A few days later, Mu Qing found the big golden octopus from the Sea of ​​Silence.

This guy has been on the safe side. As the former Sea King of Nirvana, now he lives an extremely casual life.

When Mu Qing found this guy, this big octopus was devouring a giant marine fish in the sea.

"Why did the domain owner... find me."

The big octopus is very confused.

Mu Qing grabbed it from the sea and imprisoned it in midair.

"Supreme is still alive?"

Mu Qing asked.

When Emperor Anwu talked to him earlier, he mentioned the extinguishment of Supreme.

Mu Qing asked afterwards, and the answer he got was that the Supreme is indeed still alive.

Of course, this is inferred from the information obtained from the mouth of the Demon Ancestor when the Emperor Anwu communicated with the Demon Ancestor.

In order to verify, Mu Qing personally found this Nervous Sea King today.

Even if the Sea of ​​Silence is taken away by the Holy Kingdom, this guy is still reluctant to acknowledge allegiance, and even found a chance to escape.

There is only one person who has always acknowledged allegiance, and that is Supreme!

Mu Qing's eyes burst with fierce light, coldly snorted and said: "I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise I will grill you on the spot!"

In between, thousands of black holes appeared around the big octopus.

This one after another black hole is extremely deep, devouring everything around it.

Different from before, now Mu Qing's black holes are all made with the void black hole singularity condense. The power is even more terrifying, and this guy can't resist it at all.

The big octopus frantically twisted its body and tentacles, and his heart was full of anxiety.

It felt a strong murderous intention from Mu Qing. What is certain is that if you don’t tell the truth, Mu Qing will definitely kill it!

The big octopus that has escaped from the Sea of ​​Nirvana has greatly reduced its strength. It is not Mu Qing's opponent at all, and it can even be said that it has no power to fight back.

"Don't...Don't...I said..."

During this time, he hesitated for a while, but the big octopus still opened the mouth and said: "Old Master is not dead yet, he enters Sovereign Road."

"Even Old Master has disconnected from the Sea of ​​Annihilation. It makes people feel that Old Master is dead. In fact, Old Master has always been in Sovereign Road. As long as Old Master returns , You can regain the control of the Sea of ​​Silence."

"Why did you choose to join Demon Domain? What is the purpose?"

Mu Qing scolded again.

Didn't expect that Supreme is still alive, and combined with the news that Emperor Anwu told him, it is true that the probability of Supreme on Sovereign Road is great.

"I can't stay in the sea of ​​nirvana, the evil god may be aware of something, Old Master sends me a message through the sea of ​​nirvana, let me come to you."

big The octopus has a very quick tone. It is shiver coldly and is confined in midair by Mu Qing's power. All around is the densely packed Black Hole Vortex.

Acidentally the tentacle hit a black hole, and it was annihilated!

"Supreme knows me?"

Mu Qing frowned.

"The Old Master said that you have a certain relationship with the old Celestial Emperor, and even suspected that you were a dísciple cultivated secretly by the old Celestial Emperor, so as long as you follow you, there will be no trouble."

"In fact, the Old Master's suspicion seems to be correct. Sir Domain Lord, you sing all the way and reach the peak Peak in a very short time. I believe that it will not be long before Sir Domain Lord can reach Supreme. It is famous and the universe is known! "

The big octopus knelt and licked Mu Qing after speaking.

No way, his life is in Mu Qing's hands.

Mu Qing can directly obliterate it by moving his fingers casually, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

It can only say good things as much as possible, regardless of whether it is against his heart, please please a few words before speaking.


Mu Qing didn't kill the big octopus, but let Xinrui stare at it just in case.

Back to his land of cultivation, Mu Qing fell into contemplation.

"It's the old Celestial Emperor again!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

The Demon Ancestor and Supreme in Sovereign Road all think that they are related to the old Celestial Emperor!

At this time, he also realized that Supremes who entered Sovereign Road had some means to influence the outside world.

This is the case with the Demon Ancestor, and so is the Supreme.

Perhaps Nirvana Supreme is not as good as the Demon Ancestor, including the rumors of until now, that the battle strength of Nirvana Supreme's body is not too strong.

But the characteristic of the Supreme Item is that it is special.

His Supreme Item has Supreme-limited probability, and even incorporates three other Supreme Items.

If it is the nirvana Supreme, it does have this ability to cut the connection between the Supreme Item and itself, so that others will not notice the Supreme aura on the nirvana sea, and think that the nirvana Supreme has fallen.

"What are the Supremes in Sovereign Road planning?"

Mu Qing frowned, feeling very puzzled.

The ancestors and Supreme in Sovereign Road, whether they are friends or foes is still uncertain.

After thinking about it, Mu Qing contacted Jiang Saint.

After all, his identity as the Supreme Star has been exposed, so I still have to talk to Jiang Saint.

At the same time, Emperor Anwu said that when dealing with the Celestial Emperor, the Demon Ancestor would help him deal with the Celestial Emperor in the Sovereign Road.

Whether this is a helper is still to be discussed.

"Why did you find me again?"

Jiang Saint was very upset and almost roared.

Actually, Mu Qing has not contacted Jiang Saint for three years.

But for Jiang Saint, there is no concept of time.

Jiang Saint has always been hiding in his small universe. He has no idea that three years have passed since the outside world.

Perhaps three years is no different for him than three days.

"My identity has been exposed."

Mu Qing said seriously.

"What status?"

Jiang Saint didn't care at first, but then seemed to realize something.

He hurriedly asked: "Is the Starry Supreme thing exposed?"

Mu Qing immediately told Jiang Saint the news he had contacted from Emperor Anwu.

"Magic Ancestor?!"

Jiang Saint was taken aback by Mu Qing's news.

He was extremely shocked, but can the Mozu touch the outside world on Sovereign Road? !

But he quickly calmed down.

"It is not strange that the Mozu knows this, he is also one of the insiders."

Mu Qing was puzzled.

"For the Star Supreme matter, why is the Mozu an insider?"

He doesn't understand, and from Jiang Saint’s tone, it doesn’t seem surprising that the Mozu knew this The thing, on the contrary, was shocked that the Mozu was able to involve the outside world from Sovereign Road.

"Do you know the identity of the Demon Ancestor?"

"The Demon Ancestor was the dísciple of the Celestial Court Immortal Palace in the past. It is also the sixth-generation Star Supreme in the plan of the Celestial Emperor. One of the candidates."

"However, the Celestial Emperor did not choose the demon ancestor, but chose a female Heaven's Chosen, who became the sixth generation and Dao Companion of the demon ancestor at the same time! "

" These news are all the news that I left from the sixth generation. It is conceivable that after the demon ancestor found out that his woman had died, he would inevitably go after it, even if the Celestial Emperor did it. It’s useless to press it down."

"Therefore, it’s not surprising that Mozu knows this, but I didn’t expect that Mozu has such a great ability to plan everything in Sovereign Road."

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