones are two stars.

The low-level race that Mu Qing entered is considered a technological race.

The development is even stronger than that of Earth in the past years.

Of course, these are like floating clouds in Mu Qing's eyes. No matter how powerful technology is, it can only reach the Great Emperor Realm level.

Mu Qing's thought fluctuations swept across in an instant, then his face was indifferent, and he raised his hand and waved a black particle, and then the silhouette disappeared.

"Don't blame me, who told you to acknowledge allegiance in the holy country."

Mu Qing's words echoed throughout the stars.

He also knows that most of these low and medium races do not have the ability to migrate across borders. If you want to survive, you can only acknowledge allegiance to the Holy Kingdom, the ruler of this bipolar world.

For them, it is to survive, compelled by circumstances.

But Mu Qing is not soft-hearted, the enemy is the enemy, even if the opponent is weak, it is also the enemy!

The two sides have different positions that's all. There is no difference between good and bad.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of creatures within the stars looked up towards the sky.

This race half human half beast, tall and strong, possesses great strength.

These unimaginable creatures turned out to develop technology to strengthen themselves!

They can't see Mu Qing naturally, they only hear Mu Qing's echoing words.

a The senior members of the clan shouted and used various methods to probe Mu Qing, but unfortunately, there was no effect.

After that, a black particle fell on the ground and expanded at an astonishing speed.

Earth, mountains, rivers...

Villages, cities, countries...

Everything was swallowed by the deep black hole.

Mu Qing has been gone for a long time.

But there was no trace left here. The black hole swallowed everything and everything that was obliterated with Void Power, was subsequently disappeared.

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