
Mu Qing rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little complicated.

Isn't this Emperor Anwu helping the Demon Ancestor? Why do you want him to intercede with Demon Ancestor?

"What the hell is going on? You tell me clearly, otherwise I won't cooperate with you."

Mu Qing is low shouted.

The Emperor Anwu gave a wry smile.

"It’s okay to tell you, do you think I really do things for the demon ancestor? The one who can look down on me, the trifling who has just stepped into the extreme emperor."

paused, there was a trace of panic in the eyes of Emperor Anwu.

"The demon ancestor’s methods are definitely more terrifying than you think. He clearly is on Sovereign Road, but he can still interfere in the chaotic universe. I was a fucking careless person, and he took a half. Divine Soul!"

He darkened his face and said in a hoarse voice: "The devil ancestor is not a good stubble. After using me, he may not return the other Half Divine Soul to me. It's abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal, and directly obliterate me!"

The Emperor Anwu took a deep breath.

He continued: "I have investigated carefully. The Demon Ancestor does not know everything that is happening in the universe all the time. He is even more impossible to come back here from Sovereign Road, unless some means, such as... …A puppet of extreme realm!"

Mu Qing frowned, "You mean, the devil wants to turn you into a puppet, so as to return from Sovereign Road?"



A trace of regret appeared in the eyes of Emperor Anwu.

He gnashing teeth said: "I was originally Peak Peak, and then I got a chance to break through to the extreme realm, but that was not a chance at all, but the devil’s ancestor had arranged a game long ago, let me The breakthrough to the extreme realm meets the standards of puppets, but at the same time it takes away half of my Divine Soul!"

"Now, my other Half Divine Soul is already in the Sovereign road, in the hands of the demon ancestor! "

"The Demon Ancestor will definitely use that Half Divine Soul as an opportunity to turn me into an Avatar one day in the future!"

"At that time, I myself 'S consciousness will inevitably be wiped out!"

The Great Emperor Anwu firmly said.

He was not a chess piece arranged by the Demon Ancestor, but was caught in the devil's trick and had to obey the Demon Ancestor's words.

The Emperor Anwu keenly captured some details, and he had already concluded in his mind that after the Demon Ancestor had used him, he would forcibly turn him into an Avatar belonging to the Demon Ancestor.

This can be considered one of the Mozu’s plans. The Mozu asked Anwu Emperor to contact Mu Qing for the purpose of targeting the Celestial Emperor. The opponent knew about the Supreme Starry Sky. Even now Mu Qing is the ninth-generation Starry Sky. Supreme knows everything.

After the Celestial Emperor is resolved, the Demon Ancestor will turn Anwu Emperor into an Avatar.

Mozu is on the road of Sovereign, even if it is as powerful as him, it is difficult to get out of it, so he thought of a way.

Since I can’t come back, I will make an Avatar, and the Avatar that can withstand Supreme’s power must be an extreme powerhouse!

The Emperor Anwu can only barely meet the requirements.

took a deep breath, maybe I realize that my sincerity is not enough.

The Great Emperor Anwu walked to Mu Qing, fell on his knees, lowered his head, and pressed his forehead against the ground.

This scene, even Mu Qing was touched by it.

Which one can cultivation above the emperor, who is not a person with strong self-esteem?

The identity of Emperor Anwu is even more different. He was originally a patriarch of Demon Race, and later joined the Celestial Court. He also has a high status. Now, he is an extremely powerful powerhouse!

Such an extreme powerhouse actually kneeled in front of Mu Qing and grabbed the ground with his head. If this spreads out, I am afraid the entire universe will be in an uproar.

Mu Qing looked at him quietly.

I couldn't help thinking of Mu Changya who chose to betray the Ancient Immortal world.

Not only Mu Changfang, many other forces have powerhouses to seek refuge in the Holy Kingdom.

Everything is to survive!

As long as you can survive, what is betrayal?

From the current situation, the Holy Kingdom seems to be the strongest. The key is that evil gods are still trying to rule the entire chaotic universe. This makes those powerhouses who want to survive panic, so they choose to betray and take refuge. To the holy country.

For all influence, these betrayers are naturally unforgivable, and countless people hate them.

But for the betrayers themselves, the words of outsiders are nothing at all, they just want to survive!

If the Celestial Court is not the Holy Kingdom, these people will choose to seek refuge in the Celestial Court.

"I implore Lord Mu Yu to save my life!"

The Emperor Anwu said solemnly.

"Get up."

Mu Qing hit Chaos Energy and lifted it directly from the ground.

"What is the use of you begging me? If you want to kneel, kneel to the demon ancestor."

"Naturally useful."

Suddenly laughed.

He solemnly said: "In the eyes of the demon ancestor, I am just an ant. He would never put me in his eyes."

"But you are different !"

"Based on my brief contact with the Demon Ancestor, I can be very sure that the Demon Ancestor’s attitude towards you is completely different, especially after the Demon Ancestor knows that you have the forbidden bottle, the while speaking tone, It even treats you as the existence of the same level!"

"What do you mean?"

Mu Qing's face suddenly condensed.

The words of Emperor Anwu are a little strange.

The ancient Supreme of Mozu is very terrifying, and can even influence the outside world from within the Sovereign road.

I am afraid that even some Supreme may not be able to see him.

Why would I be treated as a person of the same level by Mozu?

"I think it’s because of the Sky Forbidden Bottle. The Sky Forbidden Bottle is the Supreme Item of the old Celestial Emperor. Although the Mozu wants to kill the Celestial Emperor, he does not seem to have much hatred for the old Celestial Emperor."

An Wudi explained.

Of course this is just his guess.

"Sky Forbidden Bottle?"

Mu Qing touched the chin.

There seems to be only such a probability.

Otherwise, with his strength, he would be considered a stronger ant that's all when he was on the top of the devil ancestor, how could he be treated as a same level by the demon ancestor?

"Working with the Demon Ancestor is definitely to seek the skin of the tiger, but you can rest assured that I don't even notice that the Demon Ancestor wants to hurt your mind."

The Emperor Anwu thought about it. Said: "In other words, it should be the Demon Ancestor knowing that he can't murder you, so he doesn't have this thought. Therefore, you must be safe, and even the Demon Ancestor will look at your face and let me go!"

"Sky Forbidden Bottle..."

Mu Qing groaned. What made him a little surprised was that he had always been wary of Sky Forbidden Bottle before. Didn't expect this to be a Life Protecting. Talisman.

"You first produce Holy War angels in Demon Domain, but if you let me find something wrong, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!"

Mu Qing shouted.

After that, Mu Qing asked Luo Daozhong to arrange a star for Emperor Anwu to create the Holy War angel.

In fact, Mu Qing has long been fascinated by Emperor Anwu's ability to produce Holy War angels.

But because he was afraid that Emperor Anwu had other thoughts, he arranged Emperor Anwu in the Demon Domain periphery zone, and at the same time did not allow Emperor Anwu to involve Demon Domain in some matters.

Even Emperor Xingfeng will stare at Emperor Anwu himself!

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