In Boundless Starry Sky, God Shura turned around with difficulty.

Mu Qing's Divine Soul appeared in front of him, beside him was a bottle blooming with multi-colored light, escaping an irresistible breath!

Although Mu Qing's fleshy body has been completely destroyed, God Shura can be sure that the opponent's current strength is definitely stronger than himself!


The first reaction of God Shura was to escape.

The flesh and blood exploded, Divine Soul escaped directly into the sky, very ruthless decisively!

He has no time to think about why Mu Qing was not killed by him and so on.

He only knows that if he doesn't run, he will definitely be killed!

Mu Qing regained his fleshy body in an instant, and there was still a hint of palpitations in his heart.

If it hadn't taken out the Sky Forbidden Bottle at a critical moment, I'm afraid he would really be killed.


At the same time, Divine Soul, the god of Shura, escaped to the place, all around the space split, and branches rushed out to bind it.

The god Shura exploded in power, but now he has caused the backlash to force the use of five bloodlines and starry sky power, which is extremely weak and unable to break free from the imprisonment of the ancient dead tree.

Mu Qing strode to the other side.

"Look at me." Mu Qing said solemnly, the moonlight flashed in his eyes.

The god Shura was sluggish for an instant, and immediately fell asleep.

The power of the Moon God’s Dream Realm will not last too long, Mu Qing immediately reached out his palm and pinched it on the Divine Soul head of the God of Asura.

Swallowing demonic energy frantically poured into it, and within a few breaths, the Divine Soul of the god Shura was swallowed up.

Mu Qing closed his eyes, and opened them after a while.

In my mind, the memory of God Shura emerged one after another, and the amount of information was quite large. After all, it was the life of God Shura.

However, the magic of the demonic path is also magical, swallowing nine methods, one of which is swallowed, and the eight is digested.

Mu Qing's cultivation is not deep, but with the Demon Race bloodline, he has a very easy cultivation. With Devourer by his side, his accomplishments are already very high.

There are many, many memories of the god Shura. If other people get this memory, it is not a good thing, they will directly burst their brains, and no matter how bad they are, they will have schizophrenia and become a lunatic.

Mu Qing tried his best to digest these memories completely.

That is, he cultivated to swallow the nine methods, so that other people can get so many memories, which will have a lot of impact on the spirit.

"Secret Realm of the mysterious crystal galaxy?" Mu Qing raised his brow.

The head still feels a little swollen, and after digesting the memory of the god Shura, Mu Qing has thoroughly understood why the opponent has the divine force of the starry sky.

The god Shura was originally the cultivation base of God Emperor Peak, but he accidentally entered a Secret Realm in the Xuanjing galaxy.

This Secret Realm is not concealed, but open. Many powerhouses have entered it and have gained a lot of benefits.

And the god Shura, but in it, got the inheritance of Star Supreme!

Of course, God Shura did not know that this inheritance came from the Supreme Star.

"Bloodline fusion, boundless starry sky."

Mu Qing whispered.

In the memory of God Shura, it is this divine ability that Mu Qing should pay attention to.

The endless starry sky, the creator of this divine ability, is the starry sky Supreme!

Mu Qing is certain, because this divine ability contains traces of the return to origin truth of the starry sky.

The only thing that puzzled him was that this divine ability was not recorded even in the Starry Sky Return to Origin scripture.

"Star Supreme, it is likely that the bloodline method and the divine ability are placed in different places." Mu Qing guessed in his mind.

In the Starry Sky Return to Origin scripture he got, although there are a lot of Divine Ability, but it is Supreme level, really not.

And the boundless starry sky that God Shura obtained in the Secret Realm of the mysterious crystal galaxy is obviously a Supreme Level Divine Ability!

"The prerequisite is the integration of ten Peak race bloodlines, which is really harsh." Mu Qing carefully checked this divine ability.

If you want to cultivation success this endless starry sky, the prerequisite is to fuse ten Peak bloodlines. This alone is extremely difficult, and the god Shura can only fuse five in the end.

"Obviously, there is no way of cultivation success in a short period of time. I can't get the ten Peak bloodlines either." Mu Qing shook the head.

The Demon Race bloodline on him is considered eligible.

It's even a little beyond that. According to the Devourer, his Demon Race bloodline is different from the Peak Demon Race bloodline obtained by the people in Luo Dao relying on the demon seed. It can already be called Supreme Bloodline.

This is absolutely in line with the divine ability of the boundless sky.

Unfortunately, apart from this, he still needs nine types of Peak bloodline.

Where did Mu Qing look for this?

When the god Shura was fleeing, he directly exploded the fleshy body, including the five bloodline powers. The same was true, and they were all burned out as a power to escape.

Finally, even the Divine Soul of Shura God was erased by Mu Qing, so the five bloodlines on the opponent were unavailable.

In addition, for the sake of concealment, the god Shura severed the connection between his bloodline and Asura Race, so after the god Shura reached the emperor, Asura Race did not become a Peak race.

"By the way, Luo Tian!"

Mu Qing immediately realized what, leaving behind the powerful Divine Ability of the endless starry sky, he barely lifted some strength and tore it apart The void somewhere in front of me.

A silhouette fell out, as thin as wood, with a languishing breath.

"Mu Qing?"

Luo Tian hovered in the starry sky with difficulty, looked towards his eyes, and immediately startled.

He has been kept in that small space, knowing nothing about what is happening outside.

However, the aftermath of Mu Qing's battle with the Shura god shattered a large area of ​​space, the void nearby was disturbed, and the small space that imprisoned Luo Tian was also torn apart.

Luo Tian, ​​who was already weak, was faced with various void storms at once. Fortunately, Mu Qing split the space in time, or Luo Tian would fall into the void storm.

"Why did you be like this?"

Mu Qing was also shocked when he saw Luo Tian, ​​almost unable to recognize him.

Mu Qing used Divine Soul to feel Luo Tian's breath before, but didn't expect Luo Tian to be tortured so badly!

"cough cough...hurry up, give me some energy." Luo Tian crouched, his voice was old and hoarse, very weak.

He is already weak.

Mu Qing directly threw away a few medium Divine Stone veins and squeezed them directly. One after another demonic energy gushes out, crushes these Divine Stones and refining them into pure energy.

Most of the energy is absorbed by Mu Qing himself, and a small part is like a stream flowing into Luo Tian's body.

These medium Divine Stone veins were all stolen from Asura Race by Mu Qing when he was in the Asura Race before, and he didn't feel distressed at all.

Luo Tian is too weak now, Mu Qing can only split the energy into the opponent's body.

As for Mu Qing himself, after the cultivation magic power swallows the Nine Laws, even if he is now in a severely injured state, he doesn't need to worry about anything. He swallows the remaining energy in one breath.

Mu Qing's breath gradually returned to stability, but his brows wrinkled.

The state of Divine Soul is more serious than before. If it is a retreat, it will take at least two years to recover.

And the special ore mentioned in Luo Dao, now the entire Asura Race has been wiped out, and it is obviously nowhere to be found.

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