"Sky Forbidden Bottle 2nd aura, has the Space Power to block!"

Mu Qing feels this power, he urges Chaos Energy to try to break the space , I couldn't break it all at once!

"It's no wonder that Thunder Punishment needs the halo power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle. The ability to block space can completely trap the extreme powerhouse!"

He was secretly surprised.

The abilities displayed by the Sky Forbidden Bottle are all very powerful. Just in terms of assisting combat, it has an extremely significant improvement.

Even the extreme Peak powerhouse cannot immediately break this blocked space.

"If you encounter the pale Demon God next time, you may be able to rely on the sealed space of the Sky Forbidden Bottle to restrain it!" Mu Qing secretly said in one's heart.

Mu Qing has already guessed about the nonexistent power of the pale Demon God.

The other party should be in control of a special realm space. As long as you enter that realm space, your own existence will be eliminated from the outside world, as well as other people's memories of it.

But as long as Mu Qing lays down this blocked space, perhaps the pale Demon God cannot enter the non-existent realm!

After successfully mastering the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle, Mu Qing found Thunder Punishment again.


Thunder Punishment said solemnly, and at the same time passed the coordinates to Mu Qing.

"The place where the Holy Kingdom discovered is located in a certain starry sky in the Celestial Realm. There are no galaxies or stars around there, and the body of Supreme in the starry sky is in a Secret Realm of endless void."

He informed Mu Qing of the specific location, that Secret Realm exists in endless void, not only the corpse of Supreme in the starry sky, but also other Supreme Treasures.

"The location where Secret Realm is located is considered to be the depths of endless void. The power of the void storm can't be resisted even by the extreme Peak powerhouse, and there is a risk of death."

"The Holy Kingdom has been looking for ways to rush into Secret Realm through those terrifying void storms during this period, so there has been no action."

Thunder Punishment explained.

"In addition to the evil gods in the holy kingdom, don't there be the evil dragon Holy Lord and the sea king Holy Lord?"

Mu Qing couldn't help but wonder.

The powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom cannot enter Secret Realm, but Supreme can definitely enter it?

He remembers the current Supreme battle strength of the Holy Kingdom, there are two sea kings, the Holy Lord and the evil dragon, the Holy Lord!

Even relying on the cosmic passage in the Ancient Immortal world, it is very likely that more Holy Lords will come!

"Celestial Court and Ruthless Hall are blocked."

Thunder Punishment's face condensed and said: "The number of Supreme powerhouses in the Holy Spirit universe is unknown, so I asked for it. The Chaos King is to prevent this."

"The evil dragon Holy Lord and the Sea King Holy Lord are blocked by the Celestial Court and the Ruthless Hall, respectively."

"And if the Holy Spirit universe If there are more Holy Lords coming, then Land of Primal Chaos will take action to resist, and the Supreme powerhouse of Nine Nether will also take action."

"Now the Supreme powerhouses of all parties are restraining each other and can Work and actions related to the overall situation will be taken care of by our extreme powerhouses!"

The faces of all the people present are solemn.

They are all extremely high-level people, and they are also a very critical group of people.

With Supreme restraining each other, the battle between extreme powerhouses will determine the next trend.

Of course, the most important thing is still Supreme.

If there are more Supremes in the Holy Spirit universe, then the balance of restraining each other will be broken. If several Holy Lords of the Holy Spirit universe take action, these extreme positions may fall.

Mu Qing hearing this, nodded, understand the current situation.

What surprised him was that the emperor of Celestial Court and the immortal capital of Yanhuo went to contain the evil gods. In this case, Celestial Court could also stop the evil dragon Holy Lord. I am afraid that Celestial Court is not the emperor. There is also a Supreme powerhouse.

Even if the Celestial Court today is not as good as before, it should not be underestimated!

After that, Mu Qing glanced at Thunder Punishment, looking thoughtful.

Thunder Punishment was originally Supreme!

He is also the first generation lord of Thunder Palace of Celestial Court.

The current Thunder Punishment, which is equivalent to half a Supreme, is already very terrifying.

If Thunder Punishment returns to Supreme, I am afraid that the situation will be quite favorable.

Slaughter Great Emperor is also included. Slaughter Great Emperor integrates Supreme Avenue, and it is also very promising to break through to Supreme.

The Ancient Immortal world is not simple here. There are two potential seeds that hope to reach Supreme!

"Let's go."

After Mu Qing understood the situation, he opened the Black Hole Vortex, led everyone into it, and moved towards the coordinate position given by Thunder Punishment.

The distance is not too far, at least not too far for Mu Qing's speed after using the black hole singularity.

I felt the target location in one day.

Mu Qing immediately restrained aura, covering himself with the fluctuation of thinking and will, and everyone else also concealed aura.

Everyone is hiding in the sky, but their eyes are like lightning, breaking through the sky, and they can see the starry sky outside.

In Boundless Starry Sky, one after another powerful silhouette sits cross-legged, exuding a powerful breath.

All are powerhouses of Extreme Peak!

A total of five extreme powerhouses.

A young man, a short Little Old Man, a rugged robust man, and two young people are familiar. They were not originally from the Holy Spirit universe, but joined later.

"The young man's name is Ji Lun, a descendant of the Sea King Holy Lord. He is the powerhouse of the extreme Peak."

"The short Little Old Man is unknown, but there is also the extreme Peak. We call him the monster of thorns."

"The robust man is a flame lion, still an extreme Peak powerhouse."

"Two youths apart from this, one The name is Jiansan, and the other is Tianyu. They were originally the lower emperor and the upper emperor. However, the evil gods did not know what methods they used to raise their strength to the extreme realm."

Thunder Punishment sound transmission gives Mu Qing.

Among the five people in front of me, there are acquaintances and some who are relatively strange.

Mu Qing's face is heavy, this time the opponent is not ordinary, it is the powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom, not the level of Emperor Shengyao.

"Shall we take action now?" Emperor Xingfeng asked sound transmission.

The Xuan Fire Dao master shook the head, sound transmission replied: "The best time to take action is when endless void, when you can use the power of the void storm to attack the extreme high-level people of this group of holy nations. Cause more damage."

"Of course, Void Storm is an indiscriminate attack, so be careful."

Thunder Punishment looked towards Mu Qing, "You can first Don't take action, help us solve the surrounding void storm, let us concentrate on the enemy, but at the critical moment, we must seal off the space to prevent the group of guys from escaping."

"Understand." Mu Qing nodded.

Everyone hides in the sky and has been observing the powerhouse of Ji Lun, the supreme powerhouse of the holy kingdom.

There are two and a half Supremes, Thunder Punishment and Slaughter Great Emperor. Together, the breath is completely hidden, and even the extreme Peak cannot be found.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Ji Lun and the others to enter endless void.

However, this time is five days, Ji Lun and the others are still sitting calmly in the starry sky, everyone closed their eyes and cultivation, it seems that they have no intention of entering endless void.

Suddenly, Mu Qing heard a charming voice, which was charming.

"Don't wait, you are cheated!"

"The powerhouses of the Holy Kingdom in front of you are all fake!"

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