The roar of Emperor Sheng Yao spread throughout Angel Race.

At the same time, the powerful aura belonging to the extreme position is also bursting out.

Many Angel Race executives felt this trembling breath, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

Angel Race executives were shocked and realized that Emperor Shengyao really had a breakthrough!

Some seniors sighed secretly.

Emperor Shengyao’s breakthrough is in extreme position, which means that in the future, Angel Race will probably be completely under the control of the opponent.

There are also senior executives who are extremely happy.

There is also a gap between Peak races!

An extremely great emperor sits in town, and among all the Peak races in the ten realms of the universe, he is considered to be the strongest group.

In the past, the most powerful Peak race in the Hunyuan world was Titan Race, followed by Angel Race.

But now, Angel Race also has an extreme emperor, and it will inevitably usher in an explosive improvement. At least the power map must be half of the entire Hunyuan realm!

"What's the matter? Patriarch breakthrough, why are you so angry?"

Everyone heard the anger in the tone of Emperor Shengyao.

"Not good anymore! The five emperors headed by Shengde the Great have all fallen! Even the powerhouse of ten thousand gods!"

Someone lose one's head out of fear, shouting loudly .

That Angel Race specializes in taking care of the Divine Soul crystals. As long as the Angel Race reaches the God Sovereign Realm powerhouse, they are eligible to place the Divine Soul crystals in a great hall in the central star. This is also a symbol of identity. .

Today, a large piece of Divine Soul crystals in the great hall shattered, and even the Great Powerhouse shattered five!

Emperor Sheng Yao steps on the void, located at the top of the main city of Angel Race.

He is calm, but everyone can feel the monstrous anger inside him.

Emperor Shengyao just broke through the extreme position, and all the clansman aura of Angel Race has been improved to a certain extent.

One person wins the way, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

At this moment of Shengyao the Great’s breakthrough, Angel Race bloodline is once again rich and pure.

But at this moment worth celebrating, Emperor Shengyao sensed the fall of his confidant and several of his subordinates.

He is the most powerhouse of Angel Race, and he can easily sense something through the bloodline.

"Come on, let me check it!"

"Who would dare to take action against the emperor of my Angel Race!"

Sheng Yao, the emperor gloomy face , The low roar spread throughout the central stars.

All clansman knows, Shengyao the Great is angry!

Although Shengyao the Great's breakthrough was in the extreme position on this day, he lost five great emperors and ten thousand god emperors.

Five emperors, four in the lower rank, and one in the upper rank!

In addition to the previous ones, Angel Race's recently fallen emperor can reach a full six!

Every big Imperial Capital is extremely difficult to cultivate, not to mention the name Shengde the Great.

The loss of 10,000 Angel Race God Emperor is also a huge loss to Angel Race.

"patriarch! Emperor Shengde is back!" A great emperor came to the ground of Emperor Shengyao and shouted.

The Emperor Shengyao's face was stagnant, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Shengde’s Divine Soul crystal and bloodline breath have disappeared, it should have fallen.

Are you still alive?

A divine emperor also hurried over at this time and said: "patriarch, the Divine Soul crystallization belonging to the Emperor Shengde in the temple, there is a trace of aura fluctuations again, and it is very likely that it has not fallen!"

Emperor Shengyao was moved, and quickly reached out to the strength of Divine Soul.

Sure enough, outside the main city of Angel Race, a middle-aged man with an extremely weak breath and a haggard look was being held by someone.

This person is the Emperor Shengde who was killed by the pale Demon God!


Emperor Shengyao suddenly appeared next to Emperor Shengde.

For this confidant, Emperor Shengyao is still very concerned.

The pure angel divine force poured into Shengde the Great to help him recover from his injuries.

Soon, Emperor Shengyao complexion changed.

The interior of Shengde's fleshy body was completely destroyed by a force, and Divine Soul was only a small piece of debris left!

It can be said that it is a miracle that Shengde the Great can come back alive!

One after another silhouette came through the air, and the powerful breath suppressed all around.

They are all emperors!

It can be said that almost all the big Imperial Capital in Angel Race came here.

Six great emperors and ten thousand emperors fell all at once. This is an unprecedented major event.

The emperors all wanted to see what happened.

"many thanks patriarch, I'm much better." Shengde the Great's face looked much better.

But still frowns tight, seeming to endure great pain.

Healing from injuries on Fleshy body is easy, but Divine Soul is not so easy.

Even the Emperor Shengyao, who had a breakthrough, could not help Emperor Shengde to recover his Divine Soul injury.

At best, help him stabilize the Divine Soul state.

If you want to recover, you must have all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Emperor Shengyao gloomy face.

Sacred virtue is almost abolished!

Divine Soul shattered like this, it is a miracle to be able to continue to live.

If you have the strength of a great emperor, it is estimated that you can play the power of the emperor.

"What happened, and why was the loss so heavy?" Emperor Shengyao asked in a deep voice.

This is also a point of curiosity for all Angel Race executives present.

What happened to the high emperor Shengde the great wounded like this, and damaged several great emperors and tens of thousands of emperors?

The body of Shengde the Great was trembling, and his pupils contracted slightly, as if recalling the existence of a certain terrifying.

He trembled and said: "patriarch, it is the Demon Race, a force named Demon Race, one of them is the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Demons, who killed us by one person, and the whole army was wiped out. Ah!"

The expression of Emperor Angel Race who was present changed suddenly.

Among the crowd, Emperor Tianxun frowned.

The Great Emperor Wanmo, he knew that he should be talking about Mu Qing.

The Great Emperor Tianxun sighed in his heart, didn't expect that the gap between him and Mu Qing has become so big!

At the beginning, the two played inextricably, and they even had some advantages.

"Demon Race...The Great Emperor..."

Emperor Shengyao has never let go of frowns.

He is thinking hard, but Demon Race and Ten Thousand Demons have never heard of it, not only in the Hunyuan realm, but in the nearby realms, he has never heard of such Peak races and powerhouses.

A powerhouse capable of such a high level is probably a high-ranking emperor.

"patriarch, this Demon Race......"

All the Angel Race executives around are confused.

What Demon Race, what Ten Thousand Demons, they have lived for so many years, they have never heard of it.

Emperor Sheng Yao shook the head, "I haven't heard of it either. Recently I will go to Celestial Court once. I will go to inquire about this Demon Race. Maybe the people in Celestial Court know it."


Celestial Court is the Supreme force, dominating the two realms, and there is even a trend of continuing to expand its influence. The next step is likely to be the Hunyuan realm!

Emperor Shengyao is in the extreme position of breakthrough and intends to take refuge in Celestial Court, and Celestial Court does not know how many Peak races, and may be able to inquire about the Demon Race news.

"Do you know where the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor is now?" Emperor Shengyao asked again.

Shengde the Great has a bitter face, and said: "It's not easy for me to escape alive. The other party is very mysterious. It seems to appear out of thin air. I don't have any clues about Demon Race and Ten Thousand Demon Emperor. ."

I couldn't learn something from Emperor Shengde, which made Emperor Shengyao a little disappointed.

"Shengde, take a good rest, it doesn't matter if there is no way to regain strength."

The Emperor Shengyao once again helped Shengde to stabilize the Divine Soul state, and then patted the opponent's shoulder.

He is not a ruthless person.

The Emperor Shengde is his confidant. Although it is almost a waste now, the Emperor Shengde has done so many things for him after all, so naturally he will not neglect.

"patriarch! Everyone! Must avenge me!"

Shengde weeping bitter tears, fell directly on the ground and knocked three heads.

For this, the surrounding Angel Race executives and even Imperial Capital of Shengyao University were moved!

Emperor Shengde was originally a high-ranking emperor, with infinite scenery and majesty, but now he knelt down to them!

This is simply unimaginable!

However, I did not notice that Shengde the Great, who was kneeling on the ground, had pale rays of light in his eyes.

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