"Supreme's corpse in the starry sky?"

Jiang Saint pondered for a while.

He questioned: "Isn't it possible? The Star Supreme of all dynasties ended up being harvested by the emperor and deprived of the Avenue of Stars. Even the corpse was not left. How could the corpse of Star Supreme appear?"


Jiang Saint is the seventh-generation Star Supreme, and he naturally knows this best.

The emperor's strength is terrifying, and he can deprive others of the Supreme Avenue, but the end is naturally die without a whole corpse. Every generation of Supreme Starry Sky has no corpse left.

"Your news is true?" Jiang Saint questioned.

"Since you have said so, maybe the source has some problems, I will go and see for myself when the time comes." Mu Qing said.

After disconnecting from Jiang Saint, Mu Qing stroked his chin.

In this way, it seems that the Ancient Immortal world and the Holy Kingdom are all wrong?

Because Xinrui and the others and Jiang Saint who are related to Xingkong Supreme gave very positive answers. No matter which generation of Xingkong Supreme, there are no dead bodies left.

"Perhaps the power is close to the Dao Idol of the starry sky, so is it considered by the Ancient Immortal world and the Holy Kingdom to be the starry sky Supreme?"

Mu Qing pondered, he felt this guess It should be correct.

No matter what, he has to go.

If Meiqian didn't lie to him, it would be good to be able to obtain an extreme Emperor Treasure, no matter whether it goes smoothly, as long as there is an extreme Emperor Treasure, it can at least improve the strength.


The time passed quickly, Mu Qing received the news of Thunder Punishment, and asked him to go to the Tianchen Realm and set off in five days.

This is mainly because Thunder Punishment knows Mu Qing's black hole singularity speed, otherwise Mu Qing would have been to the Celestial Realm a long time ago.

"It just so happens that Xingfeng Senior Brother is about to break through."

Mu Qing looked towards the other side of the moon.

There is a strong breath there, and it is still growing, and then it erupts like a volcano, and the terrifying Power of Stars rushes straight into the sky.

After this period of dedicated cultivation, the strength of Emperor Xingfeng has finally recovered to the extreme realm!


Mu Qing entered Black Hole Vortex, the next moment appeared in front of Emperor Xingfeng, smiling and congratulated.

"Congratulations, I am still not your opponent." The Great Emperor Xingfeng shook the head with a smile.

Compared with Mu Qing, even he felt frustrated.

"Shall we set off now?" The Great Emperor Xingfeng looked towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing nodded, said: "Yes, it's about time in five days."

"Okay, I want to look at the Supreme corpse in the starry sky found in the Holy Kingdom. Does it have anything to do with the Master? Besides, I haven't played against the guys in the Holy Spirit universe yet. This time, this is just right to play against!" The Great Emperor Xingfeng grinned.

"Be careful, there are many powerhouses in the holy country, and there are several in the extreme Peak!" Mu Qing said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I know this. I have never underestimated them."

The Great Emperor Xingfeng has a serious face.

To live a lifetime, he naturally values ​​his life more than anyone else.

Subsequently, Mu Qing urged the black hole singularity, and the two went to the Celestial Realm through Black Hole Vortex.

Although Emperor Xingfeng has recovered to the extreme realm, it is naturally far inferior to Mu Qing's black hole singularity in terms of speed.

With Mu Qing's current strength, after stimulating the black hole singularity, the entire Hunyuan realm can be reached in an instant!

And the current speed of Emperor Xingfeng, I am afraid that he has just entered the Celestial Realm in five days. This speed difference is not a level at all.


Tianchen Realm.

In two days, Mu Qing and Emperor Xingfeng came to the temporary boundary space where the Ancient Immortal realm was located.

At this time, Thunder Punishment, Xuan Fire Dao and the others have gathered.

Even Slaughter Great Emperor and Tianlu Great Emperor are there.

A total of seven extreme powerhouses!

Several of them are the existence of Extreme Peak, and both Thunder Punishment and Slaughter Great Emperor are equivalent to half Supreme.

With Mu Qing and Xingfeng the Great, that would be a total of nine top rankings!

"Only nine of us?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

"There are still a few extreme powerhouses in the Ancient Immortal world, but they are also impossible to take. As for the upper emperor and the lower emperor, if you intervene in this action, it is likely to fall."

Thunder Punishment said with a smile.

Then, his face became solemn, said solemnly: "The Holy Kingdom seems to be planning to use the corpse of the Supreme Supreme in the sky to achieve some purpose, so they will not make a big fuss. It is reported that there are only five extreme powerhouses. Peak three."

The Holy Kingdom sent five extreme ranks, but the Ancient Immortal world had nine extreme battle strengths. Obviously, the Ancient Immortal world wanted to overwhelm the Holy Kingdom with an overwhelming force. The extreme powerhouse catches it all in one go!

For existences like Supreme forces, the powerhouse, who has died of tens of thousands, will not feel sorry for anything.

Even the loss of the lower emperor doesn’t care!

But if the upper emperor or even the extreme emperor suffers damage, even for the Supreme forces, it can be said to be broken!

"The reason why we are looking for you this time, in addition to your extreme realm strength, the main reason is that we need the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle."

Thunder Punishment takes out one Talisman handed it to Mu Qing.

This talisman is full of azure, with purple lines on it, lingering incomparably mysterious aura.

Mu Qing explored with the fluctuation of thinking and will, but did not feel anything special.

He couldn't help but looked towards the Great Emperor Tianlu.

"Look at what I am doing? I didn't make this." The Great Emperor Tianlu waved his hand to say with a smile.

"This is a talisman from Laojun Condense, which can help you further trigger the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle."

"Although the number of our extreme powerhouses far exceeds that of the Holy Kingdom, But in order to prevent accidental discovery, plus the extreme powerhouse is not so easy to kill, so the power of the sky forbidden bottle is needed to block the space."

Thunder Punishment explained.

"Further trigger the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle?" Mu Qing's expression was startled. Didn't expect this Dao Talisman to come from the hand of the old man.

"It's a pity that the old emperor and the emperor are always stared at by evil gods, otherwise they will directly condense a Supreme power, and the success probability of this operation can be improved a lot."

Thunder Punishment sighed.

The Dao Talisman given to Mu Qing was passed on to Thunder Punishment secretly by the old man trying to hide it from the sky.

"You can use this Dao Talisman directly to enhance your control of the Sky Forbidden Bottle, and then we will go directly to the location of the Supreme corpse in the starry sky!" Thunder Punishment is low shouted.

Mu Qing nodded, then took out the Sky Forbidden bottle in a secret room arranged by Thunder Punishment.

There is a yellowish-brown halo on the sky forbidden bottle, which contains strong gravity, and Mu Qing can easily control and actuate it himself.

But Mu Qing always thinks that there is another hand behind the bottle of Heaven forbidden, so he rarely uses it.

Take out the Dao Talisman given by Thunder Punishment, and Mu Qing sticks it on the sky forbidden bottle.

Suddenly, a dazzling rays of light bloomed from the sky forbidden bottle.

A halo emerged, it is the yellow-brown halo that can release gravity.

next moment, the 2nd halo emerges from the sky forbidden bottle, it is gray.

A mysterious force swayed, and the space all around suddenly became frozen.

Block space!

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