"cough cough... finally came alive, I thought I was really going to be sucked up bloodline by the god Shura guy." Luo Tian contorts one's face in agony.

His thin body recovered at a speed visible to naked eye, and a trace of rosy appeared on his old face.

Soon, a sturdy white haired old man appeared in front of Mu Qing.

Luo Tian didn't suffer much injury, but was calculated by the God of Asura, and his body Inner Strength was all taken away. In addition, the God of Asura had been withdrawn from the bloodline, so it was relatively empty.

Now that he has some energy, he recovers faster than Mu Qing, after all, his Divine Soul is not injured.

In order to remove the bloodline from Luo Tian, ​​the god Shura naturally offered delicious food and drink, and would not make a heavy hand on him.

"hahaha! I'm alive again!"

After Luo Tian recovered part of his strength, he couldn't help but roar towards the sky, the pipes stuck in him directly Be broken.

The breath of the fifth-order lower emperor suddenly burst out, sweeping all around.

"What bloodline are you?" Mu Qing looked surprised and found that Luo Tian was very tough, but he had only absorbed some energy, but now he is recovering at an astonishing speed.

Luo Tian’s original Asura Race bloodline has completely disappeared, and turned into another bloodline full of murderous intention.

In the memory of the god Shura, Mu Qing learned that the god Shura entered the Secret Realm of the profound crystal system and gained the boundless starry sky and some benefits, reaching the current eighth-ranked Great Emperor Realm.

After that, Luo Tian came to the door, but was defeated by God Shura.

The god Shura realized that the bloodline on Luo Tian was special, so he ecstatically imprisoned him, and used various methods to pull him away from Luo Tian’s bloodline and connect it to himself.

But the god Shura doesn't know the origin of Luo Tian's bloodline.

"My bloodline? Hehe, this is the immortal bloodline, I got it from the killing of Secret Realm!"

When I saw Mu Qing, Luo Tian laughed and answered.

He directly told Mu Qing all the origin of his bloodline, without any concealment, after all, he was rescued by Mu Qing.

If there is no Mu Qing, sooner or later he will be pumped to death by the god of Shura!

"At the beginning, God Shura and I had not fallen out, and we went to the Secret Realm of the Xuanjing Galaxy, which is to kill Secret Realm."

"Too many people were killed in Secret Realm. , But I took advantage of the chaos, entered a blood pool, and got the undead bloodline."

"But this undead bloodline did not give me any improvement in strength. On the contrary, it polluted my Shura bloodline and caused me I was always controlled by the desire to kill. I don’t know how many creatures I killed. I was finally defeated by the powerhouse of the Taiyue Palace and imprisoned."

"Later, my Shura bloodline had been abandoned, but it stood up after the break. The undead bloodline's desire to kill has been eliminated a lot, and it has been able to be controlled by me. After experiencing this time being caught by the god of Shura, the power of the undead bloodline has become more and more powerful."

Luo Tian told all the details. Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was surprised that the killing Secret Realm in Luo Tian's mouth was the Secret Realm that got the boundless starry sky in the memory of God Shura!

It's just a place called Secret Realm of Killing, why is there Supreme Divine Ability inheritance in the sky?

Mu Qing was puzzled, but did not interrupt Luo Tian.

Luo Tian continued: "At that time, I entered with the god Shura. At that time, I got the undead bloodline, but I didn’t say it. And the god Shura obviously also got some benefits. Don't tell me!"

He was so angry that he gnash the teeth. He thought that the undead bloodline he got had been very difficult to deal with. He planned to take revenge. Who knows that the god Shura is stronger.

"so that's how it is." Mu Qing nodded, and then seemed to think of something, said with a smile: "Since you are almost recovered, it is better to draw some bloodline to me."

"What did you say?!" Luo Tian blew his beard and stared.

Are there any mistakes? He just got out of trouble, his body is still empty!

After a while, Luo Tian still surrendered his undead bloodline, condensed into a fist sized blood cell, and handed it to Mu Qing.

His look pales a bit, and it doesn't seem to be a big problem, but his face hurts.

Mu Qing said ill-humoredly when he saw it: "It's just a little bloodline, and you can't die, even more how is your bloodline called the immortal bloodline?"

Luo Tian hooked the head, but sighed: "Where is the real immortality? From the memory fragments inherited from this bloodline, I learned that the Slaughter Great Emperor is the powerhouse of the extreme Peak. All these existences have fallen, and only one remains. Secret Realm has no reputation even in the universe!"

Many powerhouses have entered Xuanjing's Secret Realm search opportunity, but few people know the origin of this Secret Realm.

Only Luo Tian got the undead bloodline, and obtained some memory fragments from the bloodline, and learned that this Secret Realm called the killing Secret Realm.

The former Slaughter Great Emperor is the powerhouse of Peak!

"No wonder, the extreme Peak powerhouse is also called the Slaughter Great Emperor. I am afraid that all the killing aura is integrated into the bloodline. No wonder you can't control it at first." Mu Qing suddenly realized.

When Luo Tian just got the bloodline, he was influenced by the desire to kill for a long time.

"By the way, where is this place? You brought God Shura out and killed him?" Luo Tian suddenly looked all around curiously.

You can still feel some shocking energy aftermath, and there are many meteorites all around, which contain amazing energy, and there is even a tendency to give birth to the Divine Stone vein.

"This is Asura Race." Mu Qing responded indifferently.

His attention was on the blood cell in his hand, a dignified look flashed in his eyes, and then he directly crushed the blood cell, absorbed and swallowed it, and integrated it into his body!

In the divine ability of Boundless Starry Sky, there are methods for refining the bloodline of others to coexist in one's own body.

It just needs the starry sky Return to Origin to stimulate!

Sura God does not have the Starry Sky Return to Origin scripture, so he can only rely on evil ways to draw away the bloodline of others and inject it into his body.

Mu Qing is different. His Ten Thousand Magic Tome is based on the Starry Sky Return to Origin Scripture.

The immortal bloodline enters his body and turns into a star, and under the urging of Mu Qing, its own Demon Race bloodline also turns into a star, located in the dantian.


Suddenly, surprise appeared on Mu Qing's face.

Because he discovered that after he pulled away from the Demon Race bloodline and condensed into stars, the Monster Race energy originally hidden in the bloodline was actually isolated!

The Monster Race energy that only has the thickness of a thumb is obviously panic. It turns into an azure glow and directly rushes out of Mu Qing's body, moving towards Void Escape.

Mu Qing will naturally not let him escape. Eighty Demon Gods roared in the void, under one palm, Thunder Tribulation was densely covered, and palm print fiercely crushed on the Monster Race energy.


A large area of ​​space collapsed, and in front of Mu Qing and Luo Tian, ​​in a huge hollow, a void storm swept out.

The Monster Race energy was directly defeated by Mu Qing!

Even if it is the extreme powerhouse Monster Race energy, but it's all that's all, Mu Qing can still handle it.

In Mu Qing dantian, there is a bloody starry sky, a star lingering demonic energy, and a star emitting murderous intention.

The two stars are both transformed from the bloodline, and Mu Qing can mobilize the power of these two bloodlines at will.


Luo Tian was taken aback by the side. He didn't know what Mu Qing had suddenly gone mad, and suddenly hit the space in front of him. Palm.

Soon, he was shocked by Mu Qing's strength.

That palm completely surpassed him, even vaguely comparable to the upper emperor!

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