
The celestial troops and generals around Yintian trembled and roared in horror.

They looked all around, but unfortunately they couldn't see anything.

Mu Qing's speed is too fast!

At least these celestial troops and generals of God Sovereign Realm can't feel it at all.

When they came back to his senses and looked towards Yintian, they pupil shrink one by one, and their faces were shocked.

I saw Yintian face looks sinister, and his whole body was stiff.

The chest is a transparent hole, and there is one after another strange power on the edge, which breaks the fleshy body into fragments, and then disappeared.

Yintian did not die immediately.

He is still conscious.

But he found that his body was no longer in control, and at the same time he was unable to mobilize any power in his body.

I can only watch my body wither!

At the same time, that force also invaded his Divine Soul.

The fleshy body and Divine Soul fester are synchronized!

At this time, one after another powerful aura emerged in Celestial Court.

Mu Qing is fleeting, and the speed is too fast. However, there are many powerhouses in Celestial Court, and those extreme Peak powerhouses can still detect some abnormalities.

Sword light, thunder, and fairy light emerge.

The powerhouse of the three extreme peaks is coming in an instant.

Gufeng the Great, Lord of Thunder Palace, Lord of Immortal Palace!

The three people appeared next to Yintian and quickly checked the situation of Yintian.

"I have already left."

Frewns the Great Emperor Gufeng.

Even when he immediately noticed that strange breath, he didn't have time to rush out and leave him behind.

Even, their three people don’t know who made it!

The breath is fleeting and can't be captured at all.

It can only be vaguely noticed.

"It's not saved, Divine Soul has been wiped out by a terrifying force..."

The Lord of Thunder Palace checked Yintian’s situation on the sidelines, and soon heave a long sigh.

I can't save it!

When Yintian was attacked, they had already noticed it. How much time has passed since then?

In the end, Yintian was killed!

"Undoubtedly, it was an extreme Peak who did it, and his strength was very powerful. While killing him in one shot, it didn't hurt the people around him and concentrated all his strength on one point."

The Great Emperor Gufeng said solemnly.

At this moment when the three of them were talking, Yintian's fleshy body also turned into tiny pieces, and finally collapsed away.

"Who would shoot us at the Celestial Court at this time? Is it possible that a person from the Holy Kingdom?"

The lord of Immortal Palace was puzzled.

"No matter what, report this to Your Majesty first."

The Lord of Thunder Palace shrugged helplessly.

The murderer could not be found, and Yintian could not be saved, so he could only report the news to the Celestial Emperor.

Anyway, they are all high-levels, and Celestial Emperor will naturally not blame them for this.

If it weren't for Yintian's special status, he was a direct subordinate of Celestial Emperor, they would not bother to offend a powerhouse of extreme Peak for Yintian.

"cough cough, then...who will report to the Celestial Emperor?"

The lord of Immortal Palace coughed a few times and his eyes drifted to the two.

The relationship between Yintian and Celestial Emperor was originally unusual, but now Yintian is not only killed near Celestial Court, the powerhouses of their extreme Peaks don’t even know who the other party is. This is really shameful.

The ghost knows whether the Celestial Emperor will be angry because of this. Although it will not be angry, it is still possible if he is scolded.

The expression of Emperor Gu Feng is calm and composed, and it seems that he will not worry about this kind of thing at all.

But at the next moment, his silhouette is broken down into countless sword lights, disappeared.

The lord of Immortal Palace was taken aback, then looked towards the lord of the thunder palace on the other side.

But where is the silhouette left?

Only one electric flower remained on the spot, gradually disappearing.

The lord of Immortal Palace almost vomited blood with anger.

These two guys ran away directly!

The lord of Immortal Palace explored Divine Soul and swept across the Celestial Court, only to find that these two guys did not return to the Celestial Court at all. The ghost knew where they went!

"Damn, these two bastards!"

The lord of Immortal Palace cursed a few times, and then went to the Celestial Court Immortal Sect, alone.

Beneath the Immortal Sect is the place for the high-level meetings of the Celestial Court, and within the Immortal Sect is the permanent residence of the Celestial Emperor.

Not the same as Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is relatively low-key, he just marks an area on the moon as his practice field, and there is no special and luxurious residence.

In contrast, the residence of Celestial Emperor is quite compelling.

An Immortal Sect, illusory and void, lingering in the fairy mist, no one knows what it looks like inside.

The Lord of Immortal Palace thought about the wording of the report later, and then came outside of Immortal Sect.

"Celestial Emperor Your Majesty, the silver sky has fallen."

The lord of Immortal Palace said solemnly outside Immortal Sect.

They all know that even Celestial Emperor recently retreats in Immortal Sect and reports directly to the foreign exchange. Celestial Emperor knows about it.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing else that needs special reporting on this matter.

The lord of Immortal Palace held back for a long time, then suffocated another sentence.

"I don’t know who the opponent is. I, the Lord of Thunder Palace and Emperor Gufeng, noticed a slight strangeness at the same time, but there was no way to leave a breath. I guess it should be the powerhouse of the extreme Peak or even the half Supreme level. Assaulted Yintian."

While speaking, the lord of Immortal Palace still brought the lord of Lei Palace and Emperor Gufeng into the water.

"I already know, you can withdraw..."

There is a misty voice in Immortal Sect, without any emotion.

The Lord of Immortal Palace thought about it for a moment, but couldn't detect whether the Celestial Emperor was angry or not, touched his chin, turned and left.

In Immortal Sect.

This is a space filled with fairy lights, auspicious clouds lingering, and fairy shadows disillusioned.

The Celestial Emperor sits in this mysterious space, seeming to be cultivation.

Beside him, there is a big mouth of nothingness, and the hideous fangs are showing out, as if they are gnawing on some substance.

For a long time, Celestial Emperor's eyes slowly opened and closed.

"Silver Sky..."

The Celestial Emperor protruded out of Divine Soul, silently sweeping across the starry sky near Celestial Court.

"Anyone passing by will leave traces."

The Celestial Emperor whispered.

Supreme and Extreme Emperor are not at the same level at all. Some details that Gufeng the Great and the others could not perceive can be felt by Celestial Emperor as Supreme.

After a while, Celestial Emperor took back the strength of Divine Soul, eyebrows slightly frowned.

"What on earth do you want to do? Is it because of despair?"

Celestial Emperor looked towards Void, whispered.

His strength of Divine Soul penetrated into endless void, where he felt a trace of breath, the breath of Mu Qing!

Suddenly, Celestial Emperor knew who was the murderer who killed Yintian.

Unfortunately, when Mu Qing shot, the Celestial Emperor closed the Immortal Sect and was retreating.

Otherwise, he can stop him and stop Mu Qing.

Soon, the Celestial Emperor no longer paid attention to this matter, closed his eyes and entered the state of secluded cultivation again.

Immortal Sect is also shrouded in a white mist.

In the eyes of others, Yintian and Celestial Emperor have a special relationship, and even Yintian is the exclusive subordinate of Celestial Emperor. Some orders are executed by Yintian instead of these extreme high-levels of Celestial Court.

Many high-level members of Celestial Court have already regarded Silver Sky's status as the same as Extreme Peak.

But in the eyes of Celestial Emperor, Yintian was only this.

Yintian is just an alternate in the Star Supreme project.

Because of Yintian's loyalty, Celestial Emperor chose to hand over some tasks to him many times.

But now, Mu Qing has reached the extreme Peak, and is about to break through to Half Supreme, getting closer and closer to Supreme.

Seeing that the Avenue of Stars is about to reach perfection on Mu Qing's body, Celestial Emperor is naturally impossible to change.

Furthermore, Celestial Emperor can't wait.

Yintian died when he died, and there was no ripple in the Celestial Emperor's heart.

It's just that Mu Qing killed Yintian, which surprised the Celestial Emperor that's all.

Now, the Celestial Emperor has more important things to do, and that is to pave the way for the next double avenue!

What height will the Double Supreme Avenue push him to?

Celestial Emperor doesn't know it himself, after all, he has deduced it for so many years, but he hasn't really tried it.

If it fails, Divine Soul is annihilated.

Success, you will achieve a generation of Sovereign and rule the entire universe!

The Celestial Emperor is naturally very familiar with his own avenue of devouring, and this Supreme avenue is also extremely powerful.

With Devouring Power, Celestial Emperor can incorporate the Avenue of Stars into the body.

At the same time, after the Avenue of Stars is perfect, it will probably be stronger than the Avenue of Devouring.

One of the reasons for choosing Avenue of Stars is that Avenue of Stars is good at fusion.

But even so, Celestial Emperor must ensure that his body and Divine Soul can accommodate these two powerful Supreme Avenues, so he has been in retreat.

After all, there is only one chance.

This time opportunity is also the Celestial Emperor's gamble on his own life!

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